Vic Xmas Case Swap 2008

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OK then, just re-checked the fridge. The one I thought may be #9 is actualy #5. Seems as though the one I thought was hairofthedog, actualy was correct. So forget my review on #12. No wonder I didn't think it was a pale ale. Sorry hairofthedog but, it was tasty, but not as enjoyable as other's that I have tried from you. Barra, your 5 looks like a 9 (on my bottle), so that's why I got confused. I was actualy looking in the fridge/box for #12 but couldn;t find it, so that's why I thought I may have confused something. Looks as though I may have somehow not gotten #12. :-(

Might re-check thing's tomorow when things aren't so hazy. Again, enjoying everyones beers!
sorry bout that dingo , i promise for the next swap i will number them clearly before i leave home rather that do a rush number job on the scene... mine have a small piece of white electrical tape with number 5 on them in fine black texta
thought that there was some light belgian flavours (maybe my taste buds are srewy tonight - as us05 woulnt give that profile).

I agree with your taste buds - there were some funky flavours in there that you wouldn't expect from us05, hence why I believe there's some sort of yeast problem.
No worries Barra ;) , yeah, don't know who would do a last minute rush job, and put the wrong number!
OK then, just re-checked the fridge. The one I thought may be #9 is actualy #5. Seems as though the one I thought was hairofthedog, actualy was correct. So forget my review on #12. No wonder I didn't think it was a pale ale. Sorry hairofthedog but, it was tasty, but not as enjoyable as other's that I have tried from you. Barra, your 5 looks like a 9 (on my bottle), so that's why I got confused. I was actualy looking in the fridge/box for #12 but couldn;t find it, so that's why I thought I may have confused something. Looks as though I may have somehow not gotten #12. :-(

Might re-check thing's tomorow when things aren't so hazy. Again, enjoying everyones beers!


23 people in the swap, 23 beers went to the swap, I only got 22 back, my case was missing my contribution, and 2 others are missing it. So how many have doubled up on beers?
your case was 'forgotten' in the boot of someones car and didnt come out till the swap was almost completed ,hence the slight stuff up , ill check my boxes to see what i have later on.. im pretty sure i got only one of everyone elses , i stayed semi sober till the swappin was done ...

23 people in the swap, 23 beers went to the swap, I only got 22 back, my case was missing my contribution, and 2 others are missing it. So how many have doubled up on beers?

Sorry about that Mortz, almost caused a barney over the "lost bottle" fiasco.

I was pretty sure I collected a complete row for your contribution minus your own sample. I'll go home and see how many I ended up with (didn't count them on the day).

Guess that's what happens when you leave the collection work to amateurs. You better turn up next time to make sure it is done properly ;)
Guess that's what happens when you leave the collection work to amateurs. You better turn up next time to make sure it is done properly ;)

plus people dont bring 23 bottles. some leave out a bottle that they would get back of thiers and it would cause confusion. its not difficult. bring the number of bottles as there are paticipants. ie 23 poepl means you bring 23 bottles of beer. not rocket science.

in saying that we were good this year and did the swap early before too much sampling had occurred.
what was wrong with the swap before last - xmas in july? ran way smoother than this last one just gone , or were you talking about the one at spillsy's?

too many cooks imo.
The problems were caused by some people dropping out and a little confusion over the number of bottles required.
Some cases had 25 bottles but then some only had 22.
The case that came out last threw us into confusion as well and heated discussions were started about the number of bottles everybody should have had.
In the end all of the left over bottles were left with the host of the event.

Lets not lay blame but just chalk it up to experience and move on.

If people need to blame someone then blame me.
I started the thread and having not been to a swap before didnt know what was going on...but I am big enough and ugly enough to shoulder responsibility.
Whoa! Hold on there, opened a can of worms! :eek:

No blaming, you did a great Job Reg. Would have loved to be there, but family got in the way. Damn, will get in the way for the July meeting by the look of things...

Fents - yeah I was talking about spillsy's. thats was a mess!

i was just having a light hearted conversation. i recon the swap went well. Good on ya Reg for organising it. (and rooksy for hosting)

EDIT: I bought 25 bottles just in case and figured the host would have my extras. So if its ***** Rook, tough luck you have drink the 2 extra I left anyway!
I just looked with a clearer head. It seams that #12 has been drunk, and I also remember drinking the one with packing tape, HairOfTheDog's (which was still very enjoyable, just not as strong in flavour as I was expecting, I'd quaff a bunch). So it seems that I got all my swaps, sorry to open that can! Tried #5, #11, and #22. Enjoyed them all. Is #22 a partial? If so, very nice. Maybe I'm still used to strong flavours of a partial.
10 Superhero - Belgian Wit

Some fruity esters and pleasant coriander in the aroma, very spice with a hint of malt sweetness showing through.

Flavour pretty much followed the aroma with a little more of the orange.

Great soft mouth feel with reasonably high carbonation giving a bit of a carbonic bite, with characteristic tart finish. Also quite dry in the finish.

Often find the homebrewed examples have overdone the coriander, but in this case was well balanced against the yeast and malt character.

I have to say that I'm not much of a wit drinker in general, but this was a very pleasant and well crafted example.

Only fault was a very slight phenolic in the aroma (note was about room temp by the time I got to it).

Great effort superhero ... and yes I know I drank it early but it was the one that was cold and in the fridge.
4 - Rook - Pommie Bitter
poured clear as, nice head. very commercial looking (thats a compliment). maybe a bit of chill haze (not that i care about that). Was expecting more bitterness. dont know why. but after a few mouthfuls come to the conclusion that bitterness is spot on. well balanced body v bitterness. great little sessional beer.
clean fresh aftertaste and the hops is just high enough to make your palate want more without being overpowering. I couldnt pick what hops it was but am plesently suprised when i looked at your recipe. very nice rooky. gone far to quickly.

Thanks for the review CM2, funny you mentioned the bitterness as i cracked a stubby of this last night and thought exactly the same thing, that it was to low. Looking at the guidelines it is on the low side and i would up the challenger 5 - 10 grams next time.

Hi All,

In answer to Wardhog's question. What were you trying to do with your beer?

Here's my answer:

I was trying to reproduce my wit bier from a couple of years ago. It was spicy and a little citrusy with supporting sweet wheat malt.
Except for my swap beer I decided to change my recipe to make it more witbier like. This meant increasing the wheat malt and
using a proper Belgian wit yeast instead of the German wheat yeast I'd used previously. This has meant the swap beer it quite
tart and it's probably a bit too bitter for the style thanks to me adding the pith from the oranges. I'll probably just add the orange
rind next time. Apart from the strong citrus flavour and aroma there's a medium wheat malt flavour and medium-low coriander
and low cardamon flavour and aroma.

Speaking of the style here's the BJCP guideline I was brewing to:

16A. Witbier

Aroma: Moderate sweetness (often with light notes of honey
and/or vanilla) with light, grainy, spicy wheat aromatics, of-
ten with a bit of tartness. Moderate perfumy coriander, often
with a complex herbal, spicy, or peppery note in the back-
ground. Moderate zesty, citrusy orangey fruitiness. A low
spicy-herbal hop aroma is optional, but should never over-
power the other characteristics. No diacetyl. Vegetal, celery-
like, or ham-like aromas are inappropriate. Spices should
blend in with fruity, floral and sweet aromas and should not
be overly strong.
Appearance: Very pale straw to very light gold in color. The
beer will be very cloudy from starch haze and/or yeast, which
gives it a milky, whitish-yellow appearance. Dense, white,
moussy head. Head retention should be quite good.
Flavor: Pleasant sweetness (often with a honey and/or vanilla
character) and a zesty, orange-citrusy fruitiness. Refreshingly
crisp with a dry, often tart, finish. Can have a low wheat fla-
vor. Optionally has a very light lactic-tasting sourness. Herbal-
spicy flavors, which may include coriander and other spices,
are common should be subtle and balanced, not overpower-
ing. A spicy-earthy hop flavor is low to none, and if noticeable,
never gets in the way of the spices. Hop bitterness is low to
medium-low (as with a Hefeweizen), and doesnt interfere
with refreshing flavors of fruit and spice, nor does it persist
into the finish. Bitterness from orange pith should not be pre-
sent. Vegetal, celery-like, ham-like, or soapy flavors are inap-
propriate. No diacetyl.
Mouthfeel: Medium-light to medium body, often having a
smoothness and light creaminess from unmalted wheat and
the occasional oats. Despite body and creaminess, finishes dry
and often a bit tart. Effervescent character from high carbona-
tion. Refreshing, from carbonation, light acidity, and lack of
bitterness in finish. No harshness or astringency from orange
pith. Should not be overly dry and thin, nor should it be thick
and heavy.
Overall Impression: A refreshing, elegant, tasty, moderate-
strength wheat-based ale.
Commercial Examples: Hoegaarden Wit, St. Bernardus

Blanche, Celis White, Vuuve 5, Brugs Tarwebier (Blanche de

Bruges), Wittekerke, Allagash White, Blanche de Bruxelles,

Ommegang Witte, Avery White Rascal, Unibroue Blanche de

Chambly, Sterkens White Ale, Bells Winter White Ale, Victory

Whirlwind Witbier, Hitachino Nest White Ale

Let me know how close I got.

And do me a favour, Don't compare my beer to Hoegaarden Wit. You'll be disappointed.

Happy beer drinking.
#10 Superhero Belgian Wit

sorry mate really wanted to like it was in the mood for a wheaty just had way to much zing for me not sure if its just the citrus or something else maybe its just my taste buds
Hello quaffers!

For my 1st case swap beer to taste I chose:

21. Wardhog's Blandale (tm) - Medium-low carbonation and head, Medium-high malty sweet and medium fruity aroma.
Medium-low malt and a medium peppery/fruity flavour. No hop flavour or detectable bitterness. Body is very thin.
Very easy to drink on a Summer evening though. Well done Wardhog. You achieved what you set out to do and more.
#13 CM2 Mongrel Black

lovely head good carb rich black color sweet smelling thick to drink sweet bitter & toasty to taste its a nice mongrel :chug:

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