Whats Brewing For Easter 2006?

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ahh yes, a good quote :)

I was a bit like that with the roggenbier.... I did it cause i didnt know it was a bitch to do :) hehe

I would use a really malty german lager yeast for it mate.

2206....... WLP833........ ooooooooo i love the 833 :)

Was thinking of a cool ferment with German Ale...but I also have Bohemian lager, Munich lager, Danish II, YeastLabs pilsner, Bavarian lager, lambic blend and Czech pils, as well as a wild-infected Budejovice pilz yeast.

Bavarian, maybe?

Just joking about the lambic blend. I got it, but don't plan to use it here. Same goes for my other ale yeasts, except maybe YeastLab American Ale?
I have this kitchen sink American Amber bubbling away atm:

Coopers Australian Pale Ale kit as a base and a mini mash with much of my leftover grains:

1Kg Light Munich
250g Dark Munich
90g Light Crystal
120g Dark Crystal
30g Chocolate Malt

I mashed this with about 15g of Styrian Goldings flowers (should probably have used my willamette pellets, but I wanted whole hops in the mashtun). In the kettle I hopped generously with Amarillo pellets at 20mins and flameout and first wort hopped with another handful of Styrian Goldings. Added the kit and some dextrose to the fermenter. Pitched US-56

It's a little dark for an amber, but smells nice :)
Good Day
Plan to make a double batch of robust porter on Saturday, making sure I have enough for 28 long necks.
i got a mexican cerveza goin on with a nice pilsner that i do usually.

prob only be ready for the last part of easter though :(
Still deciding on either an Old Ale or Brown Porter. Yeast is ready either way!

I will be brewing my first all grain this weekend (APA)

wish me luck
Racking a Californian Steam tonight and bottling a APA, but probably won't get the chance to brew a SNPA clone tonight as well (Away over Easter)
I have been brewing quite a bit lately but i can't waste the time off so i'll be brewing a milk stout.
This is the first time i have ventured into the dark side. I can't believe i haven't brewed a dark beer before!

the bavarian would be great

just my opinion

here is a bit from the BJCP guideline on the subject

Ingredients: German Rauchmalz (beechwood-smoked Vienna-type malt) typically makes up 20-100% of the grain bill, with the remainder being German malts typically used in a Mrzen. Some breweries adjust the color slightly with a bit of roasted malt. German lager yeast. German or Czech hops.
Vital Statistics: OG: 1.050 1.056
IBUs: 20 30 FG: 1.012 1.016
SRM: 14 22+ ABV: 4.8 6%
berazafi said:
I will be brewing my first all grain this weekend (APA)

wish me luck

Good luck from me on the APA. Should be easy enough... :beer:

Tony, I'll get the Bavarian yeast started soon, and commence building it up. I have 100g of choc malt in there, too. It is the Schlenkerla recipe from Wheeler and Protz "Classic Euro Beers" book. Actually a smoked Marzen.

Thanks for the tip.

Seth out :p
berazafi said:
I will be brewing my first all grain this weekend (APA)

wish me luck
I wish you luck :) but you make your luck like a good AG, you won't look back and when you do you think 'why didn't I do this ages ago'. :p Too easy.
Brewed an altered version of a skunk fart pale ale yesterday, after a bit of a lag it has just started to krausen this morning. Fermentation fridge is full, so I just finnished a no chiller method of my experimental amarillo honey blonde.

I have also got a Porter and a Pilsner planned... they'll have to wait a while.
So many beers, so few weekends....

Might do a pale, and another mild... :rolleyes:
Thanks for the replys hope all goes well i will report back
Gooday everyone. Mashed in a 55Ltr batch of Urquell Pilsner Today @ 6.15 am. Looking good happy Easter to every one.
Cheers Altstart
That is a good start to the weekend Altstart.

I'm off to do some temperature testing on my mashtun.... but maybe brewing a pils sunday or monday..... I have all these czech saaz which have been taunting me every time I pass the freezer.

inspired by fat tire - just doughed in for an american amber ale.
Nice beer roach...!! may the beer gods be with you all

Happy easter

Almost ready to recirc my resurrection Pilsner. Resurrection because I bungled my first attempt and cause its Good Friday!!!

5.50 kg Pilsner Malt Powells (3.0 EBC) Grain 96.5 %
0.10 kg Caramalt (Joe White) (49.3 EBC) Grain 1.8 %
0.10 kg Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) (3.5 EBC) Grain 1.8 %
40.00 gm Hallertauer, New Zealand [6.80%] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 34.2 IBU
16.00 gm Saaz [3.30%] (60 min) (Mash Hop) Hops 1.1 IBU
15.00 gm Hallertauer, New Zealand [6.80%] (15 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
28.30 gm Saaz [3.30%] (15 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
1 Pkgs Bohemian Lager (Wyeast Labs #2124) Yeast-Lager

Happy Easter everyone, JJ

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