Violence In Pubs

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I hope that's more of a simile rather than an actual comparison of the Blues to Drum and Bass. :blink:

Sorry about the massive tangent, boys.
Sorry if there's any misunderstanding.
I was making a reference to the music industry as a whole. We don't know what set of circumstances will bring about the next movement. Could be anything.
I disagree with that statement...

I used to be a duty manager at the Chamberlain Hotel on Pitt St in the city, we might have had roughly 3 punchups in the time I worked there (nearly 2yrs), and never anything serious, usually a misunderstanding that escalated into a bit of push and shove, but we had a bouncer every night and 2 on weekends, primarily because it was (and may still well be) illegal for me as the manger to check IDs at the door, as I didn't hold a security licence. Our secuirty staff spent most of their night on ID checks, assisting with anyone asked to leave and picking up glasses...They also helped out with clearing the pub of patrons at closing time and then walked the staff to their cars.

As for escalting violence, there are many factors, alcohol may cause some incidents, but a general lack of repect for others among the latest generation of drinkers (18-21) seems to be one of the main issues.

Fair enough. There are some places with bouncers that are OK. Like your story, they usually spend 100:1 more time picking up glasses and making sure everyone is OK then they do putting on headlocks and showing off their muscles. The Charles Dickens in Melbourne is a great example of this.
All I know is that there is no way in hell I'd walk down King street any night of the week.

I've walked down and rode up (pushbike) King street many, any and all nights of the week. My brother used to live in an apartment around the corner from one of the main strip joints. Sure it's ugly and there are skirmishes and fights but I've never been involved in a single one nor felt like there was any pressure to. Crown casino on the other hand = ugly as **** but it always has been.

It might be different if I actually frequented the bars where these things happen - maybe it's due to a higher concentration of nob ends in certain places (eg QBH) but I'd never go to QBH. The pubs I go to with any regualrity are places where people drink, eat, chat and sometimes watch bands and I see little difference now to 16 years ago.

It's also a nice idea that people used to stop punching on once their opponent hit the floor but it's akin to suggesting that rape, arson murder and burglary are modern inventions. I bet in 1870, many a man got shot in the street after a drunken argument. I bet it happened in 1970 and it happens today. In each of those periods some people would have had discussions, some arguments, some fights, some brawls and some crazy 'not stop till he's dead' head stompings and stabbings. More people may equal more violent incidents but I doubt the actual percentages are loads higher.

Are your cop mates old soldiers or fairly new on the beat and is it something you've actually noticed yourself in places you regularly haunt? If so whereabouts so I know not to go.
I have to dissagree with TB here, when I was a young bloke, there was never any knife fights, as 17 & 18yr olds, from the outer northern suburbs we would catch the train into Surrey Hills and frequent The Trade Union Club, go to the Cross and wander all over the city and never saw or got into trouble. Nowadays you hear of kids being killed by one punch that knocked them to the ground and gave them savage head injuries, people being beat up by roaming packs of kids and the latest up here in brizzie, a young guy stabbed to death on a dance floor for trying to break up a fight. Sorry TB, there was more respect for life back in the good ole days.


Are your cop mates old soldiers or fairly new on the beat and is it something you've actually noticed yourself in places you regularly haunt? If so whereabouts so I know not to go.

Both. The older ones talk about how much worse the violence is and the newer ones talk about how much more of it there is.

I haven't seen any of this **** first hand - I pretty much only enter pubs to see original bands. There is NEVER any trouble at original gigs.
I saw a few fights when I was younger - depends on which venue you go to... (and yes I concur with Svyturys - the heavy metal gigs were actually pretty peaceful - high energy but no violence).

Nowdays I avoid that sort of place anyway - I can't imagine fights breaking out in the sort of pub I go to nowdays. I prefer somewhere with an open fire, good food, ales on tap, maybe a few soft couches...

To my mind, the warning signs are:
* a dress code
* a bouncer at the door
* a DJ
* a cover-charge to get in
* big que at the bar with most people ordering RTD alcopops or shooters or some garbage like that...

I never actually enjoyed those places, and now avoid them like the plague. Worst place I ever remember was a nightclub where they not only sold only tiny bottled water for around $4 (no free tapwater) but had removed ALL the taps in the bathrooms so you couldn't even drink water there... or wash your hands after using the toilet. Disgusting, a violation of health regulations, and total lack of respect for patrons.

+1 for Metal shows being a fairly peaceful affair. I reckon this is because the people who go to the shows are genuinly interested in the music and if beer is served all the better, everyone is there to have a good time and enjoy the show. The only times I have gotten into fights is at night clubs where the above list applies. The only reason I have been involved in a punch up is because some hero decides to pick the smalled bloke in the bar (who happens to be a freind of mine)
Wasn't drum & bass at least 10-15 years ago...?

I mean, even David Bowie was doing it by '97...

Guys like Tricky were taking it in strange new directions even before that... anyone remember Maxinquaye or Pre-Millenium Tension? Drum & Bass for (and made by) those who smoked at least 1/4oz a day... :wacko:

I actually saw him live last year (just after his 40th birthday BTW) - and it was the most diverse crowd imaginable - all types from 18 YO kids (and maybe younger with fake IDs) to aging baby boomers... and of course a totally mellow and peaceful event (though very intense).
I'd be very interested to find out which tracks of Bowie's you claim to be D&B.

Trip Hop is pretty far removed from D&B too (and exponentially better, especially in the case of Maxinquay).
I'd be very interested to find out which tracks of Bowie's you claim to be D&B.

Trip Hop is pretty far removed from D&B too (and exponentially better, especially in the case of Maxinquay).

Earthling (97) I reckon. Although I am no electronic music expert. I do know my Bowie though and to me Earthling is right up there with the Tin Machine stuff for crap Bowie.
This might be getting off topic.
I got king hit in the cross... may have been something to do with the 3.50 pints I was drinking... blind sided and got up as quick as I went down to find my attacker had fled. Weird, as I was out with as 3 couples for my bday.

It started as they thought I was looking at them but I was looking past them at the underwater dancer.
Guys like Tricky were taking it in strange new directions even before that... anyone remember Maxinquaye or Pre-Millenium Tension? Drum & Bass for (and made by) those who smoked at least 1/4oz a day... :wacko:

I actually saw him live last year (just after his 40th birthday BTW) - and it was the most diverse crowd imaginable - all types from 18 YO kids (and maybe younger with fake IDs) to aging baby boomers... and of course a totally mellow and peaceful event (though very intense).

huge tricky fan here.... but not a smoker. Go figure.

Can't believe you got to see him last year, you bastard! Was it in Australia? must have totally missed the show. Feel slightly better because I got to see massive attack last year, with elizabeth fraser playing their older stuff (mezzanine and older). Tricky wasn't with them, unfortunately.

Back on topic, last skuff I saw was between a bunch of aging babyboomer rudeboys at a specials show, last time they were in oz. noting serious - bit of pushing and thats all. Like most others here I don't tend to freqent places full of agro people - prefer far more chilled out places.
i've seen one fight at a drum n bass gig in the whole 10 years i've been following and djing. drugs are not a factor as everyone is to pilled up and loved up on escatsy at these gigs. dubstep is relitivley new and the punters just smoke weed so thats not it.

ICE (methamphetamine) and cocaine to an extent is a huge problem imo. stuff makes you think your superman and that **** causes people to fire up. especially in the mainstream dance scene. I.E summadayze every year on new years day, you will always see massive roided up blokes punch on.

There is also another problem...i call them typical footy players...not actaul footy players but you knows guys who go out, get pisssed as and try and crack onto other blokes womans..i would say 7 out of 10 fights its a dispute over a girl. people need to learn when to walk away.

so drugs and alcohol ARE the main problem i think. take it all away and everone would be sober and maybe think twice about that king hit they've just thrown.

There is violence even here (no need to go to the pub). Mr. Butters has threatened to kill me and an anonymous poster suggeststed that if I was at ANHC last year he would have thrown me down the stairs. I even had a retailer call me at home saying he was saving a bullet for me.

Probably safer to walk down the Cross :D


Saw Massive Attack (about 1999 i guess) just after Mezzanine was released Festival Hall Melbourne, the whole gig had too much bass and the acoustics killed it for me...great band...
I guess it's possible to pick a fight anywhere :p


Actually I have never had a fight in my 44 years. I prefer to use evidence and reasoned debate.
I feel sorry for those "brainless" individuals that need to resort to violence or threats to make themselves heard (feel important).


Anyway - most of the new fangled drugs just make you want to dance and hug people - maybe we should be encouraging them rather than berating the young people. Lets launch a campaign to make the streets of the nation safer. Hand out free E's on the street corners and pipe techno music into all public places. Us old people are too deaf to hear the music anyway and the worst that could happen to you on the way to the shops is getting spontaneously hugged by a 17 year old girl wearing nothing but a sparkly hankie...


This is true.

Ecstasy does not cause violence.
Ecstasy does not cause violence.

Wait until you take bad pills and go into a paranoid psychosis for 3 hours huddled in the corner of your lounge room clutching a kitchen knife as you fear the chimneys across the road are horses out to get you........

This is what happened to me many years ago after coming home from clubbing, I never touched the stuff again after that night..