What Does Your Lady Drink

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What do people brew that their partners enjoy quite a bit?

My little lady always enjoyed coopers amongst some other beers and I've brewed a few simple beers along the lines of coopers to keep her happy, but I've recently found out that she really likes american IPA's. I haven't brewed an AIPA for a while to make room for brewing mostly english or belgian styles which I find more of a challenge than the american IPA's which I tend to feel are pretty simple beers with some light to medium crystal and alot of late C hops. Now I have an excuse to brew american IPA's which is something I've been meaning to do for a while but haven't

What does your little boss demand you to brew?
Hefeweizen or simple blonde ale. Anything low malt and under 25 IBU keeps her happy.
What do people brew that their partners enjoy quite a bit?

Yeah, see, in my house, that's an assumption that's never eventuated unfortunately. I'd love to be able to brew a beer that she'll drink willingly, but alas, is proving difficult.

Every once in a while, she'll grab my glass and take a swig of it, at which point i get all excited about how this could be the one that turns her, and i enter a marathon spiel, about what malt and hop combo it's got, and maybe if i'm feeling confident, i'll give her a lecture about the mash detail....

"Taste's like beer".... that's about all i can get from Mrs BigNath.

My wife is a wine drinker (specifically white), doesn't mind a cream (baileys or similar) once in a while, but the one beer she used to really like when we first hooked up was Caffrey's Irish Ale. Adelaide Uni used to have it on tap, and you could tell when the students just got their latest austudy payment by what was being served over the counter of the UniBar....

I used to like it too, still do actually, but i'm not prepared to tie up a keg or a batch of bottles when there's so many other tasty brews to do....

Atleast all of this means that with the exception of mates popping around, my taps are all for me, which is a good thing...i think...
sours and honey ginger beers mostly.
Every beer I make: 'tastes like beer, yech'
I think she enjoyed a cider I made once.. but not enough to actually help me make it again.
Every once in a while, she'll grab my glass and take a swig of it, at which point i get all excited about how this could be the one that turns her, and i enter a marathon spiel, about what malt and hop combo it's got, and maybe if i'm feeling confident, i'll give her a lecture about the mash detail....

"Taste's like beer".... that's about all i can get from Mrs BigNath.

I get that one alot. She says it's good so I ask if she likes the bitterness, hoppiness, malt, the XYZ flavour ect. I've never recieved a response other than it's a good beer now shut up.
Every beer I make: 'tastes like beer, yech'
^ Same, it all "tastes like beer, eeww" no matter if its dark or light or hoppy or wheat, its still all the same beer in her book.
Mine's into IPAs and has a thing for Mikeller and Haandbryggerriet. And it's a right bastard trying to compete with those.
Med strength IPA's, creamy darks/stouts & sour kriek's.
Works for me.
My wife The Treasurer won't say no to a free Mango-Weizen (Franziskaner+Mango Nectar).

She will however drink my Ginger Beer range like there's no tomorrow and
loves my mate's 'Amber fAle' which was supposed to be a clone of one
of my recipes. A failure turned EPIC WIN!

I keep getting bugged to make a Sweet Cider, but I got no idea at all
how to make them properly. Need more definitive instructions I think.
I keep getting bugged to make a Sweet Cider, but I got no idea at all
how to make them properly. Need more definitive instructions I think.

Likewise, Mine likes these new bloody ciders they keep bringing out... Rekorderlig and Koppaberg or whatever. Strawberry and Lime etc.

The only beer mine has not screwed her face up at like she just sucked a lemon, was my recent wheat. 14IBU... Shame its gone and im not exactly going to make another one leading into winter :rolleyes:

I gave her a sample of a BVIP last night, Classic reaction, Wish i had filmed it :D
Simple Aussie lager

4kg Ale
250g sugaz
S23 or US05 cool

Too easy.

And my bourbon of course :D
We found Stone and Wood on tap in melbourne. She really liked it. When we got home i got 450g of Galaxy and played around. First batch bit too bitter ( galaxy is a tricky bugger! ), second batch was a winner. Unfortunately i drank it pretty quick!!, so i must do another and leave some for the missus haha
SWMBO invariably drink what i make (just in lesser quantities).. I no longer tell her anything about them until she has a taste and say words to the effect of "ooh, thats nice, what have you put in this one?".... Rant begins...
Blonde Ale

Pilsner 76%
Wheat 28%
Carapils 4%
Flaked Barley 2%

20 IBU

Wyeast 1272

Occasionally use Cascade for Aroma hops.

Recipe all but unchanged since August 2008.
My wife rarely drank beer until she met me. Then she only drank Pale Ales. MPB Pale ale being her favourite.

But now all she drinks is stouts, Porters, Nut Browns, so I have to make sure I brew a dark beer every second brew.
Not sure, maybe I should offer to get her a drink one day...

It's rare for her to drink, but when she does it's normally a Zibibbo
