The Brewhouse - Brisbane

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No worries Ross, called them and added Noel. We now have 5 attendees.

I'm going over at lunch time tomorrow to pay for spot #5, so if the situation changes between now and then let me know.


als_world said:
No worries Ross, called them and added Noel. We now have 5 attendees.

I'm going over at lunch time tomorrow to pay for spot #5, so if the situation changes between now and then let me know.



it won't - all confirmed - thanks mate

Have we got an address for this place?

cheers Ross
See post #8 for the address - it's on albert st about 1/2 way between elizabeth & charlotte.
als_world said:
See post #8 for the address - it's on albert st about 1/2 way between elizabeth & charlotte.

whoops :rolleyes: ...

cheers ross....
Ross, 5th place is now booked and paid for.

We now have: me, JGriffin, Jye, Ross, Noel.


ok lads, we're all set. See you there at noon.


als_world said:
ok lads, we're all set. See you there at noon. If anyone gets lost or needs to contact me, my mobile number is 0408 716 288.




What names the table booked under? How will we recognise you - rolled up newspaper or white carnation? :D

cheers Ross
yeah, that's a good point - the table is under Alan. I've met you and JGriffin before, so I'll recognise you both (and hopefully vice-versa). I've not met Jye before (Jye - is that your photo in your avatar ;-)) so that might be a challenge.

If all else fails, ring me on the mobile when you arrive and we'll communicate via hand signals.
Also forgot to mention, the actual festivities don't start until 12:30, but they ask everyone to arrive @ 12, probably so they can get the logistics all sorted out and be ready to go at half past. Therefore, doesn't matter if anyone is a little bit late.
just out of interest what was wrong with 'em?

Jez said:
just out of interest what was wrong with 'em?


A lot of the beers had been made with POR - & my guess, is not the freshest POR - Skunky sweaty feet aroma & nasty bitter after taste....

POR might be a good hop when done right - but when not, it's a shocker!!!

cheers Ross...
however the local beers sucked the big one.

Gotta agree :( They all tasted of POR and like they had been watered down, except the porter which I enjoyed.

But all in all a great afternoon of beer :beer: look forward to another :D
Hey Ross, did Noel get away safely? or did his wife end up killing him :D
Jye said:
Hey Ross, did Noel get away safely? or did his wife end up killing him :D

Mate - we just had a few cleansing ales & some supper - they just left & all sweet - I think :blink:

Thanks all, for a great sociable afternoon... here's to the next one... :beer:

The Brisbane chapter... :party:


cheers Ross...
Hi guys, nice to meet you all today. I said that I would post so you could identify me on AHB and ... well, here I am.

It is always good to have fellow obsesive beer lovers at these types of events.

Not sure when the next one is but as soon as I know I will fill you in on the details. Any suggesetions for themes,beers or areas of focus are most welcome. ...and yes Ross, one of the future events will probably focus on Belgium. Sorry if my conversations seemed to sound like ..... blah blah blah blah belgium blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah belgian yeast blah blah blah blah malt blah blah blah blah belgium blah blah blah blah belgium blah blah blah blah belgium..... blah blah blah blah belgium... but i do love me a good Belgian beer.

Looking forward to catching up again, and maybe next time I might be able to have a few more beers myself.

... and I'll bring some of my brews along for you.

beersom said:
Hi guys, nice to meet you all today. I said that I would post so you could identify me on AHB and ... well, here I am.

It is always good to have fellow obsesive beer lovers at these types of events.

Looking forward to catching up again, and maybe next time I might be able to have a few more beers myself.

... and I'll bring some of my brews along for you.


Mate - can't wait - your enthusiasm rubbed off on everyone - top day - a pleasure to meet you & your wife.... :beer:

cheers ross...
I've a feeling i was starting to dribble a little bit towards the end of the night, but a great time was had. Only thing was everyone bailed! I eventually decided that 8 hours in the pub was enough for a Sunday.
bit of a late report, but...

Was good to see Ross & John again, and meet Noel and Jye. Sorry I couldn't stay a bit longer (and it wasn't just because I'd heard about jgriffin's dribbling problem :p )

Pick of the day for me was the LC Rogers Beer and the Redoak Wee Heavy (mighta had a bit too much of that one methinks :chug: )

Ian, I think I can speak for our group in saying how good your talk was. I can appreciate how hard it would be to talk to a group that ranges from new beer drinkers to hardcore all grainers. Also had some good feedback from Matt (? - red polo shirt) who talked to us about the motivation behind running the sessions and some of the future ideas he had.

I think you can be fairly certain that we'll be back for the next one.



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