Total Time In Fermenter... Is There A 'too Long' ?

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I've noticed a difference racking (just in the amount of sediment I have to contend with when bottling) and find it quite a simple process. Nothing to do with off flavours though.

That's a fair enough comment.

Im bone lazy though, and its just one more thing to clean.
Thanks JC, autolysis was the word i was looking for.

Racking is another discussion.... lets not drag up that hoary old chestnut, there's reasons for and against but it's personal choice.

I've done it both ways, now only rack to bulk prime 10 mins before bottling.

But i'm off topic, the answer is dont worry about autolysis, you can safely leave your brew in the primary or secondary for over a month and a whole lot longer with no side effects but try to keep the temps down.
Racking is another discussion.... lets not drag up that hoary old chestnut, there's reasons for and against but it's personal choice.

Yeah, its another can of worms. I only brought it up here because its often suggested as necessary to avoid autolysis.
I've noticed a difference racking (just in the amount of sediment I have to contend with when bottling) and find it quite a simple process. Nothing to do with off flavours though.

@ beerbouy - I guess the difference would be the amount and maybe the lack of much oxygen in the bottle? I'm only guessing/going on things I've read (mainly on here and in Palmer).

Yeast shouldn't need oxygen once established?? Once fermentation starts in the fermenter it is blanketed by a layer of Co2. As for the amount, yes maybe. I believe the secondary yeast is not quite the same and a little lazy as well. That may also be considered. Like I said this bloke was an "expert" in his own mind but he did have a point.
Yeast shouldn't need oxygen once established?? Once fermentation starts in the fermenter it is blanketed by a layer of Co2. As for the amount, yes maybe. I believe the secondary yeast is not quite the same and a little lazy as well. That may also be considered. Like I said this bloke was an "expert" in his own mind but he did have a point.

Please understand I am in no way a chemist (my postgrad study at the moment requires some very basic chemistry but it's bucket at best) and I'm a novice brewer only. However it makes sense to me that C02 is allowed to escape in primary which is why we carb when kegging or bottling (airtight containers).

I wasn't making a comment on whether yeast need oxygen throughout fermentation (I'm guessing they do because that's where the C02 comes from - they just don't need extra)- just that the concentration and environment are different in bottles so yeast cells in one situation will have a different effect to those in another.
well i myself being a new brewer and 8 or so brews under my belt ive found i like ESB (extra special Brew) they give me crazy ass dreams,
But yeah ive always Racked off like what my dad has done for the last 10yrs, it seems to give less waiting time b4 u get a better drinking brew. im looking forward to brewing in QLd during winter ive got at least 40 fermenters Ready to go using the 20ltr Vinegar bottles ive been collecting since mid last year(yes im a cheffy and Yes we do polish a LOT of cutlery). i plan on getting as many on the go during winter Due to the low temps so i have a less fruitier flavour im just waiting now on Felow work mates to provide 1.25lt Bottles.

I usualy wait between 1wk and 2wks B4 botting and i also add another .500kg of sugar for a extra Fermanted Kick. i let to settle down I ALWAYS CHECK MY HYDRO READINGS. Im loving my new hobby i think im going sort out a Big fridgemate chest freezer fermenter station so i get more consistant results and less fruitier flavour.

ohh and on my 1st ferment its always 1brick/paver sitting on anlge so im always loosing 2lts Crap yeast at the end.

ATM ive got a few On the go,
1X 28ltr 2can apple cider with 3kg raw sugar and a few other extras 10 vanilla beans and 3 cinnamon quils,
1X 28ltr 2 can 1can cooper darke stout and 1 can dark ale um 900kg coopers brew enhancer 2 and 1kg of Dark brown sugar
1X15ltr 1can Esb LARGER with 1.5kg rawsugar and drining ATM and its Sexy
I haven't much experience at this but I wont be racking again unless I do a lager. My first brew stayed in the fermenter for two weeks and came out with very little sediment, it's tasty too. Racked the second to try and wake it up a bit, to no avail, it's still in the bottles.
My way of thinking is to rack into beer bottles from the primary and cold condition them in the fridge before I drink them.
From what I've read though this may depend on the type of yeast used - what sort of trub it forms and flocculation etc.
Always learning.
My 2c:

I usually do 2 weeks primary, 2 weeks secondary. My main reason for racking is that I rack into smaller cubes (20L/25L), thus freeing my primary with plenty of head space (30L) for the next brew.

I also find that racking results in a clearer beer and less sediment in the bottle which is a plus since my philistine friends are inclined to drink straight from the bottle.

But yeah ive always Racked off like what my dad has done for the last 10yrs, it seems to give less waiting time b4 u get a better drinking brew. im looking forward to brewing in QLd during winter ive got at least 40 fermenters Ready to go using the 20ltr Vinegar bottles ive been collecting since mid last year(yes im a cheffy and Yes we do polish a LOT of cutlery).

Boy-o-boy thats alot of bottling Darken.
I use the vinegar drums too, from work restaurant. Use for secondary for same reason and water storage as town water is undrinkable.
Nice idea but bottling,wow! thats a massive work load.
They work well for me as I brew to 19lt using hop boil,(lots of floaty bits), then second, then 18lts to keg.
Beleive it, I kid you not, the same drums were for sale down town at the hardware store without a tap just the bung for $16.50 ea, and at many work places like restaurants they throw them in the bin.Take advantage when you can eh? :icon_cheers:

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