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Love those "now I've got you, you foreign n*gga son of a bitch" shows like Customs and border protection stuff.

Six suitcases full of cigarettes "I no speaka da Englis" - "I are bring somethin for me frien' you know he wan me bring smoke for he and family" haha.

There's a good Irish series on as well, Farm Rescue - guy with masses of business experience and common sense goes in and sorts out farming families who want to do Farmstay or Smallgoods etc. Last night guy was selling his apples to Magners for a few cents a kilo and wants to do apple pies. Has a bore on his property and decided to make and package "pet water" - beef and chicken flavoured mineral water. They lined up the pooches for the group test and they couldn't give a feck - rather lick their own bums :p
Right now, in the night garden! Man that is ******* acid tripping ****........

And out keeps my son quiet for 20 mins!
Robbo2234 said:
Right now, in the night garden! Man that is ******* acid tripping ****........

And out keeps my son quiet for 20 mins!
I love ABC2. Nothing stops a temper tantrum like Peppa Pig.
Well I must be really getting old.

I cannot come to terms with the fact that the black butler in Django Unchained is actually Samuel L Jackson.

WTF :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

samuel l jackson.jpg

whoa just wikied him, he's actually older than I am

rest my case :D
Up to the last Episode, Season 1 of Breaking Bad. The bath tub , corpse , acid scene made my stomach turn. He should really have used the right plastic tub.
Can anybody explain to me what that stupid "Things are Changing I've been told" ad is supposed to achieve?
You know the one with the gravelly voice and the characters animated to look like they are made out of wood, inspecting lizards, planting seedlings (I have not seen anyone planting seedlings in 35 years on this continent) etc.

What changes to my life am I supposed to make? What information is it trying to convey? Should I polish my wood with Mr Sheen and inspect more lizards?

Most of all why am I (presumably) paying probably tens of thousands of dollars on this **** crap crud so some jerk from an advertising agency can put new tyres on his BMW while kids are waking up this morning living in old Magnas?

:angry2: :angry2: :angry2:

edit: hey that was a good spit so I've copied it and will email landcare. ha.
Started watching snippets of Six feet under last night. Heard loads about it but never seen it before.

******' great - seems like it's carrying the torch for something like Twin Peaks and paving the way for stuff like Dexter.

Pretty sure I mentioned Brotherhood earlier - am I the only one here who has seen this magnificent show?
It's on my list when I get a chance. My brother recommended it (no pun intended) and he also mentioned 'the black donnellys" as a kick arse series. There's just not enough hours in the day.
The wire seasons 1-5 again - best drama series ever hands down

I too have been watching Hannibal, it is such a beautiful show.

In one episode Hannibal serves a guest beer he has made and aged in old wine barrels. Many have wondered if it might contain human ingredients, but I'm not sure what from a body could be added to beer that wouldn't ruin it (any fat = poor head retention) or have an unusual taste. Blood I would think would lend an iron taste, unless added in insignificant quantities, but then what's the point? Hannibal likes his dinner guests to consume others, not just sample a drop.
manticle said:
.........Pretty sure I mentioned Brotherhood earlier - am I the only one here who has seen this magnificent show?
cant find full season torrents anywhere. not happy jan.

Camo6 said:
........ 'the black donnellys" as a kick arse series. ..
can only find season 1 so far....

Falling skies is back on. season 3 ep3 aired last night. so did the new season of Dexter
citymorgue2 said:
cant find full season torrents anywhere. not happy jan.

can only find season 1 so far....

Falling skies is back on. season 3 ep3 aired last night. so did the new season of Dexter
Available on PB. Full seasons for 1,2,3. Can send you the torrent files if you get really stuck.

Black Donellys only ever went for one series before getting axed. Great show.
Right now! AHB... I dont mind watching them skinny freaks and Hot pants Penny :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2: By the way I would like to end it with a banging.