What Else Do You Do When You're Brew?

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I made a hefeweizen this afternoon, during the mash I put new seals on the beer fridge, during the boil I ran a couple of loads of washing through and hung them out, practised some violin, patched a bicycle tube, stuffed some greenwaste into the bin and swept the garage floor.

The mash temp stuck, I hit the volumes spot on, had 80% efficiency and brimmed the cube. :)

I also enjoyed a few beers. A good afternoons work.

Many women complain that men can only do one thing at a time, but thanks to brewing, I'm a multitasking machine.

What else do you do when you brew?


I usually brew in the shed on a Saturday night so I take the Weekend Australian out there with me and read it cover to cover over a few beers and a a coffee, best way to get through the paper without the interuptions from the kids
I usually have a brewers smoko at around mash time which continues pretty well through to clean up time

I also tend to clean ALOT more when i'm brewing than otherwise so. It feels like wasted time waiting for the mash, and boil.
So yeah, washing goes out, dishwasher, tidy as much as I can.
Naturally you can't brew a beer without another beer, always make sure I have one of my previous brews with the new one. And generally will whip up some sort of feed in the mean time...brewing is tiring work!
I tend to spill sticky wort on the kitchen floor, break plates, glasses and hydrometers like it was a Greek/Jewish wedding, mop up spills with my best new towels, swear, alienate my partner and friends, miss my targets and harbour thoughts of self-harm.

But really..... my last few brews have been really problem-free and fun. I look forward to the day the house looks cleaner after a brewday than before......
I have a standard method these days of planning a brew day so that it runs as....

Have urn on a timer, wash a load of clothes while it heats, mash in, hang out said washing, head to the local shops to get the daily food needs, return home and mashout/sparge, weigh hops, boil, cube, clean up.

During the boil I either read a book, tidy up the garage or if I can be bothered I take the laptop to the garage and spend some time online.

Recently acquired an exercise bike with the intent of riding it while the boil is going. Monday will tell if I actually do use it..
Thunus and I have the best setup, when we brew we get drunk :p

Keg any brews that have finished. Do stuff in the vegie patch
Catch up on chores to keep SWMBO happy
Mostly bugger about on AHB waiting for timers to go off. Lot of waiting around on brewdays with HERMS brew systems.

Yes also have discovered multitasking while brewing.

I use to wait around for times,but found my time more productive doing other things.As above mostly cleaning something ;)
I like to tidy up around the place. I always find that little something that needs doing or really does not need doing and do it. Cleaning, packing away. How obsessive compulsive do i sound? :(
Did my first boil today (extract) and found myself walking around in circles waiting for timers to go off....

I think i need a hobby to do while i do my hobby :unsure:
I clean up all the dirty equipment since I last brewed so it's clean and ready to go when the boil's finished.

And I pour myself a heap of beers.
Like to utilise the time spare.

Usually cleaning fermenters, kegs ect.

Mow lawn, drink beer, listen to music, clean car, drink beer listen to music, yell at kids, drink beer, listen to music, roundup weeds, drink beer, listen to music, whatever else needs to be done........... drink more beer and then wish i hade a slave to clean the brew rig!

I'm a serial do the washing, brew beer person as well... Laundry is down stairsnear the garage, so it makes sense. I think it's the only thing that keeps the wife happy and lets me get away with spending the coin I spend on beer and brewing gear... Plus, if I wash, she irons, and thats a win win!
Smoke a lot.

AND tidy, clean etc..... I Live in the bush so sit by the burner during the boil cause I couldn't live with myself if I burnt down the neighbours house for 100L of SNPA! :rolleyes:
I couldn't live with myself if I burnt down the neighbours house for 100L of SNPA! :rolleyes:

See, I'm the opposite. I can't think of many things I would be uncomfortable doing for 100L of SNPA.

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