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Brewed my Xmas Case Saison yesterday and she is happily burping along this morning with a fresh vial of WLP565 used after being built up twice on the stirplate. Will let the brew warm up after about 7 days so she finishes out nicely.


Any chance of you not filtering this saison, Doc? Would love to have a sample of this yeast. :D

No brewing for me. A week of bottling. Bottled an APA yesterday. Today the Xmas case all bottled and should be very ready to drink by swap time. And a cherry wheat from half of the ISB American wheat beer.

Spring brewing is finished. Now on to the Belgians. :chug:

I don't filter. I keg, then fill from the keg for the Xmas Case(s).
This one probably won't be clear by the time I keg it so you may be in luck.

I don't filter. I keg, then fill from the keg for the Xmas Case(s).
This one probably won't be clear by the time I keg it so you may be in luck.

Great. :super:

I really thought you must filter. Your beers appeared to have no yeast in them at all. How long do you leave them in the keg? Force carbed then?
Yep I force carb and then leave in the keg for a couple of weeks before bottling.
However I'm going to be racing to meet the deadline this time, so you may get some yeast after all.

I'll be cranking up to brew a Blonde Ale over this Melb Cup weekend. I regularly brew a variation of this recipe. Its got enough hop flavour to keep me interested, but its not too challenging for the megaswill drinkers either. The xmas/new years blow-ins love it. Its works well as either a Blonde ale or a rice lager depending on the yeast.

Haig's Blonde Ale
Estimated OG: 1.046 SG
Estimated Color: 6.2 EBC
Estimated IBU: 30.0 IBU

Pilsner, Malt Craft Export (Joe White) 75 %
Rice, Flaked (2.0 EBC) 10 %
Vienna Malt (6.9 EBC) 10%
Wheat Malt, Malt Craft (Joe White) 5%
Hallertauer, New Zealand [9.40%] (15 min)14.6 IBU
Hallertauer, New Zealand [9.40%] (60 min)13.6 IBU
Saaz [4.00%] (10 min) 1.7 IBU
Hallertauer, New Zealand [9.40%] (0 min) -
Saaz [4.00%] (0 min) -
1 Pkgs SafAle US Ale (DCL Yeast #US-56) Yeast-Ale
After reading through the old threads on Saisons the recipie I pinched from Beer tools is from Ray_ Mills <_<
Eh, thanks Ray :)
I am Fermenting my 2nd one starting today and racking the first.
My question: Is it worth introducing another yeast when the WLP 565 is almost done? [Another Belgian yeast like Wyeast 3787 which I have] I have read this on a few Yanky sites, it helps with Attenuation they say.
Any ideas? ;)
aving a go at an all challenger ale tomorrow

5kg Golden Promise
250 gms Rolled unmalted wheat and handful of torrified wheat (to use it up)
20 gms Roasted malt

17gms Challenger (7.6AA) to 35 ibu at 60 mins
20gms at 20 mins
40gms at flameout

whirlfloc at 10 mins

Nottingham dry

Comments anyone?
My question: Is it worth introducing another yeast when the WLP 565 is almost done? [Another Belgian yeast like Wyeast 3787 which I have] I have read this on a few Yanky sites, it helps with Attenuation they say.
Any ideas? ;)

Wouldn't bother Bindi. If you're patient enough you should get around 90% attenuation. I know that Wyeast 3724 will (eventually) attenuate away to nothing. I'm pretty certain that WLP 565 is a similar if not same strain. :unsure:

Warren -
Two batches tomorrow :-

Squires Golden clone mk 2.
"Stuck Sparge Special" Rye Wheat
Aussie lager for me tomorrow. First double batch, should be fun.
My question: Is it worth introducing another yeast when the WLP 565 is almost done? [Another Belgian yeast like Wyeast 3787 which I have] I have read this on a few Yanky sites, it helps with Attenuation they say.
Any ideas? ;)

Wouldn't bother Bindi. If you're patient enough you should get around 90% attenuation. I know that Wyeast 3724 will (eventually) attenuate away to nothing. I'm pretty certain that WLP 565 is a similar if not same strain. :unsure:

Warren -

Ive been thinking the same thing, I mashed at 63 to help attenuation and it has been sitting at 1.020 for the past 4 days :(
aving a go at an all challenger ale tomorrow

5kg Golden Promise
250 gms Rolled unmalted wheat and handful of torrified wheat (to use it up)
20 gms Roasted malt

17gms Challenger (7.6AA) to 35 ibu at 60 mins
20gms at 30 mins
20gms at 15 mins and whirlfloc


Comments anyone?

Looks good to me - use an English yeast and you might do even better though ( i shouldn't talk, i just did an ESB using Pacman! :lol: ) Got any crystal to add a touch of sweetness?

Challenger is a nice hop, maybe you could add in something else as well (EKG? Target? Northdown?) but it'll be fine by itself anyway.
Sparging this as we speak:

Cascade APA

A ProMash Brewing Session - Recipe Details Report

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 22.00 Wort Size (L): 22.00
Total Grain (kg): 5.15
Anticipated OG: 1.053 Plato: 12.99
Anticipated EBC: 13.9
Anticipated IBU: 38.1
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Formulas Used

Brewhouse Efficiency and Predicted Gravity based on Method #1, Potential Used.
Final Gravity Calculation Based on Points.
Hard Value of Sucrose applied. Value for recipe: 46.2100 ppppg
% Yield Type used in Gravity Prediction: Fine Grind Dry Basis.

Color Formula Used: Morey
Hop IBU Formula Used: Rager

Additional Utilization Used For Plug Hops: 2 %
Additional Utilization Used For Pellet Hops: 10 %
Additional Utilization Used For Mash Hoppings: -30 %


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
77.7 4.00 kg. Bairds Marris Otter Great Britain 1.037 5
11.7 0.60 kg. Powels Wheat Australia 1.040 3
3.9 0.20 kg. JW Caramalt Australia 1.039 38
3.9 0.20 kg. JW Crystal Australia 1.002 110
2.9 0.15 kg. Bairds Torrified Wheat 1.030 1

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
14.00 g. Northern Brewer Pellet 10.00 20.7 60 min.
14.00 g. CASCADE Pellet 6.00 8.7 Mash H
14.00 g. CASCADE Pellet 6.00 4.2 20 min.
14.00 g. CASCADE Pellet 6.00 2.5 10 min.
14.00 g. CASCADE Pellet 6.00 2.1 5 min.
14.00 g. CASCADE Pellet 6.00 0.0 0 min.


White Labs WLP060 American Ale Yeast Blend

Looks good to me - use an English yeast and you might do even better though ( i shouldn't talk, i just did an ESB using Pacman! :lol: ) Got any crystal to add a touch of sweetness?

Challenger is a nice hop, maybe you could add in something else as well (EKG? Target? Northdown?) but it'll be fine by itself anyway.

Cheers DJR - i can get some nottingham dry yeast.....good idea. Dont have any crystal. I do have EKG, fuggles and willamette but just want to try the one hop - im teaching my taste buds to recognise the differences between hops. Reckon I should ad some more challenger at flameout for the hell of it?
Thanks for the feedback
Looks good to me - use an English yeast and you might do even better though ( i shouldn't talk, i just did an ESB using Pacman! :lol: ) Got any crystal to add a touch of sweetness?

Challenger is a nice hop, maybe you could add in something else as well (EKG? Target? Northdown?) but it'll be fine by itself anyway.

Cheers DJR - i can get some nottingham dry yeast.....good idea. Dont have any crystal. I do have EKG, fuggles and willamette but just want to try the one hop - im teaching my taste buds to recognise the differences between hops. Reckon I should ad some more challenger at flameout for the hell of it?
Thanks for the feedback

I reckon change the 30 minute hop addition to a 20 min one, add your whirlfloc at 10 (all it's gotta do is dissolve), then change your 15 min addition to flameout instead and make it 2x as big.

Looks good to me - use an English yeast and you might do even better though ( i shouldn't talk, i just did an ESB using Pacman! :lol: ) Got any crystal to add a touch of sweetness?

Challenger is a nice hop, maybe you could add in something else as well (EKG? Target? Northdown?) but it'll be fine by itself anyway.

Cheers DJR - i can get some nottingham dry yeast.....good idea. Dont have any crystal. I do have EKG, fuggles and willamette but just want to try the one hop - im teaching my taste buds to recognise the differences between hops. Reckon I should ad some more challenger at flameout for the hell of it?
Thanks for the feedback

I reckon change the 30 minute hop addition to a 20 min one, add your whirlfloc at 10 (all it's gotta do is dissolve), then change your 15 min addition to flameout instead and make it 2x as big.


Done - thanks for that. :beerbang:
My question: Is it worth introducing another yeast when the WLP 565 is almost done? [Another Belgian yeast like Wyeast 3787 which I have] I have read this on a few Yanky sites, it helps with Attenuation they say.
Any ideas? ;)

Wouldn't bother Bindi. If you're patient enough you should get around 90% attenuation. I know that Wyeast 3724 will (eventually) attenuate away to nothing. I'm pretty certain that WLP 565 is a similar if not same strain. :unsure:

Warren -

Ive been thinking the same thing, I mashed at 63 to help attenuation and it has been sitting at 1.020 for the past 4 days :(

Don't be afraid to push the ferment temps up to 30 degrees (or more) guys... As horrific as it sounds the Saison strain tends to go to sleep otherwise. Particularly late.

Dupont primary ferment at 30. ;)

Warren -
Bugger it im going to mash hop with the remaining 13gms left over from the 90 gms packet!!!

5kg Golden Promise
250 gms Rolled unmalted wheat and handful of torrified wheat (to use it up)
20 gms Roasted malt

13gms mash hop
17gms Challenger (7.6AA) to 35 ibu @ 60 mins
20gms @ 20 mins
40gms @ flameout

whirlfloc @ 10 mins

Nottingham dry

Cheers :beer:
My question: Is it worth introducing another yeast when the WLP 565 is almost done? [Another Belgian yeast like Wyeast 3787 which I have] I have read this on a few Yanky sites, it helps with Attenuation they say.
Any ideas? ;)

Wouldn't bother Bindi. If you're patient enough you should get around 90% attenuation. I know that Wyeast 3724 will (eventually) attenuate away to nothing. I'm pretty certain that WLP 565 is a similar if not same strain. :unsure:

Warren -

Ive been thinking the same thing, I mashed at 63 to help attenuation and it has been sitting at 1.020 for the past 4 days :(

Don't be afraid to push the ferment temps up to 30 degrees (or more) guys... As horrific as it sounds the Saison strain tends to go to sleep otherwise. Particularly late.

Dupont primary ferment at 30. ;)

Warren -

Thanks warren, it's sitting on 28c at the moment, ramp it up to 30c .
And Jye, what was your OG? mine was high at 1070.
I put down a bit of a bastard concoction yesterday - probably closest to an American Brown - but I was just having play with ingredients.

"Brown Sewer Rat"

75% JW Trad
15% Munich I
5% Melanoidin
5% Choc Wheat

Amarillo FWH and a touch more at 60m for bitterning to 40IBU (depending on FWH calc's)
Just over 1g/l Willamette at 10m, same amount in the last minute.

Wyeast 1728

OG 1053.

Choc Wheat smells fantastic in the mash.
Here's hoping. :beerbang:
Ive been thinking the same thing, I mashed at 63 to help attenuation and it has been sitting at 1.020 for the past 4 days :(

Don't be afraid to push the ferment temps up to 30 degrees (or more) guys... As horrific as it sounds the Saison strain tends to go to sleep otherwise. Particularly late.

Dupont primary ferment at 30. ;)

Warren -

Thanks warren, it's sitting on 28c at the moment, ramp it up to 30c .
And Jye, what was your OG? mine was high at 1070.

OG was 1.056 and it was at 25C for the first week and at 30C this week... dont know if I can get the temp any higher, its already sitting on the hot water system :D
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