Yep gotta agree with u there!!i only disagree on one point here. beer does not taste better than a freshly caught fish,just different.
nothing on earth beats eating a fish youve caught yourself that day and washing it down with a pint of your own home made beer.
Now my V8 commodore, I think I may be behind in cost justification; I really do need that higher stall ratio and bigger cam to get me an 11 sec pass![]()
i only disagree on one point here. beer does not taste better than a freshly caught fish,just different.
nothing on earth beats eating a fish youve caught yourself that day and washing it down with a pint of your own home made beer.
Even after the Ex-Misses deciding to keep my brewery and associated gear as part of the property settlement, Bitch! (Yes I am sore still, she could have kept anything else but noooooooooo!) <_< .
the areas that i've spent the most money was when i was trying to do things 'on the cheap'. For this reason i have a few ring burners and a few pots. If i'd spent the money on the right stuff the first time around i would have saved myself a lot more money. Still, i haven't run out of beer since beginning this hobby, so i'm 90% sure i'm ahead.
One of my other hobbies is waterskiing, Now lets see that includes a boat, Skiis, wetsuits PFD's, fuel approx 2.5km to the litre..... Hmm this expensive brewing hobby is quite cheap in comparison. Both hobbies are fun and rewarding.
Brewing like fishing should never be about the cost once you are into it.
Even after the Ex-Misses deciding to keep my brewery and associated gear as part of the property settlement, Bitch! (Yes I am sore still, she could have kept anything else but noooooooooo!) <_< . I am as
Lies, lies, lies and statistics....
Have you factored in the cost of your brewing equipment, gas & electricity costs, other consumables, your brew fridge & it's running costs, your keg or bottling system, the energy to chill the beer; you see where I am going? It's a slippery slope and has been debated on this forum a few times.
I don't think many people brew (good beer) to save money, they brew for the love of (good) beer.
But you are correct, it's not a bad price if you count just the ingredients.![]()
I've stopped counting, it's a hobby so it is ok to cost money; that's why I work to have fun.
I think overall brewing would work out heaps cheaper than buying decent commercial beers. I buy grain and hops in bulk etc so ingredients are cheap. Even by the time I factor in my brew rig, power to run extra fridges etc I think I'm still ahead.
Now my V8 commodore, I think I may be behind in cost justification; I really do need that higher stall ratio and bigger cam to get me an 11 sec pass![]()
Even after the Ex-Misses deciding to keep my brewery and associated gear as part of the property settlement, Bitch! (Yes I am sore still, she could have kept anything else but noooooooooo!) <_< . I am as determined as ever to get back into brewing. The cost goes away after the satisfaction of a good home made beer kicks in.
My 2c FWIW.
Chap Chap