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First AG in a week or so when i get back from work.

4500 Pale Malt
.500 Caramalt
.250 Munich

90 gm each of Nrthn Brwr and Cascade on hand, not sure of Hop Schedule though.

A mate on another forum has helped me out with the Beersmith Brewsheet but i'd like to change the Hops around a bit.

I probably should've posted this elsewhere.

My no chill Irish Stout is boiling away nicely. Added the bittering hops about 35 mins ago.
Big day of starting brews today, still doing kits, maybe AG in the future but happy with my kit results so far.

1 x Squire Amber Ale Clone (20ltrs)

1 x Squire Golden Ale Clone (20 ltrs) (I have done this before and turned out tops)

1 x Coopers Bitter bulk batch (45 ltrs) for a party beer.... Willamette hops added for taste

All 4 fermenters sealed and now the wait begins :D

Moving house over the next few weeks and I've had to but brewing on hold and watch the stocks begin to deplete.

Good news however. :super: The new house has a darkroom that is going to be my NEW brewery. Can't wait to fit it out.
I'll put some photos up when I get going. ;) First cab off the rank will be a wit.
Maybe an IIPA to use up some of the 3.4kg of hops in my inventory. That or a vienna lager :beerbang:
Im going to try out the "no brewing method" today, go to Pub. :p
A Scandinavian Jull (chrismas brown ale), after finally finding some brewing gear in Sweden... and taking the agonising step back from AG to Kit/mini mash brewing.
Im going to try out the "no brewing method" today, go to Pub. :p

If I lived in Germany I would also :p but we don't [well I don't now] <_< so we brew to get away from our "Mega Swill", the choice there is ...We all know,is great. :p not here sad to say.
This saturdays plan
JW Pale 4kgs
CaramunichII 500gms

1 x Perle Plug 60 mins
10 gms Magnum 60 mins
40gmsCascade 25 mins
20gms cascade 5mins
20gms cascade 0 mins
67C for 60 mins
Boil for 90 mins all up
US56 @ 18C
This saturdays plan
JW Pale 4kgs
CaramunichII 500gms

1 x Perle Plug 60 mins
10 gms Magnum 60 mins
40gmsCascade 25 mins
20gms cascade 5mins
20gms cascade 0 mins
67C for 60 mins
Boil for 90 mins all up
US56 @ 18C

Looks good mike, that's that SNPA clone isn't it.

I think i might do a Boh pils, if i get the time this weekend.

72% JW Pils
11% Wey Vienna
10% Wey Carapils
5% JW Light Munich
2% Wey Melanoidin

Schedule: 68C single mash (no decoction..)


45g Saphir 80'
25g Saphir 25'
28g Saaz Plug 25'
28g Saaz Plug 0'
15g Saphir 0'

Yeast: 2x W34/70 dry, ferment @ 4-8 C for 2 weeks, lager for 1-2 months.

Should be a closer version that the other Boh Pils i've done - more low-alpha hops and more caramel-type malt. Here's hoping. :beerbang:
Yes SNPA is the idea, after downing a couple of nice examples this week I really want to make some
I shall be doing my Saaz Ale with galaxy malt...( now that i have some spare time and GAS ) B)
American Cream Ale and an APA.
2 AG batches. Same day. 1 hour more than a standard brew day.
This is one happy new member of the NASA club.
It made all the difference.
I put down a amber ale with amarillo a few days ago and top cropped germn ale yeast to go in the kolsch that I brewed today with hersbrucker and tettnang.

xmas is now sorted...
I just racked 21L of Pumpy's Bitter onto 25g of Styrian Goldings. Looking forward to tasting this one.


I just racked 21L of Pumpy's Bitter onto 25g of Styrian Goldings. Looking forward to tasting this one.



Well Done Browndog should look like this , you wont be dissapointed ;)

Pumpy :)

Putting down my Belgian Strong dark ale tomorrow.

I posted the recipe somewhere around here...

Bottling my Wit sometime this weekend as well...
fate conspired to stop me brewing last weekend.

sunday is the aussie lager day.

it's a pretty slow old friday night...
Either a Southern Hemisphere Maibock, or a Czech-isch pilsener.

Hmmmm, the last pils I made was "da bomb"!
Or, I could reuse the yeast from racking my German-style pils and pitching that Maibock onto the yeastcake?

And a Kolscher style beer has also taken my fancy. Soon, soon, my pretty!

Kolsch first, I think.

Seth :p
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