What to do with to much Rosemary

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Ducatiboy stu

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I have a large rosemary bush that is just right for harvest, fresh long green shoots and heaps of oil.

What would be the best to do with it...Would like to get some oil out of it but not sure of the best method.

Going to dry a lot to for cooking

Might even freeze some in vac bags
I had a Lebanese pale ale once from 961 brewing. That had rosemary in it I think... definitely had thyme and sage. It was like drinking sunday roast.
Cut sweet potato into cubes.
Place olive oil in a oven dish thing and let it heat up in the oven.
Add finely chopped garlic and rosemary to the oil and let it sit in the oven for a minute or so.
Add sweet potato and cover in oil mixture. Cook until awesome.
Tasted a delicious Rosemary Pilsner back in 2008

If you want a pure oil, use hot water extraction. Chuck all your rosemary leaves in a pot of water and cook on low for a day. Could use a slow cooker if you have one. Put a plate on the leaves to hold them down and the oil will rise to the surface and you can pour it off when it cools.
Not 100% sure it will work with rosemary but I know it works with eucalyptus leaves.
Use the woodier stems as skewers for lamb kebabs...works a treat. Soaking them first is advisable.

Get a handful of the greener stems, bash them a bit, use them as a brush to baste bbq lamb with an olive oil, thyme, lemon and garlic marinade.

And, just an idea, throw a handful on the bbq coals to add a smoky, rosemary flavour. I haven't tried it, but don't see why it wouldn't work.
Slight derailing if that is ok.

How big an effect is the rosemary/hop/alcohol effect? I know rosemary works as a narcotic with hops and alcohol but how strong is it? Would it make a 4%beer like a 6% or 12%?

I have an interesting beer I would like to brew that is influenced by a meal where rosemary is combined with spicy and smoky flavours that could translate well to a beer
black_labb said:
Slight derailing if that is ok.
Stu's threads must stay on topic AT ALL TIMES.
Not For Horses said:
If you want a pure oil, use hot water extraction. Chuck all your rosemary leaves in a pot of water and cook on low for a day. Could use a slow cooker if you have one. Put a plate on the leaves to hold them down and the oil will rise to the surface and you can pour it off when it cools.
Not 100% sure it will work with rosemary but I know it works with eucalyptus leaves.
That sounds like it might be aimed more at hippies than what Stu might be after.

Just pack a pickling/mason jar with rosemary then fill with olive oil. Then wait. Much better for cooking than the above advice - BUT this method is generally also loved by hippies for curing respiratory problems, etc, so you know...

Best to just do roast chooks/potatoes until you can't stand the sight of them, IMO.
won't use a lot but rosemary salt is pretty tasty . Just mortar/pestle rosemary and salt then dry out in a frypan for storage.
I do want to extract the esential oil as I have enough..

Going to do the normal olive oil and salt thing and dry some for putting in the linnen cupboard