It's 38 here today so what better than an early beer, cold and simple?
My local corner shop always gets in new beers and I usually like to try them so I bought this (stock photo):
to have with left over pizza from last night.
I know I shouldn't expect too much from a beer that states :'Best Served Ice Cold' on the label and indeed I didn't. Usually when I try new beer, I allow the bottle to rise in temp as I'm not a cold beer lover except on really hot days like this one. I'm thankful I decided to keep this one cold because if it tastes as bad as this at 2 degrees there's no imagining how awful it would be at 10 or 15.
I'd happily glug a melbourne over this **** anyday. Sulphury and salty, smells like stale warm beer and that's when it's cold.
Stay away.