What caused you to change your job

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1 - assistant manager pizza hut. Left - **** hours **** pay.
2 - data entry clerk. Left - **** pay, no ability to move into different area of business.
3 - full time student. Left - graduated.
4 - NAB programmer. Left - passed over for promotion by a manager (later found to be sleeping with person I was passed over for!).
5 - contract programmer at Telstra. Left - went to USA to work.
6 - contract programmer @ State of Ohio. Left - wanted to come back to Australia.
7 - contract programmer @ BHP. Left - wanted to go back to USA.
8 - contract programmer @ State of Delaware. Left - more money back in Ohio.
9 - contract programmer @ Nationwide. Left - project cancelled.
10 - contract project manager @ McDonald Insurance(not maccas related). Left - project completed.
11 - contract software architect @ Nationwide. Left - contract cancelled by a Director that had no clue, in hind sight could have sued the pricks for a fortune.
12 - contract programmer @ Nationwide. Left - returned to Australia.
13 - contract programmer @NAB. Left - could not stand the commute.
14 - Business Analyst @ Callista. Left - NAB wanted to throw money at me to get me back, a dream of starting a brew shop.
15 - contract programmer @NAB. Left - contract ended, could not stand the commute.
16 - Senior Business Analyst @ Callista - still here.......

Fark... sounds a lot when written down.
And I suppose you're 26 years old or something right? [emoji39]

Successful people.[emoji19]

It doesn't seem like you put up with a lot of rubbish, that you were always in control.
Finally, after being rained off since Monday made a start on my new enterprise, placed an ad in the local paper, Cauliflower Dundee, raised vegetable beds and Hydroponic systems installed. 3 reply's one for a Hydro system 2 for raised beds, my first job, after lending a sympathetic ear to the owner of the property about how he has a stressful job and can't manage his garden and just likes to relax when he gets home, and me noticing that there was a packet of Rizla papers on top of their fridge lazy bastard, if he knew how relaxing gardening could be he wouldn't need be having joints at the end of his working day. Still another opportunity to wrest some of his hard earned dollars from his mitt. ;)
3 1/2 hours before getting rained off made good progress on his garden, he has now asked me to look after all his gardening needs.
Was considering this to be a stopgap until I become a parking attendant, but really enjoyed it.
Aside from the clearing of the beds of weeds cleared the chuck run so he can have chickens again.
Rained off ey? You know that sounds like...nevermind.

Is "have chickens again" code for "grow some wicked ass hydro in the back shed?" Gotcha. *taps side of nose*
Yeah I do know what it sounds like Camo not my decision, my clients, a bit of rain never hurt anybody, neither did hard work, though it did make horses a funny shape.
There is no code there, but I was just thinking if he only knew that he could wind down just as well by spending some time working in the backyard he wouldn't need a joint.
My hydro job coming up.
All the succulents out and herbs in.
Well, it looks like I'm going to have to change career yet again, my work can't extend my contract at the end of next month (due to various valid reasons)
If anyone in the Hunter Valley/Upper Hunter needs an SQL developer/accounts clerk/admin/receptionist/data entry operator/IT tech/barman/assistant brewer/ANYTHING, give me a yell plz
wide eyed and legless said:
Yeah I do know what it sounds like Camo not my decision, my clients, a bit of rain never hurt anybody, neither did hard work, though it did make horses a funny shape.
There is no code there, but I was just thinking if he only knew that he could wind down just as well by spending some time working in the backyard he wouldn't need a joint.
My hydro job coming up.
All the succulents out and herbs in.
This would be super-awesome as a wall of strawberries .
Became quite friendly with The wall of herbs guy, retired for ill health from WHO in Delhi and he himself is from Bangladesh, for saying WHO is a not for profit company (he and his wife are accountants) he certainly made some money, the house with the Herb wall he bought for $2.7 million and his other house in Glen Iris worth $1.5 million. We had some in depth discussions about going into parking, 10 to 20,000 new registrations a month in Victoria, $80 / day you can pay for parking in the city.
But I am happy with my gardening, I have a blood pressure test every 3 weeks and that is perfect and my resting BPM has dropped down to 44, my previous lowest was 46, so I put it down to all the cubic meters of top soil I have shifted in the last few months
sp0rk said:
Well, it looks like I'm going to have to change career yet again, my work can't extend my contract at the end of next month (due to various valid reasons)
If anyone in the Hunter Valley/Upper Hunter needs an SQL developer/accounts clerk/admin/receptionist/data entry operator/IT tech/barman/assistant brewer/ANYTHING, give me a yell plz
In a happy twist of events, I already have an interview or 2 lined up
Good luck Sp0rk, I always found it difficult to get a contract in Newcastle, it seemed like you had to have a mate at the company to get a look-in.
I always ended up commuting to Sydney - hours on the train sucked, but the money was better.
(Now I work from home)
I'm out at Muswellbrook, so commuting to Sydney isn't really an option :(
always for the money, but sometimes was glad not have to put up with the numnuts anymore

but now realise money isn't everything so early retirement is good
I had enough of crawling under houses and in their roofs, digging in 40+ degree heat in trenches, then coming home after 10-12 hours each day to paperwork, quotes, accounts, chasing up unpaid money, lining up continuity of work before each contract or job had even finished, etc. A plumber and his shovel are never parted.

Clock in clock out wages and benefits made the decision for me. I now work 10 days/nights in a 21 day roster, get 6 weeks annual leave with the option to purchase an extra 3 weeks, 10 days sick pay (5 of which I don't need a doc cert for), 14 weeks long service every 7 years, and I can switch my work days with colleagues to expand my block of days off.
I also realised quick that my body wouldn't last or perform long enough into my working life to get anywhere near retirement age before breaking down. So a change was needed.
Got the call/offer today on a new job. Working for an Electrical/Data Wholesaler in town, bit of front counter, bit of office, bit out the back - probably a bit of everything I suspect. Small jovial/affable team, beers on Friday arvo - should be able to work that bit out. And er, I'm reckoning on developing my new side career as a Brewery Control Panel build feind.

The job at the brewery was only going to be a day a week so that didn't happen - 200km round trip for a days work? nup

Been stacking shelves on the graveyard shifts at Coles for a few months ... and I'm friggin happy to be leaving that behind.

KInda going back to what I did when I left School 27yrs ago - swings and roundabouts eh, those old timers were right
droid said:
And er, I'm reckoning on developing my new side career as a Brewery Control Panel build feind.
I am failing to get to my build. I'm thinking I would like some help.

Interested in quoting for an order? Mid year ish be ok?
sp0rk said:
In a happy twist of events, I already have an interview or 2 lined up
If you need a glowing reference from an internet acquaintance let me know. Happy to help!

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