To Bitter

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I'd argue that a very strong taste can be confused between categories, and that not everyone is perfect at describing what tastes they are tasting.

Absolute rubbish. Sweet is NOT bitter.

BTW the "activation" of these quoted receptors still relies upon volatile substances, alcohol is just another of those. Heat can accentuate the volatility as well.

bottle and send to me to report back...
Thanks for the help guys. Got a little of topic but some good advise. I do like a bitter beer but this is over the top, I will wait this one out and give it some time to smooth out if that dosn't work then will see.
Hi need some help
I have a Indian pale ale in the fermenter that I started on Sunday and is fermenting steadily.
The only concern I have is that it has an extremely bitter aftertaste. I'm guessing that I left the hops on the boil longer than required.

So what can I do to reduce the bitterness without watering down the taste.


IT 10

soak 200 grams of crystal overnight in some warm water and boil the drainings in the Morning for 10 mins then cool and add to the fermenter

this may balance the bitternes with a bit of residual sweetness.

Dont overcarbonate this will accentuate the bitterness.

this will do the trick

trust me

Well I've given the batch some time now and the result is surprising, the over bitterness has gone and is very drinkable. Thanks for the tips. Just about to transfer to cubes and refrigerate.
I agree with one of the first posters. From what I've read, after 60min there really isn't that much hop bitterness extracted after 60 Min. I think you added too much hops in the first place but without scientific equipment you can only guess how much bitterness is contained in your beer according to guidlines.
Well I've given the batch some time now and the result is surprising, the over bitterness has gone and is very drinkable. Thanks for the tips. Just about to transfer to cubes and refrigerate.
lol sorry, I know I shouldn`t laugh, but all the heated discussion and raised hackles , advice and graphs, agreement and disagreement, and now it`s come good on it`s own and is very drinkable.
As I said, sorry.

I've learned not to equate the bitterness of beer at wort stage or hydrometer sample stage with the finished matured product. For example I recently did a sort of US Mexican job with only 20g of bittering hops for 90 mins (Chinook) and at cubing stage I couldn't believe the hop bitterness and even a bit of aroma. It shouted "I'm a well hopped beer" and I thought heck for 20 grams I'm getting seven dollars worth of hopping, what a bonus.

On racking to cold conditioning last week it was announcing "Hey can you taste my trace of hoppiness"

I reckon when I bottle it next Tuesday and have a schooner of sneaky it will be well and truly muted and on final mature drinking should have the low IBU and trace of aroma typical of the style.
Bribie, I agree.
Too much hops is never enough.
