VICBREW-Chief Steward-Trainee required?

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As part of VICBREW’s succession-planning, I’m looking for a protégé.

This request is not because I can’t do it, or that I don’t want to do it (in fact, I enjoy my function immensely). More that I’m looking to the future of VICBREW. We need some new blood to carry the whole thing forward as it expands.

I’m looking for someone with appropriate experience, who can demonstrate exceptional organizational & leadership skills & ;

1. “Shadow” me during this year’s competition & learn the ropes;
2. Identify & offer suggestions for improvement;
3. Work with a group of disparate personalities;
4. Understand the dynamics of Task/Team/Individual needs;
5. Problem-solve on their feet;
6. Take control of a bad situation if it arises & resolve it;
7. Stay sober in the face of an ocean of available great beer to sample!
8. Work their arse-off to get the job done.
9. Retain a sense of humour in the face of everything that's going on...

Daunted? Good! It’s a very responsible position to hold. Only those with a robust degree of self-confidence need apply.

There’s no monitary reward & no kudos except that you’ll be “Chief Steward” for VICBREW (& AABC Chief Steward when it’s in Victoria).


Edit: Dickheads & wannabes need not apply - I'll see through you very quickly. If you're genuine, I'll know it.
I was going to apply then I saw the edit. Distance also a concern.
Albainian said:
I withdrew my application at when I got to point No 7....
I didn't say you can't drink. If you can do the job with a skinful.............
Thanks to all who applied.

I've chosen one bloke who has the balls to try-out & actually make a go of it.

If he fucks-up &/or turns out to be the wannabe/dickhead I wasn't looking for, applications will be open for next year (I won't relinquish the position unless I'm sure the boots can be filled).
it's assume this becomes the face of Vic Brew when you have so many great people (volunteers) involved who are always looking for assistance with Judging/stewarding etc..
brad81 said:
Your eloquence and charm shine through, I wish the prospective volunteer all the best
Do I hear a touch of sarcasm? Martin might have been a little blunt with the job description,but better blunt than understating the requirements.It's exactly as he said,a very demanding positon with a lot of responsibility and very little recognition.As someone who's had the pleasure of working with Martin,I can say without a doubt the applicant will recieve excellent training and be treated with total respect.I wish the person all the best too,they're big shoes to step into and it's no position for a pretender.

mxd said:
it's assume this becomes the face of Vic Brew when you have so many great people (volunteers) involved who are always looking for assistance with Judging/stewarding etc..
Sadly it seems to have been the face of Vicbrew for several years.I remember a lot of shit being discussed a couple of years ago regarding Compmaster and judging standards in general.There were plenty of people willing to criticise,not surprisingly virtually every one of them had never put their hand up to steward or judge,or even offered to assist a comp in any way. We're still short on stewards and judges for Vicbrew this year,why? It's not as if it's out in the sticks,surely there's enough Melbourne homebrewers that could find a few hours over an entire weekend.About time some people extracted their digits. ;)
Thanks for the support, Toper.

It's often difficult to get a handle on someone's personality just from reading their typed words in a forum such as this. As you point-out, the reality of "Martin in-the-flesh" is worlds apart from the perception above.

"Quick to judge,
Quick to anger,
Slow to understand
Ignorance and prejudice
And fear walk hand in hand..."

Witch Hunt - Rush

Yes, I'm a very hard task-master & I don't suffer fools gladly. I'm toughest on myself, because without personally setting the standard I expect, the competition wouldn't run as smoothly as it does. I lead by example (12 years in Special Forces will do that to you!).

If the truth be known, the bloke who will be training with me this year has had absolutely NO stewarding experience! That didn't stop him from sticking his hand-up & I admired the balls & self-confidence he displayed by doing-so. That's why I chose him.

We're still looking for Judges & Stewards for this year's competition, guys.

Any takers?
It's hard to find time to breathe these days or I'd volunteer again at least to steward, it was a great experience years ago. What are the dates again, maybe I'll have a #2 at work by then and can afford a couple of days off.
practicalfool said:
It's hard to find time to breathe these days or I'd volunteer again at least to steward, it was a great experience years ago. What are the dates again, maybe I'll have a #2 at work by then and can afford a couple of days off.
5th/6th of October (Daylight savings weekend of all the bloody weekends to choose!!!).

Even if you can only do a half-day on one of the days, it's all good & we can work-around it. Don't forget that if you judge/steward, that lunch is a freebie, too.

Did I forget to mention LOTS of free beer?? :ph34r:
Damn, that is soon. Will try to work on it, be a struggle but I'm keen to get down there. Talk to the paymaster and see how this goes... Just need a Monday free so I can do Sunday... lol
My bad, just an excuse to slip those kits in somewhere as they looked interesting.
Sadly cant this year im working both days, but after raising issues with martin that i can't find a beer that was 3 feet away from me about 4 times im sure he'd not be too saddened by my absence! In my defence i rocked up and immediately someone said "hi they are judging American barley wine, what do you think of this".

In all seriousness to the prospective steward considering helping its a great experience and the judging and stewarding process is treated with appropriate measures of the seriousness you'd hope for when you enter a beer for judging and the light heartedness and pleasure you expect in a homebrew comp.

I had a ripper day and given the chance i'll jump at it again. if martin will have me!
OzPaleAle said:
My bad, just an excuse to slip those kits in somewhere as they
looked interesting.

OT -They have much cheaper kits more suitable for homebrewers (look up uno kits) and they are great
Charst said:
Sadly cant this year im working both days, but after raising issues with martin that i can't find a beer that was 3 feet away from me about 4 times im sure he'd not be too saddened by my absence! In my defence i rocked up and immediately someone said "hi they are judging American barley wine, what do you think of this".

In all seriousness to the prospective steward considering helping its a great experience and the judging and stewarding process is treated with appropriate measures of the seriousness you'd hope for when you enter a beer for judging and the light heartedness and pleasure you expect in a homebrew comp.

I had a ripper day and given the chance i'll jump at it again. if martin will have me!
MAN! I had to read your post about 5 times before I could insert my own punctuation, just to understand it!!

That said, did you have fun?? (I guess since you experienced the barley wines, you probably did, so that's rhetorical ;) ).

Anyone who can't find a beer that's within 3 feet of themselves needs serious help :ph34r:

Edit: Yeah! 'Course I'll have you! You're a BREWER, aren't you???????

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