Vb Champion Beer Of Show

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While we're all pissing on VB (again)...that new ad campaign I've seen a bit of during the cricket is appalling. (Cue VB man voiceover) "You can tell a lot by a man's hands......Don't ya make stuff with ya hands?....what are ya, a hairdresser or some other gaylord profession? Well we're not saying you can't drink beer, just not this beer. MAN HANDS. Put 'em in some ****"
Yes, we were pretty pleased to get 2 x 1st place & 1 x 2nd place for the 3 catergories we entered.


Bacchus Brewing Co.

Well done guys, now just brew a beer better than V.B. and you'll be up there with the best of them. :lol: :lol: :lol:
The best thing about drinking megaswell is it makes you appreciate the next real beer you have. Had two "new/old" VBs yesterday - icey cold and actually enjoyable for what they were (something wet after a long hot day). Then had a couple of LCPAs - they were the best versions of that drop I've ever tasted!

It's beer. Better megaswell than no beer at all!
While we're all pissing on VB (again)...that new ad campaign I've seen a bit of during the cricket is appalling. (Cue VB man voiceover) "You can tell a lot by a man's hands......Don't ya make stuff with ya hands?....what are ya, a hairdresser or some other gaylord profession? Well we're not saying you can't drink beer, just not this beer. MAN HANDS. Put 'em in some ****"

CUB and LN need to learn the same lessons as Holden and Ford. The bogan market isn't what it used to be.
our White Chocolate Pilsner won best hybrid/other (all encompasing class)
Cheers Ross

While we're all pissing on VB (again)...that new ad campaign I've seen a bit of during the cricket is appalling. (Cue VB man voiceover) "You can tell a lot by a man's hands......Don't ya make stuff with ya hands?....what are ya, a hairdresser or some other gaylord profession? Well we're not saying you can't drink beer, just not this beer. MAN HANDS. Put 'em in some ****"
Very good point. Could've added a breast enhancement surgeon...

Actually it'd be pretty funny to see how sales would perform if the VB voiceover man had a stereotypically super-gay accent.
I love good beer, would rather have none than compromise for rubbish... I'm not that desperate... yet.

I am and will happily knock back a Corona when its 30+ degrees at a BBQ but I still love my homebrew but have accepted that its not for everyone
I'd be happy with a VB served freezing cold on a really hot day. Not my first choice of beer, but I can drink it.

I'll drink any beer if it's free, and I'm allowed to complain about it.

I must admit that the last VB I had (probably a year or two ago) had be admiring it's brightness. It was glowingly clear.

No head though (in schooner) and that first sip/sniff made me do a bit of a retch when the sewer smell of PoR and pissy malt and hot lager yeast hit.

Then I skulled it. Mmmmm, free beer.
I am and will happily knock back a Corona when its 30+ degrees

I'll also refuse them when it is cold or even 25 and fine.

Basically, I'll knock back a **** beer at any occasion.
It's not **** beer.
It's very good beer within the guidelines and the market that it's aimed at.

It's worth noting that the beer isn't brewed to the style, the style is written to encompass what the BJCP conclude to be the best examples of the style.
It's worth noting that the beer isn't brewed to the style, the style is written to encompass what the BJCP conclude to be the best examples of the style.


Appearance: Very pale straw to pale gold colour. White head (possible floaties). Carbonation flat to medium to high depending on patience. Clarity ranges from bright, to GUSHER, quick get it in the glass!

Aroma: Little to no malt aroma. Slight metallic taste. Hop aroma may range from low to none and may have hints of oxidisation. Very fruity
aromas from yeast fermented at 30C. Diacetyl, acetaldehyde, fusel alcohols all totally acceptable.

Flavour: Dry flavour with high levels of twang. Hop flavour may range from none to none to none. Hop bitterness low to ghastly sweet. Balance can vary from slightly unbalanced to slightly bitter, but is usually close to wrong. Some diacetyl, acetaldehyde, fusel alcohols, lactic acid, acetic acid acceptable ... almost essential to the style. Please, for the love of God serve it cold.

Mouthfeel: Low to low medium with the back of the tongue curling with the twang. Well carbonated to flat. Some examples can explode in the bottle due to hydrometer incompetance or bottle infection. Slight carbonic bite on tongue is pleasurable after the twang subsides.
Overall Impression: Gives the impression of being beer.

Vital Statistics:
OG: 1040-1100 (when 3kg of sugar dumped in)
FG: 1004-1010 (1.001 when natural lacto or aceto infection [not uncommon to the style in some cases])
IBU: 10-20
ABV: 4.2-9.5%

Commercial Examples: Not commercially viable.

Appearance: Very pale straw to pale gold colour. White head (possible floaties). Carbonation flat to medium to high depending on patience. Clarity ranges from bright, to GUSHER, quick get it in the glass!

Aroma: Little to no malt aroma. Slight metallic taste. Hop aroma may range from low to none and may have hints of oxidisation. Very fruity
aromas from yeast fermented at 30C. Diacetyl, acetaldehyde, fusel alcohols all totally acceptable.

Flavour: Dry flavour with high levels of twang. Hop flavour may range from none to none to none. Hop bitterness low to ghastly sweet. Balance can vary from slightly unbalanced to slightly bitter, but is usually close to wrong. Some diacetyl, acetaldehyde, fusel alcohols, lactic acid, acetic acid acceptable ... almost essential to the style. Please, for the love of God serve it cold.

Mouthfeel: Low to low medium with the back of the tongue curling with the twang. Well carbonated to flat. Some examples can explode in the bottle due to hydrometer incompetance or bottle infection. Slight carbonic bite on tongue is pleasurable after the twang subsides.
Overall Impression: Gives the impression of being beer.

Vital Statistics:
OG: 1040-1100 (when 3kg of sugar dumped in)
FG: 1004-1010 (1.001 when natural lacto or aceto infection [not uncommon to the style in some cases])
IBU: 10-20
ABV: 4.2-9.5%

Commercial Examples: Not commercially viable.
That's why you're not in charge of the BJCP style guidelines!


Appearance: Very pale straw to pale gold colour. White head (possible floaties). Carbonation flat to medium to high depending on patience. Clarity ranges from bright, to GUSHER, quick get it in the glass!

Aroma: Little to no malt aroma. Slight metallic taste. Hop aroma may range from low to none and may have hints of oxidisation. Very fruity
aromas from yeast fermented at 30C. Diacetyl, acetaldehyde, fusel alcohols all totally acceptable.

Flavour: Dry flavour with high levels of twang. Hop flavour may range from none to none to none. Hop bitterness low to ghastly sweet. Balance can vary from slightly unbalanced to slightly bitter, but is usually close to wrong. Some diacetyl, acetaldehyde, fusel alcohols, lactic acid, acetic acid acceptable ... almost essential to the style. Please, for the love of God serve it cold.

Mouthfeel: Low to low medium with the back of the tongue curling with the twang. Well carbonated to flat. Some examples can explode in the bottle due to hydrometer incompetance or bottle infection. Slight carbonic bite on tongue is pleasurable after the twang subsides.
Overall Impression: Gives the impression of being beer.

Vital Statistics:
OG: 1040-1100 (when 3kg of sugar dumped in)
FG: 1004-1010 (1.001 when natural lacto or aceto infection [not uncommon to the style in some cases])
IBU: 10-20
ABV: 4.2-9.5%

Commercial Examples: Not commercially viable.

We get it Nick. You made **** K&K beer, no need to keep reminding us.

Hopefully you learnt from your mistakes and have been able to make a few palatable batches of AG.

Appearance: Very pale straw to pale gold colour. White head (possible floaties). Carbonation flat to medium to high depending on patience. Clarity ranges from bright, to GUSHER, quick get it in the glass!

Aroma: Little to no malt aroma. Slight metallic taste. Hop aroma may range from low to none and may have hints of oxidisation. Very fruity
aromas from yeast fermented at 30C. Diacetyl, acetaldehyde, fusel alcohols all totally acceptable.

Flavour: Dry flavour with high levels of twang. Hop flavour may range from none to none to none. Hop bitterness low to ghastly sweet. Balance can vary from slightly unbalanced to slightly bitter, but is usually close to wrong. Some diacetyl, acetaldehyde, fusel alcohols, lactic acid, acetic acid acceptable ... almost essential to the style. Please, for the love of God serve it cold.

Mouthfeel: Low to low medium with the back of the tongue curling with the twang. Well carbonated to flat. Some examples can explode in the bottle due to hydrometer incompetance or bottle infection. Slight carbonic bite on tongue is pleasurable after the twang subsides.
Overall Impression: Gives the impression of being beer.

Vital Statistics:
OG: 1040-1100 (when 3kg of sugar dumped in)
FG: 1004-1010 (1.001 when natural lacto or aceto infection [not uncommon to the style in some cases])
IBU: 10-20
ABV: 4.2-9.5%

Commercial Examples: Not commercially viable.

Nick, would it be wrong of me to request the "Tasmanian Ginger Ale" guidelines? :lol:. Im keen to see what flavours i should be aiming for when brewing high alcohol ginger beer with bakers yeast at 40c :D

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