Wa Aka Sandgropers Xmas Case Swap 2011

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too much time on hands?

Thanks for the offer for the bottle craig but dont wanna risk anymore gas til I test everything properly.
So is it i Sunday ?? or Saturady ?? I am so confused ??
Can't be too confusing (or you been drinking too much mead).

Sunday at 2pm (post #108 on).

Bottled up mine the other night and sorted out Kurt's beer last night.
Well my batch is bottled and no hop cloggages to speak of. It will probably be about 3 weeks til they are carbed so really just after Xmas they should be good to go.
So - 14 swappers, 10 people hanging around for the arvo for a laugh, drink and some food. As already mentioned, I'll have some beer on tap, Jimboley and Spoonta are also planning on bringing a keg (will have room in the keezer for them). Would be handy if others could bring a few beers along to share/taste. I'll chuck beef on the webber, lamb chops and snaggers on the bbq. Sinkas was going to try and bring some chickens. Any chance of you guys arranging to bring some chips/nibbles, salad stuff and buns for 10 people?

Will have the 4-player arcade machine up and running for a laugh.

1. Jimboley - Attending swap - Dry Stout (keg of Spencers Ranga Ale)
2. keifer33 - Attending Swap. - 10 Min IPA
3. cdbrown - Swap Hoster. - American Brown (keg of APA, AusPA, ABA)
4. sinkas - Attending swap - Kiwi pale ale - wont bring a keg, will bring some beer of some sort
5. Edge - attending - American IPA
6. spoonta - attending swap - english pale ale (keg of wheat beer)
7. Evil G - attending swap - honey wheat with nelson hops
8. jyo - attending- blonde- I'll have to bring some commercial beer along sad.gif
9. biggo - Attending - APA - maybe some braggot/mead also
10. Fish13 - attending - dark english bitter
11. NME - attending for just the swap - Spring Ale
12. Mikey - Belgium Blonde - swapping (not attending)
13. markymoo - attending (but not staying long sorry, dont count me for foods) - Irish Red Ale
14. Bizier - Not attending swap (sorry) - Brown Eye Ale
I will organise the buns, some beers and a few packets of snacks.
i'll bring a batch of stout brownies and i will be disappearing after a couple hours as i got a long journey that night..

No i am not a stoner
i'll bring a batch of stout brownies and i will be disappearing after a couple hours as i got a long journey that night..

No i am not a stoner

Do not eat fishs' brownies....!

I'll bring some chips and dips along too.
Does anyone have a faucet wrench? Can't seem to find mine and need to fix up two of the taps for Sunday.
I somehow screwed up my scheduling for this event, and thought it was on Saturday,
So I wont be attending the swap,
Ill be dropping off entries on sat arvo
Hey Guys ....

I am reasonably new to WA (see almost 12 months) ... Although I grew up on the Perth coast only leaving it 18 years ago after signing up to Army for 4 years .. anyway now I am back and I have been meaning to get out and meet you all at the monthly meetings but have had a crazy year including having to change my profession from being a Paramedic to being a forced semi retired kinda guy .. long story but I have ended up a heap DEAF .Great beer !!!

I have been brewing for the last few years (started with cans in 98 but failed so quit) met up with a AG brewer in Brisy through work - went fishing and drank his beer and asked WTF ??? now I am obsessed ... I am building a new brewery which I hope will crack out 80l batches ... But what I want to do is make better beer ... and beer that others get a chance to drink and enjoy ... not simply quaff .. although I am very partial to having a good session ...

I ack you are having a XMAS case swap and although I would love to come to this one it falls out of the "relms of possibility" because of visitors.. I am curious to know though when the next meeting is ??? I am more than happy to bring a sample of my beers ( OK a keg because I hate bottling ) or maybe a 5 litre Carboy .... but more than likely a keg because life is better with a Keg :beerbang:

Perhaps a 5% Nelson Sauvin "very pale" ale ...

I am working on a Vanilla Imperial Stout (10%) for the Easter swap ... :drinks: something like the Vanilla Milk stout at the Indian Ocean Brewing at Mindarie keys ... freakin great beer !!!

Next west coast brewers meeting is on monday night. Click the link in the sig for details.

Tell your visitors to come back another time and then you'll be able to come on Sunday.
1. Jimboley - Attending swap - Dry Stout (keg of Spencers Ranga Ale)
2. keifer33 - Attending Swap. - 10 Min IPA
3. cdbrown - Swap Hoster. - American Brown (keg of APA, AusPA, ABA)
4. Fish13 - attending - dark english bitter
5. Edge - attending - American IPA
6. spoonta - attending swap - english pale ale (keg of wheat beer)
7. Evil G - attending swap - honey wheat with nelson hops
8. jyo - attending- blonde- I'll have to bring some commercial beer along sad.gif
9. biggo - Attending - APA - maybe some braggot/mead also

Attending but not staying
10. NME - attending for just the swap - Spring Ale
11. markymoo - attending for just the swap - Irish Red Ale

Swapping but not attending
12. Mikey - Not attending swap - Belgium Blonde
13. sinkas - Not attending swap - Kiwi pale ale
14. Bizier - Not attending swap - Brown Eye Ale

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