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cheers mate its actually a full beard or will be in another week or so.
going slightly off topic heres the mo from movember

and here is the beard after 2 weeks

Mmmmmmm itchy! and in this heat! Braver man then I B.

BTW have you flipped that photo or is the T shirt really like that? If so where can I get one?
yeah its not too bad past the itchy stage lasted 2 days this time. the photo should be flipped as it was taken with my web cam on my laptop.
yeah its not too bad past the itchy stage lasted 2 days this time. the photo should be flipped as it was taken with my web cam on my laptop.

When you blokes get real facial hair, come back and post a picture. Otherwise leave that smut off my screen !

I think that needs to be posted in the "Whats on the face" thread.
actually we should start one witheveryone chucking in and getting fgz to shave the beard off for shave for a cure?
id put some money in for that.
actually we should start one witheveryone chucking in and getting fgz to shave the beard off for shave for a cure?
id put some money in for that.
Shave it off?
You'd have to take Fatz to the shed and shear that thing off! :lol:
e has gone quiet since i mentioned it hasnt he.
Went up to Nectar today to have a chat about discounts for our Brew Club members
& walked away with this little collection complete with complimentary glass. B)

View attachment 24295

Cheers Ross

The Dark Island is not a bad drop.
Cantillon I think my opinion on this has been made pretty clear up here :) The Rose de Gambrinus is still one of my all time favourite beers.
You know about the banana bread beer...
The Youngs Christmas Pudding was nice enough but lacked the spice character to me. I keep comparing all christmas beers to my one from a few years ago and none have had the spices there enough to me.
Unibroue make good beers. The Ephemere one is a little strange...
I went for a Unibrou glass myself when I got my complimentary one the other day...
There are so many good beers in 'the shop' as I like to call it that I have trouble a) deciding which to get and B) not spending too much money...
Same here... When I grabbed some Cantillon I just closed my eyes and handed over the CC :p

Geez just imagine how much the unifected ones would have cost!
tried some new beers yesty, quite happy with them

didnt have my camera though so no pics, sorry!

went to the wheatty and tried the moo brew heffweizen and moo brew pale ale, loved em both.

went to the bottle-o while waiting for the pizza to cook got me a stubbie of mountain goat brewery, hightail ale and barosa valley brewing, bee sting, must say it was the highlight of the meal, the pizza was craptastic.

next time pics i promise!
Back on topic for a minute. I'm drinking Deuchars IPA, a rather bitter Scottish drop - picked up two cases last week for $10 each. That's a mere 83 cents a bottle (and theyre 500ml bottles!).
Deuchars for $10? Where? It was $12 around here and now it's all gone (sobbing...) :) The 500 ml bottles are a ripper for we who still bottle.

It's not a bad drop, certainly not IPA in the character of the Squire impression of one, but for the price it's just right.

Cheers - Fermented.
You got 12 x 500ml for $12 ? My deal wasn't that good then... but to answer your question, my neighbour works a second job at a bottle shop (dont know what its called, but it's one owned by Woolworths or Coles) and they were getting rid of them because the expiry date was 23/01/09. He was telling me that the regular price is $20 - which still makes it an extroadinarily cheap beer though.

I'm not a huge fan of the bitters, but thought it would be a good conditioning for my palette if I had twelve litres on hand.
1/2 way thru necking a apricot wheat beer from canadian brewery McAuslan - St Ambroise Apricot Wheat Ale.

Awesome Apricot on the nose and sight apricot sweetness which finishes quite dry and peppery then sets in with a lingering apricot aftertaste.

very nice!

Tried a couple more lambics
Kriek Boon 2006
Pretty straight-forward sort of cherry beer. Sour cherries, bit on the sweet side, not a great deal of acid or funk.
Framboise Boon 2004
Bit more interesting than the Kriek. Still a bit sweet and jammy with a slight raspberry sourness, but some nice 'horsy' funk hits me straightup, seemingly intensifying as it warms. Age seems to help.
the other day i went to the union hotel in adelaide the pub across from work its a yuppy pub try to avoid it when possible but it is way too close to work for me to resist sometimes especially when it has been a s#$t day at work and it is about 40*c,

i tired Fat Yak for the first time on tap and absolutely loved it! i was told that it is made by little creature is that correct?

i was a little annoyed to see that they listed Coopers beers on their boutique beer menu, WTF?

again no photo sorry, i mean hey im only a professional photographer why would i have a camera with me?

Carty, Fat Yak is made by Matilda Bay. I read somewhere they wanted to make a beer that was more palatable to the majority of the market as the Alpha Pale Ale was too forward in the flavour department for many people. I assume they are still making Alpha. It would be a shame if they let it go.
i tired Fat Yak for the first time on tap and absolutely loved it! i was told that it is made by little creature is that correct?


OMG, I had a pint of th Fat Yak Pale Ale last night at 'lambs go bar'. Aucking Fwsome! AFAIK its brewed by Matilda Bay.

Quit assertive yet smooth bitterness I have a feeling its got some chinook in there, possibly dry hopped as the haze in my pint lastnight didnt taste like yeast. Definitely 'C' hopd eitherway and grassy (im assuming from dry hopping).

Get your hands on it if you havn't as of yet!

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