Forgive me, this is from memory (a pre google concept)
In the first quarter of the last century there used to be a product called " Blackleaf 40", this was a tabacco extract used as some sort of a *cide (fungicide, insecticide,herbicide, you get the picture). Workers processing this could and did die if some was spilt on them. The nicotine was absorbed through the skin, nicotine despite what smokers may say and think is a powerfull stimulant (the relaxtion or stress relief from the *** is merely proof of addiction) and an OD = Death.
Huh....yeah but that was back then....this is now.
Nicotine has come a long way since then.
No, I won`t have it, don`t try ringing in that 18th century malarkey here, dr.k!!
{you seem to figure in all these offbeat outburts}