Thoughts on DUI?

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Is it always stupid?
Don't agree with zero tolerance either. Don't agree with lowering the limit under .05 for non P Plate drivers either. Not much on people turning up dead for other peoples fuckups though.
a work mate with a history for DUI was on his last 3 points, although not DUI last night he managed to fail to giveway and collected an unmarked police vehicle. 12 months loss of licence on the spot,car rooted,and possibly his job too. some people.! ..cheers..spog...
adding to my post above i found out today that the work mate is in serious trouble.
he was pissed and unlicenced. charges are.

1. DUI
2.aggravated driving without due care.
3.dangerous driving.
4. driving while disqualified.
5.failing to comply with breath test.

his car impounded for 28 days.
an extra 12 months licence disqualification on top of existing. gets it back in 2016.
and has to front up in court.

dumb c@#t. cheers..spog...
at least the 28 days impounding may hurt him.

He won't care about the extra 12 months as he hasn't cared about the current suspension.

Results of the court case will be interesting, which may make him care about the license suspension.

Stupid bastard, hope he gets the book thrown at him. Danger to everyone else on the road.
Not only that but he will be up for the cost of the police car. Go DUI and the insurance company will just laugh at you
angus_grant said:
at least the 28 days impounding may hurt him.

He won't care about the extra 12 months as he hasn't cared about the current suspension.

Results of the court case will be interesting, which may make him care about the license suspension.

Stupid bastard, hope he gets the book thrown at him. Danger to everyone else on the road.
curiously? Danger happens to be his nickname. he may end up in the clink,could prove a "danger" to him. ..cheers...spog...
Just got news my Brother inlaws, brother got done for DUI. [In the USA]

Ok, story:

He lives in the USA - Florida - He had 2 priors - JUST over, both times, and had paid the penalties for those...

He is a 32 yo nice, well brought up, well educated very nice guy.... Career as a UNI lecturer.

So, for this charge - he is driving over, again, and again only a little over - A 86 yo lady runs a red light, by no means his fault but an accident occurs due to her error - and the authorities admit this.

She was not wearing a seatbelt..... she died.

He is now going to court facing 'vehicle homicide' charges due to the fact he had a BA reading - Minimum is 9 years. MINIMUM!

If he hadn't been drinking, it would be an accidental manslaughter charge - possible to avoid time behind bars, in particular she was not wearing a seatbelt.

With priors, he will be facing time and it will be at least 9 years in a USA correctional system.

Family is in shock!
That sucks mate. Goes to show how careful you need to be nowadays, regardless of fault.

I spoke to a mate of a mate, one session, who lived in the US. He drove DUI (could hardly walk) and took out a bunch of parked cars, luckily no one was hurt. Looked like facing some hefty charges but he worked for an IT company who backed him 100%. His lawyer bypassed the usual channels and chose a judge he had a good rapport with and the charge was squashed.

Obviously your BIL's charge is a lot more serious but when faced with that sort of sentence I'd be looking at getting the best lawyer you can't afford. Once again, that sucks.
Two aspects strike me.

First is whether you should obey .05 simply because it is the law. If you reap the benefits of a lawful society, which everyone in this thread appears to do, then respect for the law should follow. I have no respect for people who take the rule of law for granted. For example: an outlaw motorcycle gang. Great, they're the one-percenters. They want to live outside society, avoid tax and zoom around the roads causing mischief. But who builds the roads? People who pay taxes. One-percenters by definition cannot live outside society; they rely on it. They are living in contradiction and they are living selfishly. Doesn't mean they aren't cool cats to hang out with. But it does mean they're deeply pathetic.

This example can extend to DUI. If you want to feel secure when you cross the road at night, you shouldn't drink drive. If you want to feel that your girlfriend or wife is safe when she goes out on a Saturday night with the girls, you shouldn't drink drive.

Second is whether .05 is the right level for the law to kick in and the kinds of driver education states engage in. I personally think that the level of alcohol in the blood - from 0.01 to 0.10 - is less important than the attitude of the driver. If an experienced, self-aware driver with a BAC of 0.10 gets in their car knowing they will be unsafe on the road and stays under fifty kilometres an hour, double-checking every stop, start and turn then they will probably get home and probably not injure anyone. However, if a 22yr old on 0.07 drives his mates down to Maccas from the pub and excitedly shows off, drives recklessly cos HE'S SO FKN PISSED HAHA then there is a higher likelihood of an accident occurring.

You can't measure unsafe attitudes with a breath test. For this reason education campaigns on safe driving attitudes, in particular in relation to alcohol and drug use, would be a really good idea. It should start with people on their L-plates. All learner drivers usually get at least some lessons with an accredited instructor; it would be easy to co-opt that industry into delivering this kind of education.
Those who know me will understand where i'm coming from on this.

There's no such thing as an "accident" when it comes to Drink Driving. It's premeditated. If you're pissed and get behind the wheel of a vehicle, then your actions are not accidental, they're planned and actioned from that very first moment that you think to yourself, "I could be over the limit".

I had 20 odd years on road as a Paramedic, have absolutely no idea how many dead bodies I've assessed in that time from RTC's and can't even begin to imagine what the numbers are of people injured or outright maimed for life because some ****** was too egoistical or just plain narcissistic to put the rest of the populations need to travel safely before their own short-sightedness. **** them.

The laws are there to protect not only the idiots, but the remainder of the population. Fact of the matter is, most humans are already affected by alcohol at 0.05% BAC, whether they'd believe it or not. Reaction times are slowed, critical thinking is slowed and about another dozen bodily functions are affected by the time you hit 0.05%

I think the laws basis is sound, it's just such a crying shame that our Judicial system takes such a flaccid approach to a serious antisocial behaviour perpetrated against ordinary people just driving around trying to go about life.

Someone help me off the soapbox, i'm getting old and grumpy.

HBHB said:
There's no such thing as an "accident" when it comes to Drink Driving. It's premeditated. If you're pissed and get behind the wheel of a vehicle, then your actions are not accidental, they're planned and actioned from that very first moment that you think to yourself, "I could be over the limit".

I had 20 odd years on road as a Paramedic, have absolutely no idea how many dead bodies I've assessed in that time from RTC's and can't even begin to imagine what the numbers are of people injured or outright maimed for life because some ****** was too egoistical or just plain narcissistic to put the rest of the populations need to travel safely before their own short-sightedness. **** them.
I was worried I wasn't being compassionate enough, but compared to this my attitude looks positively generous!

It really is straightforward. I think if people just sat and thought about how lucky they are to live in a lawful society every now and then they would not be tempted to break the law.

If you think a law or rule is stupid, you should lobby to get it changed, rather than break it.

There are tricky areas in the law which have a bit of grey (a contemporary one would be copyright and IP) but driving drunk is not one of them.
Well im 24 and never been behind the wheel drunk. I won't drink at all until i am done driving for the day. I bus into the city or walk to my local for drinks.

I have had a few near misses on the road and that was SOBER. probably have been a different story if i had piss in me.

I don't have many friends as i only associate with like minded stable people who don't do stupid things, which in my age bracket is rare

Had this argument with someone at my local who was cool with the concept of drink driving.

"Would you work with an acetylene torch Pissed?" "No" "Then why the **** do you think it's ok to drink and drive"

The punishment for drink driving and killing someone is a joke.

YOu go away for how long? 3 years or less? For being a ******* moron and taking a LIFE? Seems to be the easiest way to murder someone and get away heaps lightly.

Step 1. Find your desired victim
Step 2. Chug some booze in yer car
Step 3. Run em down and Claim tragic accident because you were pissed
Step 4. Basically get away with murder.

System is a joke.
Yes, prison is the answer. Zero tolerance for stupid people, put them all in prison and set them to work making furniture and textiles. Also tired drivers, lock them up with the elderly who can't do shoulder checks and have appalling reaction times and no understanding of roundabouts and merging lanes. And don't forget the young drivers, hooligans the lot of em, and too inexperienced to allow on the roads. Last but not least fresh-off-the-boat cab drivers, who have no concept of line markings or no-standing areas.
Ironic how social cost, responsibility and nanny state contradict each other.

There is a bit of Darwinism in that statement but you'd have to be really stupid to get on a 60-100kph roadway and expect everything perfect. All this talk of having driving schools and whatever teach young people responsibility, how about families own up to their brats and teach them common sense and life skills while they are younger. It's the rotten culture that drags it down. How many of these hooligans give a rats arse about what their loved ones think about them driving drunk. It's harder to give a **** about people you don't know.
Exactly the problem. If people cared about strangers as much as we do our own...There'd be alot less problems on this planet. But nope, small-minded selfish creatures. Nature of the beast.

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