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Grainer said:
Big beers are for me :)
Yeah, my preference, too :D. By Sunday arvo, that's when I can start to relax & actually have a few bevvies meself ;).

If you have a particular category you want to Steward, let me know, so I can make sure you get 1st dibb's on it/them.
Gents, the final numbers are in...

A total of 485 entries (that's 15% up on the previous record number!).

I'm not going to divulge the breakdown of numbers in categories (nor the comments from members of the Organising Committee!!!!), but suffice it to say that Specialties will be an absolute MONTY!!!!!

'Still waiting on a judging schedule over the two days from El Presidente (Mark Hibberd), when I can then let folks' know when their efforts will be required, but since we have to vacate the judging space on the Saturday evening (some paltry excuse about dinner or something equally stupid....), I'll let you know.

Watch this space....
doh.. shifted my entry to the specialty...
Good luck, Mate. From the numbers, you're going to have some seriously HARD competition there.....

I wouldn't be a judge in that category for quids, but it looks like we'll have to split the panel into two parts..
probably do shiat.. I enjoyed it tho.. thats the main thing
Hey, you'll be stewarding on Sunday, right?

You'll get to try-out at least half of your competition...

The "biggies" are likely to come out on Sunday arvo, which is what you wanted to Steward, right??
Grainer said:
doh.. shifted my entry to the specialty...
Double too.

I got my Raspberry Stout changed to a specialty

I've got 2 in specialties...

That one and my Oaked Scottish Ale

Damn...sounds like its gonna be a tough category
FFS, gents!

Specialties is the biggest category this year. How the **** can something "Special" be so, when everyone enters one????

You guys might want to re-think your entries for next year, so you MIGHT have a chance of winning a prize...
No, Yob, you have reasonable competition (I won't reveal the numbers) in Stout.
GrumpyPaul said:
Tell us numbers Martin....

Cant hurt knowing how big the field is can it????
Yes, Paul, it can...

I am at liberty do disclose 485 total numbers (a 15% increase on the previous record number).

Specialties are the biggest category, by far (hence my previous WTF?? post earlier). That's why we need both judges & stewards!!!!!

The next-biggest is no surprise....yawn....

You're just gonna have to wait & see.....
Hi all and greetings!

I'm new to the forum AND new to entering competitions. But I've entered 3 beers in VicBrew this year, and I'm quite excited. I've read through this whole thread and *may* be asking something that's already been answered (I may have missed it), but anyway, my question is:

"Do competition entrants get an email confirmation of their entry?"

If so I am yet to receive anything. If not, I'll just go sit over there and wait unitl the weekend, shall I? ---> :huh:

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