Just thought I'd add a follow up here...
Over all, the brew session went really well. I think our temperatures were close enough.
- We nailed exactly 66C for the mash, and it only dropped maybe 0.25 of a degree over 75 minutes, hardly anything measurable.
- The target mash-out temperature was 76C, and we ended up at 72.5C. I decided to leave it at that instead of adding boiling water... looking back, I probably should've just added more water, then decreased my batch sparge after that to match. Perhaps that might have improved our efficiency. Can anyone confirm this?
- We spilled about 2-3L of wort due to an open tap in the kettle!
- Our calculated efficiency ended up at just about 65%, final gravity was 1.046... at least it's nice and true to the JSGA style. Surely we'll do better than 65 next time.
The biggest mistake we made was drinking too much beer throughout the whole process. I suspect this was the root cause of any issues
And now the end result...
Holy ****. The flavour of the un-fermeted wort is AMAZING. :icon_cheers: Very, very good. There's no way any kit beer could possibly taste this good, even with full boils. It's delicious stuff. I saved a small bit in the fridge for my wife to try, but I doubt she'll be as excited
The toughest part was cleaning up, everything else was easy. Bring on the double batches!
Thanks to everyone who runs this forum, and all of you guys contributing the wealth of information, it's a huge help. I bought my first Coopers kit 3 months ago, and would likely still be playing with extracts if it weren't for AHB. Cheers!