Utilising The Hops From Kit.

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so i've made 2 brews now. the first i wasn't expecting anything worth while but it turned out to be easy to drink and is all gone now. the second i used a DLME instead of dextrin and it seems to be a better brew but only being in bottle for a week it's too soon to tell.

anyway my third brew i was hoping to branch out into adding some nicer flavours with hops. hops isn't cheap at the moment and to fully utilise the hops in the kit i came up with this plan.

steep grains in wort.
add extract.
bring to boil and break it.
add flavour and aroma hops at appropriate times.
add kit at flameout.

so the thing different is not boiling the kit. the last one i used said it had hops and had been hot broken already and heating it would only ruin it. i didn't of course and the beer is much clearer than the first but the flavour still doesn't do much for me. it seems balanced on the bitter/malt scale but there isn't much in the way of anything else.

so does anyone see any problems with my method there?
if so what are they and what could i do to fix it. (adding tons of hops is ruled out right now. i can't afford to be making expensive second rate beer :p )

thirdly i was thinking a black beer. like a stout for the my third outing. could someone suggest a good flavouring hops that would compliment the hops found in a stout kit. feel free to recommend a good kit also.

thanks for reading the rambling.
Most stouts have no flavour or aroma hops. If you really wanted to do it I would go easy on a little bit of fuggles.

:lol: thats a little harsh! i take it you mean little hop flavour. well thats good then should be a better kit brew really.

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