What Deadline Are You Avoiding....

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I'm avoiding marking assignments. Teaching 2 first year subjects, and am drowning in around 100 assessments to get through before the start of dec. AHB provides mental health breaks.
Just thinking about it...

AHB has helped me avoid uni study better than the newborn bub has- now that's saying something! Last exam is 9:15am tomorrow. Just putting some celebratory brews in the fridge and considering what to brew on the weekend. DSGA me thinks...

Just thinking about it...

AHB has helped me avoid uni study better than the newborn bub has- now that's saying something! Last exam is 9:15am tomorrow. Just putting some celebratory brews in the fridge and considering what to brew on the weekend. DSGA me thinks...


that's what I'll be brewing, but with a hopburst schedule and no bittering additions. Us tutors also suffer at this time of year along with all the students. Marking 30 of essentially the same paper in a row is only possible, in my experience, if you break it up by sketching herms design notes on the backs of feedback forms and continually refreshing the ahb frontpage.
Us tutors also suffer at this time of year along with all the students. Marking 30 of essentially the same paper in a row is only possible, in my experience, if you break it up by sketching herms design notes on the backs of feedback forms and continually refreshing the ahb frontpage.

Sounds very familiar. Last year's weekend of reading genocide essays was a lot of fun. :(

I'm not avoiding any deadlines I think. Or at least that's what I've convinced myself. :)

Except that I haven't organised anything to do this weekend. :ph34r:
that's what I'll be brewing, but with a hopburst schedule and no bittering additions. Us tutors also suffer at this time of year along with all the students. Marking 30 of essentially the same paper in a row is only possible, in my experience, if you break it up by sketching herms design notes on the backs of feedback forms and continually refreshing the ahb frontpage.

The only thing worse than marking 30, is marking 85 :/. It also sucks being a competent tutor, all the kiddies think you are there to provide (unpaid) assitance in the week leading up to the exams.

So what deadline am I most avoiding? The next one.

Don't think so :lol:
