There IS excise on cider as it is classified the same as beer even though technically it is a wine. Wine is the only alcoholic beverage not excised and in South Australia the only alcoholic beverage not subject to beverage container deposit (currently 10c per container). Wineries get away with it rather well compared to breweries. WET is considerably less than excise and doesn't have to be paid until the wine is sold.
Breweries have to pay excise as soon as the beer reaches 1.5% alcohol in the fermenter (although I do believe there is some sort of relief for small breweries). The first 1.5% of beer is not excised. Excise changes on the container size. Containers of 48.5L or bigger have a much lower excise than those under. There are three different excise rates for alcoholic content, low alcohol, mid strength and normal strength. So, six different excise levels for beer, don't you just love bureaucracy.
Edit: Cider has the same excise rating as beer, good proof reading NOT.