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I watched Oblivion today. Massive pastiche of other sci fi. Not an original thought in there. Buuuut it was OK.
I have been watching 'the Americans' , a Russian spy series, and "American horror story". Both have American in the title but both are awesome! Totally hooked.
Yob said:
Sharknado... Peeeeee-eeeeeew

God this was awful. And not "good awful" or even "vaguely entertaining awful", just Really. Really. AWFUL.

My girlfriend and I are still re-watching the X Files, it is going to take us through the rest of this year and probably most of the next.
I was watching the Phillip Island MotoGP. Turned it off in disgust.

First Dunlop and Bridgestone majorly fek up their tyre construction so they only last half the race.
Then the officials decide for the first time ever to introduce a compulsory bike change half way through the race.
When Marquez accidentally miscalculates and overshoots the pit lane, some fat gutted donut munching officials decide the multi million dollars invested in the race should be thrown away, and the race given to Lorenzo by disqualifying Marquez. Where do these peanut brains get off?

I stopped following F1 for the same reason, when Bernie minime Ecclestone decided to send them out about 3 years ago during a flood, and stole the championship from Webber and gave it to Vettel.

The more I see of sport, the more I despair of the intelligence of anyone actually running it with a bit of common sense.

That's it, I now have NO more sport to watch on TV ever. Thank you sports officials, you have just reduced my life to a lonely existence without sport at all.
warra48 said:
I was watching the Phillip Island MotoGP. Turned it off in disgust.

First Dunlop and Bridgestone majorly fek up their tyre construction so they only last half the race.
Then the officials decide for the first time ever to introduce a compulsory bike change half way through the race.
When Marquez accidentally miscalculates and overshoots the pit lane, some fat gutted donut munching officials decide the multi million dollars invested in the race should be thrown away, and the race given to Lorenzo by disqualifying Marquez. Where do these peanut brains get off?

I stopped following F1 for the same reason, when Bernie minime Ecclestone decided to send them out about 3 years ago during a flood, and stole the championship from Webber and gave it to Vettel.

The more I see of sport, the more I despair of the intelligence of anyone actually running it with a bit of common sense.

That's it, I now have NO more sport to watch on TV ever. Thank you sports officials, you have just reduced my life to a lonely existence without sport at all.

Speaking of this, what do you think of Lorenso putting up his hand to stop the race when it starts raining, only to change his mind and accelerate off again gapping Pedrosa (who was up his arse) with the action.

I've been watching long enough to remember the controversy the hand caused and the threat of all the riders getting sacked only to stick to their guns in the name of safety.
The protocol is, if the leader puts up his hand the race is stopped.

Why not disqualify Lorenzo too.

Marquez should have had a ride through penalty.

If you want to watch a sport where they do strive to get it right and will make amends during a race when they get it wrong, and make an instant descicion and communicate it to the teams, the commentators and anyone else with a stake....watch Nascar.

That is one proffesionally run sport and bloody good racing too.
Forever Wort said:
God this was awful. And not "good awful" or even "vaguely entertaining awful", just Really. Really. AWFUL.

My girlfriend and I are still re-watching the X Files, it is going to take us through the rest of this year and probably most of the next.
You watched it mate. What'd you expect?;)
The only reason it was on in the first place is because my girlfriend was "curious" about it. The only reason I watched the whole thing is because I was doing two things at once.

My own fault. But still if anything sends me to Beer Hell it will be the afternoon I watched Sharknado.

AaAArgfGhhHghh eyes still hurt
I just watched the trailer for Sharknado...outstanding! :lol:

There is a time and place for these kind of movies, its usually after half a carton on a no brainer weekend...I look forward to watching it in the near future
Forever Wort said:
The only reason it was on in the first place is because my girlfriend was "curious" about it.
Sometimes it's a good thing when the girlfriend gets curious... :ph34r:

But seriously, Redneck Zombies will cleanse your heart and soul. Track that one down.
punkin said:
If you want to watch a sport where they do strive to get it right and will make amends during a race when they get it wrong, and make an instant descicion and communicate it to the teams, the commentators and anyone else with a stake....watch Nascar.

That is one proffesionally run sport and bloody good racing too.
Might just do that. I do see a bit of occasionally early in the mornings when eating brekkie in front of the telly. Yes, I can do that, as I'm retired, so no longer have the pressure of dashing out to make the boss richer.
Nascar is bloody boring around the ovals not too bad on the proper circuits. Road circuits even better.

At least you can watch in HD on One
Tropical_Brews said:
Nascar is bloody boring around the ovals not too bad on the proper circuits. Road circuits even better.

At least you can watch in HD on One
Can't have watched much if you think it's boring to see 40 cars doing 200 MILES an hour on the ragged edge of crashing sideways for a couple of hours. Throw in the vagaries of constantly changing conditions that affect setup in ways that can see you go from 1st to 15th in twenty laps, a whole bunch of pitstops with varying options that can see a car go from hero to zero with a chage in tyre pressure and a few restarts where it turns into a death defying drag race off the yellow....

Your not thinking about what you are seeing if you think that's boring.

The two raod curcuits are actually the most uninteresting of the races as the strategies don't play such a large part and they are not drifting sideways towards a concrete wall at 200 miles an hour 4 times a lap.

Watch em closely, they are on the ragged edge of sideways round those corners, not like scalectrix.

Every track is different and brings different challenges too.
I don't think anyone is saying it is easy or safe.

Just innately uninteresting.
bum said:
I don't think anyone is saying it is easy or safe.

Just innately uninteresting.

Positive i didn't mention difficulty or danger. Just that I and millions of others find this interesting, not boring. They probably get more fans at each meeting than we do in all the motorsports in the country in a year. It's not just population, there's a lot of variables and skill in the pitbox and on the track to hold your attention.

Hell, there'd be as many fans in the car park as Bathurst generates at the track.
punkin said:
Can't have watched much if you think it's boring to see 40 cars doing 200 MILES an hour on the ragged edge of crashing sideways for a couple of hours. Throw in the vagaries of constantly changing conditions that affect setup in ways that can see you go from 1st to 15th in twenty laps, a whole bunch of pitstops with varying options that can see a car go from hero to zero with a chage in tyre pressure and a few restarts where it turns into a death defying drag race off the yellow....

Your not thinking about what you are seeing if you think that's boring.

The two raod curcuits are actually the most uninteresting of the races as the strategies don't play such a large part and they are not drifting sideways towards a concrete wall at 200 miles an hour 4 times a lap.

Watch em closely, they are on the ragged edge of sideways round those corners, not like scalectrix.

Every track is different and brings different challenges too.
I hope this helps.


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