For a father of two under 18 months today was a big early fathers day. Started out at craftbrewer with dad, the wife n kids in tow for a few tastings. Left there with a new grain bag and ph stabilizer. Onwards to archive bar for lunch and the reason I'm surprised I'm still typing. I had all intentions of writing descriptive tastings of the mixed six I brought home but, well, hopefully the pics will explain the mindless ramblings.
Started of with a bridge roads bling bling IPA. Too clever to take pics. Had this before and my god it's ridiculous. In a lovely way.

Next was rogues hazelnut brown nectar. Way too sweet. Nuttiness tasted thin like essence. Aroma warmed to smell of lukewarm butter. Nevertheless, drank down happily. Haha

Couple of stouts next. This one was recommended by the guy at archive. Founders breakfast stout. Being a newbie to the dark beers I found this pretty enjoyable. I wish u could tell you why but....

Green flash double stout. Enjoyed this slightly more than the founders although it had a slight piney flavour I'm not so keen on. Big, roasty flavour tho. And at 8.3% things start getting blurry from here on in.

Got this one to measure what a pro can do with the same hop I've used and thought I knew. Far out, the aroma was awesome. I wouldn't say passionfruit, but definitely a similar, tingly, fruit tingle type smell and taste. I can remember being slightly intimidated by how good this was.

This was the sixth nail in the coffin. And probably why I'm gonna regret this tomoro. If I could explain why this was so good I would but I can't so enjoy the pic. I'm off now to enjoy a couple of light home brew beers around that safe 6% mark.