Vic Mirco Breweroes Showcase - Fed Square Tonight!

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I recommend the Wednesday instead of the Thursday, and get there at right on 4:30 or even a little earlier. When its not so busy you get a chance to have a chat to the brewers, and you don't have to shoulder your way through throngs of the great unwashed.

I'll be there on Wednesday right at start time, along with Mrs Thirsty, Spillsmostofit and maybe a couple of others. Come along for a beer or 15



I wont be in Melbourne until Thursday so if I do go that is obviously the day.
Thanks for the rundown TB :beer:

I'll be going Thursday with one or two others ...

I'm not sure that missing Melbourne brewers homebrew club on Wednesday for the showcase would win me too many friends ;)
I will be there tonight, and possibly tomorow night!
Well what can I say :D !

You Melbourne folk are extremely lucky to have this event a few times a year.

I went last Thursday and really enjoyed tasting so many beers I hadn't tried before. I went early and managed to talk to several brewers before crowd got too full on. I managed to try 23 different beers and left with a warm glow (and a stubbie of 3 Ravens Imperial Stout):lol: !

Highlights were 3 Ravens Dark and Uber Imperial Stout, Jamesions The Beast, Temple Saison and Bridge Road Pale.

I ran into Brennas Brews (may have the name a little wrong)who posts on AHB as well.

I can thoroughly recommend this event to anyone.

In my view, the two new 3Ravens beers were the BOS offerings.

I also think enough time has now passed for Thirsty Boy to regale the assembled audience with the story of our World of Chips experience... :D
3 ravens 55 was the winner for my money.
Nice use of rye in a very sessionable APA

I missed out on their Imperial stout. any words on it spills?
3 ravens 55 was the winner for my money.
Nice use of rye in a very sessionable APA

I missed out on their Imperial stout. any words on it spills?

The reason you missed out was because I drank it all. I had worked my way through about half my tasting tickets and used the rest of them all up on the UberBlack. They got the message and were *possibly* giving me a little more than was *strictly* required.
Spill it spillsy.

Well, whilst i was mingling with ThirstyBoy. Spills decided to 'smashmostofit' and lose his $2 deposit on his tasting glass as it and what i think was 1/2 a uberstout went sailing to the floor into a million pieces!

After 20 tasting tickets im suprised my glass didnt follow the same fate!
I'm so jealous..... I used to go to Beertopia every year, until it changed to the Fed Square event. Looks like I'm really missing out now - so do spill all details. I may try to make it with Linz next year, after all I am SWMBO!
I'd have to say that this was the best one I have been to so far.

Really impressed with 3 Ravins Ubber Stout and also enjoyed What's Brewings Hefewiezen, Temple Saison was another highlight.

Also glad to see that some of the really dodgy brewers did not make it back this time.
Well, whilst i was mingling with ThirstyBoy. Spills decided to 'smashmostofit' and lose his $2 deposit on his tasting glass as it and what i think was 1/2 a uberstout went sailing to the floor into a million pieces!

After 20 tasting tickets im suprised my glass didnt follow the same fate!

I am very pleased to report that the glass that died did so completely empty.

I've only broken three glasses in my entire life. The first was in front of Here's Humphrey in the late 1960's when I learned that one should not bite such things. The second was when I was (basically) inebriated and I did not learn until the next day that I had done so and that it was some preposterously expensive Reidl or something. Last Wednesday was the third. I blame MrsMostOfIt.

But that's not the story! :p
The "story" has very little to do with beer and more to do with my poor choice of restaurants.

The Showcase was a good time, it was great to meet a couple of new beer geeks and catch up with Fourstar and his MrsStar again ( I first met them at a Food and Wine festival beer geek event last year)

Little Squares - The Vic Micro Showcase isn't a replacement for Beertopia (the demise of which I too lament) there are only Victorian Micro's represented and there isn't really any competition attached to the event apart from a fairly lame "Peoples Choice" form to fill in. On the bright side though it is held quite a bit more often than once a year, at least three or four times actually. Check out the Federation Square website Upcoming Events, roughly every quarter I think.

Back to the story... please feel free to ignore it as it's quite boring

1 - Micro showcase over, somewhat drunk, require food
2 - Drag 6 people to a Food and Wine Festival venue for "World of Chips" the humble potato chip as interpreted by 8 different nationalities at the World Restaurant and Bar in Southbank
3 - Have trouble finding said bar, drunk
4 - Arrive at bar
5 - Discover that the "world" part of the places name means they try to maintain an "International" theme, which seems to largely manifest itself in the form of employing as wait staff, a disorganised mob of backpackers with a limited ability to speak English.
6 - Informed eventually, that you need to pre-book for world of chips... despite the fact that there was a tray of "world of chips" menus sitting beside the front of house counter and how in buggery can they need you to pre-book for a menu that consists of 8 different items? what do they do? Pre-cook all eight and chuck away the seven you don't order? And its CHIPS for christ's sake!!!
7 - OK, so we order something else, and some drinks. After confirming several times that we didn't want Trumer Pils (which incidentally wasn't actually on the beer list) and pointing repeatedly at the Schwellmer pils (that was on the list) we were presented with two icy cold glasses of Trumer Pils... it took a good 10minutes of conferencing between 3 waiters to have them taken back and eventually replaced with the correct beer
8 - Spills ordered the "special" which was sausages with eggs and some other interesting stuff... after the beer debacle he was especially vigilant to ensure that the waiter understood that he did not mean the normal menu item of Bangers and Mash. The waiter got it... or at least he seemed to, right up until a plate of Bangers and mash was delivered to the table. Upon complaint... we were informed by a (seemingly) more senior waiter, that the sausages with Eggs etc... was in fact exactly the same as the Bangers and Mash anyway....... their separateness on the menu & the complete lack of eggs in the one and mash in the other apparently being a misunderstanding on our part.
9- Horrendous soggy Spag Bol that was so obviously re-heated that the spaghetti wouldn't even twirl around the fork, Bangers and Mash weren't even good, Pizzas were OK

In conclusion... my ability to pick a restaurant for a group of people has been forever placed into a state of "suspicious" and I am less than pleased and slightly embarrased.

World Restaurant and Bar - ****1/2. The ideal place for a quick snack and a couple of beers while you work up the rage to finally kill them all. If however you aren't in the mood for a killing spree, avoid this place like the cesspit of poor food and abysmal service that it is. It's Melbourne people, there are a lot of GOOD places, this one deserves to wither on the vine.

... and to wind the whole thing up, upon leaving (which took a while because nobody wanted to come and take our money), they wanted to charge us (I think) $13.50 each for the Schwelmer Pils that were advertised as $8 each on the menu. It wasn't until the menu was presented to them and another internal consultation that we paid what was owing...

I wholeheartedly recommend World as a place to avoid like the plague. We had a good night though!

Edit to change tense to correctness...

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