Vic Xmas Case Swap 2008

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#2 Mark.M Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale

I chose to drink this as first of my case swap beers last night.
Enjoyed it and went down a treat.
Slightly fruity at the start and finished with a nice bitterness.

Very enjoyable beer well done Mark
#13 CM2 Mongrel Black

lovely head good carb rich black color sweet smelling thick to drink sweet bitter & toasty to taste its a nice mongrel :chug:
phew glad you liked it. Id be interested to hear if you though the sweetness was due to diacetyl or maybe just too much malt and crystal (which I think it may be as I did whack a bit extra malt in just for ***** and giggles).

I recon with some aging and a few tweaks it could be a good drop.
#10 Superhero (wit)

Cloudy as per style, aroma of corriander or cinnamon with a strange taste not quite orange, a mate an me thought maybe grapefruit, a nice tart
wit, with a fairly light body.

i enjoyed it for a nice wit while my mate kinda liked it but wasa bit tart

good work super i thought a nice crafted atempt at style
#21 - Wardhog - Great Aussie BlandAle
Almost tastes like a wheat beer upfront (though not sure why looking at the recipe), though it doesn't have any of the distinctive wheat beer esters, clean taste, low (if any) bitterness, small head, no hop flavor detected (though keep in mind that I had already drunk an IPA and a hoppy APA previously in the afternoon). Cloudy texture, quaffable ... could make a reasonable base beer to add more hop and malt flavor to, I guess.

#1 reg's supposedly diacetyl-infused ale: I was actually looking forward to tasting the diacetyl. I know that sounds bloody stupid I've never knowingly tasted it before so I was hoping it was going to stand out like dogs balls so in the future when I come across it in my own beers, I'll know what it is. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I didn't taste anything that I hadn't tasted before. Either there is no diacetyl or I'm one of the lucky few who isn't sensitive to it. Nice beer, thanks Reg.

#2 Mark.M Nelson Sauvin Summer Ale: The passionfruit really stands out when you first pour it and take a good whiff. I'm on the Nelson Sauvin bandwagon now. Thanks Mark.

#3 Moonee (Robust Porter)

I dont normally drink dark beers but as an intro to a porter it was easy drinking.

I agree with CM2, its a great intro to darker beers and I really enjoyed it.
I will be making one of these for the colder months of next year.

Thanks for this beer, opened my eyes to darker beers.
I have just tried one labeled 25 but as far as I can tell this was capped at 24 brews. Is this the mystery brew that ended up in my crate?

This one initially had a skunked aroma but has now subsided to grassy. Getting harder to tell after tasting quite a few. Finishes with a POR bitterness.
4 - Rook - Pommie Bitter

Tried this tonight and initially thought it would be a little more bitter than it was

Very crisp and clean aftertaste
A very good sessional beer and it left me wanting more.

IMHO a very good beer that was probably a little low in bitterness but a great drink.

Very nice Rook. :icon_drool2:
24 - apd - ale?
Cloudy texture , small firm head at the start. Clean ale taste, low bitterness, low hop flavor and aroma. Pretty easy to drink. This is more in-line with what I was expecting from the #21 that I drunk last night ...

17 - Kleiny's Weizen

I wish I had've opened this one sooner. The bubblegum has just about disappeared, but this is still a refreshing and deliciously quaffable beer.
Excellent beer, Kleiny.
Tasting two of yours and Chris Taylor's at the swap has inspired me, here's hoping the weizen I pitched yeast onto this morning comes out as good as this one.
15 Quintrex - Saison de votre mre Can be drunk now or aged a bit more to let it mellow!

Quintrex, this one had a very strong Listerine smell and taste. Could not drink it. Also started crawling out of the bottle after it was left alone.

I have just tried one labeled 25 but as far as I can tell this was capped at 24 brews. Is this the mystery brew that ended up in my crate?

This one initially had a skunked aroma but has now subsided to grassy. Getting harder to tell after tasting quite a few. Finishes with a POR bitterness.

Johnno check out the wiki its been updated to account for beer number 25

i think it was just beerdingo's pale ale and he forgot how to count
#11 fents (hallertau ale)

sorry fents mine was flat even after keeping it in the cupboard for extra time
it did have a nice flavour, and i think i would have enjoyed it if had carbed up
nice and clear with a great hope flavour.

#12 Mortz (australian pale ale)

nice clear pour with a good head, medium malt flavour heading towards a dry finish with a med hop content, i reckon you could up the hops a bit in this and have a really nice beer, (thats my view).

#16 Brewmiester (pre proh American Pilsner) did you make this in a bath tub aka.homer simpson

Clear poor with a great head white with good retention, nice spicey hop aroma and dry malt taste, i did get a hint of stale flavour within the first few mouthfulls but went away by the end. Would liked to have tried to lager this beer a bit longer if i had known it had a true lager yeast in it to mellow out the flavours for balance. I enjoyed it how it was good work
I just sampled my first beer :icon_drool2: , thanks again Leigh for the delivery and p/up.

#1 Reg, I didnt get "much" diacetyl at all, very very little. I got a hoppy, a little too sweet, poor head retention (i blame undercarbed on the plastic), very clear (safale04)? A good first upper for me. Thx Reg.

#3 Moonee, this is good but, just needed something re foam,head (my daughter asked "why are you drinking coke dad", i never drink that *****) the choc and roast seems balanced, great hop balance, heaps of yeast floaties on the 2nd pour, tasted yeasty too, the recipe looks the goods apart from dry yeast, Thx for the beer Moonee, Merry Xmas
Hello drinkers,

Tasted #7 Chris Taylor's Mild tonight

Dark brown in colour. Medium fruity and sweet aroma initially with more medium chocolate aroma later. Carbonation is good. Head doesn't stick
around for long. Medium chocolate and roasty flavours and medium-low fruity taste with a dry finish. Bitterness is medium-low and hop flavour
is very low. Well done Chris. A very easy to drink, health giving mild.
Hello All,

In controversial news I did not receive a bottle of apd's mystery ale. No worries
if I can't get one. I'll just enjoy the reviews.
mcook - Belgian Pale Ale

A good beer. There's some interesting (that's good "interesting", not a euphemism) flavours, most notable for me was the yeast character, a mild fruitiness that faded away into bitterness. It tricked me into thinking this was an APA loaded up with an American C-hop when I first tasted it without knowing what it was. Chris is right about knowledge influencing perception.
Unfortunately I haven't had any BPAs before to have a yardstick for this style, so I'll just say it was an enjoyable beer and if you ever find yourself drowning in the stuff, I'll dive in to save you.
10 Superhero - Belgian Wit

Some fruity esters and pleasant coriander in the aroma, very spice with a hint of malt sweetness showing through.

Flavour pretty much followed the aroma with a little more of the orange.

Great soft mouth feel with reasonably high carbonation giving a bit of a carbonic bite, with characteristic tart finish. Also quite dry in the finish.

Often find the homebrewed examples have overdone the coriander, but in this case was well balanced against the yeast and malt character.

I have to say that I'm not much of a wit drinker in general, but this was a very pleasant and well crafted example.

Only fault was a very slight phenolic in the aroma (note was about room temp by the time I got to it).

Great effort superhero ... and yes I know I drank it early but it was the one that was cold and in the fridge.

Thanks Chris,

I do enjoy this beer on a hot day. I made a few more than was required for the case swap!
I believe the tartness is in style but the orange flavour and bitterness from the pith may
not be totally in style. I guess I'll know for next time though to just add the orange rind.
#10 Superhero Belgian Wit

sorry mate really wanted to like it was in the mood for a wheaty just had way to much zing for me not sure if its just the citrus or something else maybe its just my taste buds

Hi Hair of the dog,

I think it's too orangy too! Next time I'll add less
orange and just add the rind as the pith gives
the beer too much bitterness. If I'd done these
things this time I'd end up with a better beer.
Next time, next time ...
#10 Superhero (wit)

Cloudy as per style, aroma of corriander or cinnamon with a strange taste not quite orange, a mate an me thought maybe grapefruit, a nice tart
wit, with a fairly light body.

i enjoyed it for a nice wit while my mate kinda liked it but wasa bit tart

good work super i thought a nice crafted atempt at style

Hi Kleiny,

Thanks for your kind words. I think it's a good beer on a warm day!

The prominent orange like taste you noted is from Australian valencia orange peel chucked in
pith and all. I think there's too much orange taste and too much bitterness from the pith. I did
put in coriander seed as well as cardamon. The grapefruit taste may be a combination of the
orange and the tartness of the wit yeast.

I'll adjust the recipe for a better wit next time.