Didn't want to start a new thread on this, seeing as this topic was already kinda covered in this one, but a fair few weeks ago I was given a Tooheys Draught kit. It took me a while to put it down and when I did it (due to past experience) I purposely brewed it at a high temp (around 26-28C).
At bottling, it smelled hugely of banana, and I over-primed (went for 170g for a 22L batch) and have just cracked one and it's significantly better than the first time I tried the Tooheys goo.
If anyone is trying a Tooheys draught, I'd be brewing in the high temp range. It will taste nothing like their commercial stuff (and all the better for it) and will be significantly better than if you follow the instructions on the can.
EDIT: I must also add that I didn't fine or crash chill this one (I thought it was a lost cause) but I think the murkiness/high yeast density has added to the taste/covers up the Tooheys kit taste even more.