Vb Is Rubbish Right?

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Do you know what they use it in then? I saw drums of the stuff in the CUB brewery.

Just regular old isomerised hop extract - the tetra is for beer that needs protection from light strike because of the colour of the bottles.
In the lazy hazy days of the seventies in NSW when Resches ruled supreme the workers of this hallowed brew used to pull the plug periodically, usually at Easter or Christmas in the quest for more wages on top of their usual perks (free beer) and when the draught dried up we would be drinking package beer at out favorite watering hole kept on ice in plastic garbage bins. Then along came CUB seizing on an opportunity and introduced VB on a twelve month contract to the clubs and pubs. The drinkers of Resches who swore they would never drink any thing else on this planet soon changed their ways and twelve months became forever, so VB became firmly entrenched in the drinking culture of NSW. Sadly the Resches brewery withered on the vine and is no more and now VB rules supreme. Sorry Tooheys supporters don't count so endeth the lesson.


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