Unexpected Fruity Lager

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Hi all,

Put down a Brewcraft Munich Lager on Sat 15/11, using Saflager S23 and a Hallertau Hops bag as well as 1kg Dex. OG 1035 (which seemed low to me, but unsure as I have not brewed for a few years). Have used a fridge to temp control the brew, at a relatively constant 12-14 degrees. Checked gravity this evening but really more of a taste and was surprised with the fruitiness of the wort. There is no chance (in my mind anyway) that this is due to high temp fermentation, as I have watched it like a hawk (first-brew-after-a-long-break-jitters).

Don't get me wrong, I don't find the taste unpleasant by any stretch (quite nice in fact!) but I was not expecting the fruitiness. As I'm a newbie, I am not so familiar with the different types of hops, so maybe this is the normal flavour profile of the Hallertau hops??

Any thoughts guys?
S-23 gives me a passionfruit flavour. Not sure if it's nice, but you can get used to it.
I used to drink a certain lager when I was in Sydney and it had definite reminiscences of my S23 beer.

What fruit can you taste?
S-23 is slighter fruitier type of yeast.
But I think the fruityness may come from from that it's far from finnished.
Usually it dissipates some what in the bottle as the yeast cleans this up.
From the fermentis website:

S-23, originating from the famous VLB institute in Germany, true lager yeast capable of producing continental lagers with a fruity, estery note.

If you want to reduce the fruitiness, try S-189, which you can get from some HBS or craftbrewer has it.
S-23 is definitely the fruitier of the dry lager yeasts. S-189 or W34/70 are better. S-23 wouldn't be my choice for a clean, crisp dry lager. I've used in a Vienna Lager with success though.

But as said, it's only day 4... wait til fermentation stops in a week or so, things will improve.

Next time maybe try fermenting lower... also is the fridge 12-14C or the wort? I found about 2-3C difference so I keep my fridge at 8-9C.
Thnaks guys. I was hoping that you would all say it would dissipate over time!

In terms of temp, the 12-14 is the wort temp not the fridge temp. Fridge is hovering sub 10 degrees, cycling on for 15 mins every two hours.


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