Dinosaur Pile-Up - The Most Powerful EP in the Universe
I dunno. I've often been accused of being too cynical and just as often I've accused people of not knowing what cynicism even is. But this album has me wondering if I might actually be. This band is new to me. They sound like the convergence of Weezer's first album, Enon and all things grunge (plus the merest whiff of mclusky) and the recording is ******* epic (which probably doesn't matter to many but as a trained audio engineer is impresses me muchly) - and yet this thing seems entirely contrived and horrible even though I know I'd have walked over my own mother to have heard something like this 15 years ago. But the recording sounds awesome even as mp3s. I'm annoyed. I'm desperate for this boring 80s revival to be over (it has gone on longer than the period of the 80s it is copying, FFS) but this is not filling the gaps in the slightest.