The Floods Are Holding Back My Brew

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I've spent 4 hours running around town trying to find some bottles for my first brew. Not a single place in town has them, they are all on back order and as the 750ml PET bottles are from Qld it'll be a little while longer before i can bottle my brew. Bugger!
I've spent 4 hours running around town trying to find some bottles for my first brew. Not a single place in town has them, they are all on back order and as the 750ml PET bottles are from Qld it'll be a little while longer before i can bottle my brew. Bugger!

If you update your location there might be another brewer nearby that could help out.
Bendigo! I may have a life line, my mate is in Adelaide so i'll see if he can bring back a few boxes.
Go to ALDI (you have 2 in the Bendigo Area) and buy 18 of these for 69 cents each = $12
Pour the contents down the sink and use the bottles... hey no need to sanitise first time :)


They will do just fine and will last for a few brews, but remember to keep them in the dark to avoid the beer getting skunked by light.
I keg nowadays but use a fair few PETs to bottle off the excess and also give beer away, take to club meetings etc etc
If using carb drops, three to a bottle, otherwise a well heaped teaspoon of sugar.
Ripper idea that Bribie - good for taking into the footy - in fact any sporting even that only sells light beer :D
get drinking some coopers long necks :) gives you beer, bottles and if you fancy a good yeast.... and a lighter wallet :)

3 cases should be enough to bottle a brew and cause a decent hangover go for Sparkling Ale. :D

What happened to the Cola bottles Bribie gone up market. Get tonic water for a few G&Ts.
3 cases should be enough to bottle a brew and cause a decent hangover go for Sparkling Ale. :D

What happened to the Cola bottles Bribie gone up market. Get tonic water for a few G&Ts.

:( ALDI have stopped stocking the 99 cent two litre cola and have standardised all their range to 1.25L

So my iconic photo is definitely a thing of the past


:( ALDI have stopped stocking the 99 cent two litre cola and have standardised all their range to 1.25L

So my iconic photo is definitely a thing of the past

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I took your advice some time back Bribie and started hoarding PETs
Boy they game in handy last week when the locals at Kilcoy asked me for bottles to distribute milk during the flood.