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I'd like to say I'll save you a bottle Screwy, and I'll try, but this one is going to the keg for the first time ever...

I have bucketloads of sour oranges this year so there will be more.
The munich wort experiment version really didn't work so I need to get some more down...

Any more info about sour oranges? Are they seville oranges? I have a funked beer which uses sour citrus but it's a mixture of grapefruit and blood orange. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on some different fruits and trying out Ross' sour orange choc porter and a few other ideas.
Any more info about sour oranges? Are they seville oranges? I have a funked beer which uses sour citrus but it's a mixture of grapefruit and blood orange. Wouldn't mind getting my hands on some different fruits and trying out Ross' sour orange choc porter and a few other ideas.
They are called a Rangpur Lime, or Mandarin Lime, but it's easier to just say Sour Orange, as they look orange but are sour like a lime, but with a hint of mandarin flavour.
They are a really intense fruit. Great for 'lemonade', cooking and beer.
just put this into the fermenter:

BeerSmith Recipe Printout - http://www.beersmith.com
Recipe: Vienna #3
Brewer: Greg
Asst Brewer: Molly(*)
Style: Vienna Lager
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 23.00 L
Boil Size: 30.54 L
Estimated OG: 1.052 SG
Estimated Color: 19.9 EBC
Estimated IBU: 23.8 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 73.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
5.00 kg Vienna Malt (6.9 EBC) Grain 89.29 %
0.60 kg Cara Munich T1 (90.0 EBC) Grain 10.71 %
30.00 gm Hallertauer Mittelfrueh [6.30 %] (60 min)Hops 20.1 IBU
15.00 gm Hallertauer Mittelfrueh [6.30 %] (10 min)Hops 3.7 IBU
2 Pkgs Munich Lager (Wyeast Labs #2308) [Starter Yeast-Lager

Mash Schedule: Single Infusion, Light Body, Batch Sparge
Total Grain Weight: 5.60 kg
Single Infusion, Light Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
60 min Mash In Add 16.00 L of water at 73.3 C 65.6 C
Cheers. Going to go looking in the markets.

Being based in Melbourne your markets will be a lot better than mine but you'd have to be lucky to find them there I think.
I don't know of course...
We had to search out a specialist grower to identify the tree in the first place.
Brewed this with brendanos today:

6.00 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) UK (5.9 EBC) Grain 95.24 %
0.30 kg Special B Malt (354.6 EBC) Grain 4.76 %
10.00 gm Stella [16.30 %] (60 min) Hops 12.7 IBU
30.00 gm Stella [16.30 %] (20 min) Hops 23.2 IBU
30.00 gm Stella [16.30 %] (10 min) Hops 13.9 IBU
30.00 gm Stella [16.30 %] (0 min) (Aroma Hop-Steep) Hops -
1 Pkgs American Ale (Craftbrewer) Yeast-Ale

Hit 1.063/4 into the fermenter, lost a lot to the hops as they were all flowers. Brew went smooth as.

Putting this down tomorrow:

3.55 kg Pale Malt (2 Row) Aus (3.9 EBC) Grain 59.66 %
1.00 kg Amber Malt, Home Toasted (~20.0 EBC) Grain 16.81 %
0.50 kg Wheat Malt, Aus (3.9 EBC) Grain 8.40 %
0.30 kg Caraamber (59.1 EBC) Grain 5.04 %
0.30 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 60L (118.2 EBC) Grain 5.04 %
0.25 kg Chocolate Malt (550.0 EBC) Grain 4.20 %
0.05 kg Roasted Barley (591.0 EBC) Grain 0.84 %
10.00 gm Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] (60 min) (First Wort Hop) Hops 16.2 IBU
15.00 gm Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.00 %] (30 min) Hops 16.9 IBU
30.00 gm Centennial [6.00 %] (15 min) Hops 9.4 IBU
30.00 gm Centennial [6.00 %] (5 min) Hops 3.8 IBU
2.00 gm Salt (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
3.00 gm Epsom Salt (MgSO4) (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
3.50 gm Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
5.50 gm Calcium Chloride (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs Ringwood Ale (Wyeast Labs #1187) Yeast-Ale
Finished the double brewday with this:

Smoked Robust Porter
Robust Porter

Type: All Grain
Date: 22/03/07
Batch Size: 20 L

Boil Size: 21.67 L Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 70 min Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00
Taste Notes:


Amount Item Type % or IBU
3.10 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) Grain 57.73 %
1.15 kg Munich Malt - 20L (20.0 SRM) Grain 21.42 %
0.30 kg Amber Malt (22.0 SRM) Grain 5.59 %
0.25 kg Carafa I (337.0 SRM) Grain 4.66 %
0.25 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt -120L (120.0 SRM) Grain 4.66 %
0.17 kg Peat Smoked Malt (2.8 SRM) Grain 3.17 %
0.15 kg Caraaroma (130.0 SRM) Grain 2.79 %
15.00 gm Target [11.00 %] (60 min) Hops 18.9 IBU
10.00 gm Target [11.00 %] (30 min) Hops 9.7 IBU
15.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] (15 min) Hops 4.3 IBU
10.00 gm Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] (5 min) Hops 1.1 IBU
1 Pkgs Nottingham (Danstar #-) Yeast-Ale

Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.064 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.015 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6.41 %
Bitterness: 34.0 IBU Calories: 543 cal/l
Est Color: 29.2 SRM

Might have lost a litre to stupidity, but it made SWMBO mop the floor :) .
Both cubes resting happily.
Just finished cleaning up a double batch kolsch...

8kg pilsner
1kg wheat
800g caraplis
200g melanoiden

hallertauer to 25ibu

also filtered 3 batches and blended 2 kegs to into 1.

pitched a Baltic porter onto an Oktoberfest yeast cake

all 5 kegs are full.
1 cider
2 Munich helles
1 cascade mild
1 blended apa galaxy, bsaaz, cascade and amarillo
3 cubes full and weighting

just Lear t the mrs will be away with the kiddie next weekend...

Another double-double brewday next weekend.... Sweeeet.

I neeed more kegs!!
Just finished the clean up. House lager 4.25kg Pils, 1kg rice, 250g Carapils, 23ibu (Tinseth 29rager) hallertau 60min.
This time I'm giving wlp830 another run instead of the regular wy2308. Got a bit lazy with my infusion volumes and ended up with too much wort, nearly overflowed my 40L pot! SG was good so I discarded 2 litres and still ended up with 25 litres in the fermenter, aiming for 24.
There is plenty of Klsch happening in Brisbane this weekend!

5kg pilsner
spalt to 25ibu @ 45mins (adjusted from 60mins for no chill)
Wyeast 2565 at 14C then lagered at 7C
There is plenty of Klsch happening in Brisbane this weekend!

5kg pilsner
spalt to 25ibu @ 45mins (adjusted from 60mins for no chill)
Wyeast 2565 at 14C then lagered at 7C

must crank out a Kolsch,
all the cool kids are on it (and we knows it makes sense).
Got 200 grams of Amarillo sitting on the scales - its that time again - 10 min IPA! This is for the Adelaide and Mildura Case Swap in November...

95% Pilsner
5% Carapils

Mash at 67 degrees and aim for 1.060

Amarillo (8%) @ 10 mins aiming for 60 IBU


Brewday/Beerday here tomorow. Shed101 and I will be turning this out 50/50

Well I feel I should correct this ... Screwy did the brewing, I just stood around gasbagging, distracting him and drinking all his beer :eek:

It was a top day thanks Mr Screwtop!

All up we 'sampled' 16 types of beer ... some more than once :wacko: :blink:
Well I feel I should correct this ... Screwy did the brewing, I just stood around gasbagging, distracting him and drinking all his beer :eek:

It was a top day thanks Mr Screwtop!

All up we 'sampled' 16 types of beer ... some more than once :wacko: :blink:

Hehe, didn't drink anywhere near enough to provide more space for another brew :eek:

HERMS brewing is all pretty much "hurry up and, wait" eh! not very hands on. Next time you drive the rig!!

Yeast still hasn't fired, 5pm is decision time.

Top day, thanks!
A Munich Helles:
95% Bohemian Pilsner
5% Carapils
Single decoction from protein rest to mash temp (64C)
15IBU Saaz bittering (low AA%)
8IBU Hallertau Mittelfreuh flavour
Generous starter of 2247PC @ 10C

Didn't like the Polenta version much so dropped it out this time.
Presently christening* my new urn with 'Nutcastle' from brewing classic styles. It will be beer, but probably got the grain subs all wrong etc.


* Jebus came with the house :)
well the change i hope will be for the better, my first 'full size' all-grain... thus far i have an hours extra boil to do because the grain held onto half as much wort as expected... or i might just drop out the extra volume into schott's and use for starters and correct gravity with LDME. I think I will do that actually...
Titan Amber Ale

5.00 kg Pale Malt, Golden Promise (Thomas Fawcett) (5.9 EBC) Grain 87.72 %
0.30 kg Cara-Pils/Dextrine (3.9 EBC) Grain 5.26 %
0.20 kg Caraaroma (Weyermann) (350.7 EBC) Grain 3.51 %
0.20 kg Carared (45.0 EBC) Grain 3.51 %
10.00 gm Simcoe [12.20 %] (60 min) Hops 15.2 IBU
20.00 gm Cascade [5.00 %] (20 min) Hops 7.6 IBU
10.00 gm Simcoe [12.20 %] (5 min) Hops 3.0 IBU
10.00 gm Cascade [5.00 %] (5 min) Hops 1.2 IBU
1 Pkgs SafAle American (DCL Yeast #S-05) Yeast-Ale
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