what would a pub pay for 50ltr keg of "craft beer"

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somewhere on the slippery slope with a beer in han
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Eagle Point, VIC
hi all, just wondering what sort of coin a brewer could expect to get paid for a 50 ltr keg of say 5% beer?

thanks for that, what do you think such a company would buy the beer for? $200?
$290-$350 + GST is about normal, I believe, for 'craft' beer. Less for swill, with bonuses as well- ie, buy 8 get 2 free etc
I just had this convo with my boss ( publican ) $284 with a bit of change. He charges $5 a schooner which is just over %100 mark up but that mega swill craft beer would cost a bit more
zooesk said:
I just had this convo with my boss ( publican ) $284 with a bit of change. He charges $5 a schooner which is just over %50 mark up but that mega swill craft beer would cost a bit more
Ahh, closer to 100 % mark up.

$284 per 50 L -> = $5.68 per L
Schooner = 425 mL -> $2.41 per schooner
(5 - 2.41) / 2.41 = 1.07 or 107 % increase

I hope you're not employed as the accountant. :p
Sorry your right my bad but that even more to pay for craft at the tap
Edited last post
Do you guys think or is there a craft brewer that supplies to a pub, sell them a keg for that price ( $290)
Cortez The Killer said:
Found this 2012 article on point from a NZ perspective

Interesting read - it compares NZ US and AU


Thanks for the link, interesting stuff and there was a post towards the end of last year on ahb about some aussie micro-breweries trying to fight excise in some form

@zooesk - you'd be excused for thinking that was the low end a brewer might get if you were up at the bar sipping on a $12 pint of beer!
droid said:
@zooesk - you'd be excused for thinking that was the low end a brewer might get if you were up at the bar sipping on a $12 pint of beer!
On a rare foray into the Melb CBD earlier this week that's exactly what they charged - $12 for a pint of Stone & Wood's Pacific Ale (at the Transport Bar at Fed Square - roaring trade too, what with the Aust. Open tennis on nearby).
Contrary to popular belief and to most of the incorrect information on this thread, most decent craft beers are cheaper than the megaswill, but dont have rebates or tap agreements.

A good 4.5-5 percent local craft beer SHOULD cost no more than $250ex.

As the percentage goes up so does excise and thus, so does the price. A good local IPA for instance at 6 percents should cost around $290-300 ex.

Beers from interstate, chuck at least another 20-25 bucks on for freight and warehousing.

Of course there are breweries out there that charge far more than that, but as can be expected they arent as widelly purchased.

Little creatures pale, for instance, has gone up to around $280ex last I heard (which was a while) and squires are about $270ex.

A keg of VB will sell around $250 as well!!! (Can you believe that someone could get craft for the same price?)

Now the question is "Why is a schooner of craft beer that is the same price 2 bucks dearer than a schooner of VB?" I dont have an answer for that one, except for greedy venues thinking they can cash in on craft beer.

Hope this helps mate.
Whatever you're working on, don't forget to factor in the replacement cost of kegs, across a year of sales. It's up to you to retrieve them and most publicans won't pay a deposit. Secure storage of empty kegs is rare.
Crazy that beer excise increases with alcohol content, but wine and cider it does not.
Although I don't have exact examples, beer has always seemed a wee cheaper in NSW compared to VIC. For instance, I don't know where I could get a $5 schooner of VB let alone something decent.

Unsure if it's an economic (beer is cheaper from NSW breweries) or market thing (VIC consumers will pay more). Either way, happy to pay the premium to maintain a healthy distance from those north of the border heathens :lol:
Just found out little creatures bright ale is $306 a keg and little creatures IPA is $346 a keg
+ fraught
I can't spell
If anyones serious PM balconybrewer. He has had someone BUL and supply to a local pub he has worked at.

Economics were marginal from memory for both him and the pub, more of a cool thing to do. If you managed to sort a licence to brew then things got a bit better but don't give up your day job etc.
indica86 said:
Crazy that beer excise increases with alcohol content, but wine and cider it does not.
There isn't usually any excise on wine or cider, they're subject to the Wine Equalisation Tax.
i have a publican mate who sells me a keg of JS 'craft' beer for $280. Not sure if he makes anything on that, but certainly wouldn't lose money.

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