Vic Xmas Case Swap 2011

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we ended just a little short but it all worked out in the end pretty damn close.. certainly not too bad for a mish mash of equipment and a couple of noobs..

the storm came in just as we finished the clean up and was good to finally sit down for a while and enjoy the beers :rolleyes:

while im here there are a few bits of leftover kit from swappers

View attachment 50854

funnel end I think is Manticles, Plastic container I think is Peaky's, dunno anout the rest...

hoodie is mine ;)

Ahh yes, the plastic container is my grain scoop and also the straw hat is mine. Just pop them in the garage with the mash tun and I'll pick up Friday. Cheers mate.
iz dat right... where'd you stash the lines? :ph34r:

naa only kidding, I wouldnt know what the hell im doin so best not to mess with others gear... there IS some bloody nice beer in em though which was muchly appreciated
Lines are there, and it's all quick-disconnects, and can only be plugged in one (logical) way, the only issue is getting the kegs cool. :)
Another thanks to Mr and Mrs Yob, it was a great day.

Also, thanks to all you guys, great to meet you and got quite a few useful tips that i will put in practice in no time.

Looking forward to the next one already!
Thanks to Mr and Mrs Yob for hosting. Was a great day and night. I've updated the article regarding my swap beer. RTD now. Be sure to drink while it's fresh.

Can't wait to ferment out the brew we did. I don't know if I got the BIAB or the 3 tier one but, either way, should be good.

What ever became of the 2 no shows?

I can only speak for one of the no shows. me.

partly some of this :icon_vomit: and a lot of an un created emoticon where it comes out the back. :ph34r:

So i spent friday arvo until sunday firmly seated on the porcelain throne and bemoaning the fact i should be drinking and eating meat.
Fortunately its cleared up well enough for me to go to work today. typical.

Apologies have been mentioned but again Sorry for the no show gents!
He means no show as in signed up for the swap but neither beer nor swapper nor apology to be seen. You'll get back 16 bottles, not 18 as a result because there were only 16 swaps.

You were a show - even though you weren't there, your beer was.
I havnt as yet been through the numbers, will do tonight.

Not a single broken glass on the night, well done gents, the backyard almost looks like it's former self.

The kettle stand however looks quite sad with the 3 ring back in place.

Put 13l into the the fv of 1060 brewday wort last night and pitched this morning... Noice
Looks to me like the NO SHOWS were Acasta and Territory Brew...

Poor form Gentlemen..

@ Acasta, I especially felt that you would show up given the kindness and trust I showed when I dropped off that keg to you without payment... <_< :(

oh well..

Thanks to all the other participants for what was an entertaining and delightful day..

@ Vitals and Lecter... next time boys :icon_cheers:


[edit re no-shows] of course, if there was something terrible that occured to you or your family's then, full retraction, and naturally understand.
Anyone got stuck into these yet? I'm looking forward to to trying some, but won't be home tonight or tomorrow night to start. May have to wait till the weekend
Anyone got stuck into these yet? I'm looking forward to to trying some, but won't be home tonight or tomorrow night to start. May have to wait till the weekend

Ive got yours in the fridge... gunna have a go at it tonight... :icon_drunk:
re my swap beer.. though greenish I thought I try one of them last night... wasnt terribly impressed by it... hopefully it was just because it was green..

re above, I had an unread PM from Acasta in my inbox I missed from the 20th saying it was looking like he was pulling out, I guess he just forgot to update the swap article.
you know, the only thing out of place in the backyard, as of today, is a single stubbie...

a single VB stubbie... did I miss something on the day? :blink:

it's... not... REALLY VB... is it???

someone left it yankin me chain?

well WOOF.. it's been driving me nutz for days. :lol: :blink:

[edit] photo

Hahahahahha yep that was one of mine! It was a larger that I made, smells funny. Just wanted some feed back on it.

I have finally been converted. Had two cans of the shit on the way home from work on Wednesday, nearly chucked the second one in the bin! God awful crap it is. Can proudly say NO MORE VB FOR ME!
Hahahahahha yep that was one of mine! It was a larger that I made, smells funny. Just wanted some feed back on it.

I have finally been converted. Had two cans of the shit on the way home from work on Wednesday, nearly chucked the second one in the bin! God awful crap it is. Can proudly say NO MORE VB FOR ME!

A LAGER!!!! :D

VB awful?? Dems fightn words !! angels piss mate
Yer some of the boys had a try. It's a bit sulferie, not to bad cold. Manticle let his warm up a little, he's still breathing JUST!

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