The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

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lael said:
Hi Brian,

I should be able to start shipping units at the end of the month. So, depending on how long AusPost takes to get it to Maryland ( I would guess under a week) early Sep?

The components can handle up to 20A@240 for heating elements - so 120v is fine.



Shipping at the end of the month? Did I read correctly????
Mardoo said:
Hey Lael,

Things are looking great! I think this has been answered already but I'm having trouble unburying it from the rest of the thread. What is the thread diameter on the temperature probe? I'm using this for a recirculating 2V HERMS so need to work out how I'm getting the probe on to the HEX outlet.

Cheers for your ongoing hard work! I was pretty anxious to get the controller and get going as soon as possible after paying, but have happily settled into a relaxed build of considering and reconsidering and deciding differently than my original plan. For the first time in my life I'm actually enjoying tinkering :)
I'm interested to see what you're up to in the planning stage Mardoo, veeery interested
Lael, spent yesterday fighting with a raspberry Pi getting server and such setup for the tap list and brewpi. I eventually discovered the wifi stick was dead and now have to wait for a new one to turn up in the mail.
Anyway this got me thinking about the new brewpi spark and then of course the spark dev for this. So hows dev going? Any hints at direction or stuff you would like others to dip their toes in?
Hi masters
I have made a brewpi from scratch, f'ing amazing bit of kit. On second ferment and for first ferment the beer temp was held to 22.5 deg for 2 weeks plus minus about .14 degrees. And that is in a 30 year old fridge and 2 x 100w reptile heaters. I am trying to add a camera to mine....i want to see the krausen but need xray vision to see through stainless!

Back to the thread....i have been assisting Lael with some of the bits of the mathos controller. There is some allowance to make the spark fit into the main board but for the basic functions it is not required. The other options are the mega boards and they can probably be encouraged to fit as well. Just bought one the other day and nanos etc.
I would think that an Arduino mega would be an easier option as at this time no one has volunteered to transfer and de bug the code to spark. There are still extra I/O pins and even more on the mega. I doubt speed is an issue. Probably need to get this current one out the door first and it is very close now.

Just my 2c
Happy to discuss though.

Cheers james

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Lael :) Christmas did come early this year :) Christmas brew on new controller ohhh eys in deed :p A million thanks for the job done !!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely frothing to get my hands on this! I check my email every day hoping for updates.

Super pumped to get my beermachine up and running and show everyone!...and make beer of course =)
I had actually thought about hacking the hell out of the server side brewpi code to run server side for this. My 3 fermenting fridges will be running brewpi over bluetooth. Pluging a blue tooth dongle into a mega is fairly simple and the whole lot uses a serial interface. If I eventually start making head way I'll let you know.

Glad everyone is excited! :) End of the month is the plan. Just finalising shipment of the boxes and the heatsinks this week. Because of weight and size it looks like courier is not going to be possible, so partially depends on shipping time.

The board is designed to work with a shield shield and a Particle (spark changed their name) core/photon. However - the first batch of shield shields that they did were defective and wouldn't pass through 12C communications - including OneWire - which means there was no way to read the temp probe. Part of the delay in this project was I delayed a few weeks (a long time ago now) hoping their shield new shields would ship so I could test it before commenting about whether it was really going to work.

I still don't know. That's why in the original description I made it clear it should be considered non-functional at this point in time. But! I got an email saying my order of photons and shield shields have shipped. So... maybe soon!? I've started playing with the Spark Cores just a little at this point - but been a little occupied ;)

If you are interested in having a wirelessly controlled brew controller - I would encourage you to hit up:
You will need a photon and a shield shield.

AS for help - that would be awesome! Let me get shipping of the last parts underway, and then I'll organise something! :)
Hi Lael,

I'm happy to order myself a Photon (presumably the one with breadboard headers?) and a Sheild Sheild (V1 or V2?).

However, what do they do?

I am a sparky, but still reasonable green with control systems.

Will it be simple for me to add to the board?

Hey Lael

if I have a unit available pls put me on the list ,I have pmd you as well
as you said I think I have fried my unit.

with thanks Mick
Silly question: Is there still any chance of clear covers for the controller? No need to go to extra work, I just like the extra geekage.
Hi LC,
Very easy. Just plug it in like an arduino. There is no code for it at the moment though, so it won't do much. If you want to wait I can post once I get my shipment and test whether it works with the Brauduino board.

LiquidCurrency said:
Hi Lael,

I'm happy to order myself a Photon (presumably the one with breadboard headers?) and a Sheild Sheild (V1 or V2?).

However, what do they do?

I am a sparky, but still reasonable green with control systems.

Will it be simple for me to add to the board?

Let me check. I need to get some more fascia material, so I might be able to get a small amount when I do that.

Mardoo said:
Silly question: Is there still any chance of clear covers for the controller? No need to go to extra work, I just like the extra geekage.
lael said:
Hi LC,
Very easy. Just plug it in like an arduino. There is no code for it at the moment though, so it won't do much. If you want to wait I can post once I get my shipment and test whether it works with the Brauduino board.
All good, I just ordered them anyhow. And an aerial for long distance brewing.... Not sure if I need it, might just put it on for looks..
Spark core / photon

Just for those not geeky enough to know what these are.
The Mathos controller is designed around an Arduino Uno which is a single chip computer designed for making small projects and there are millions of them and they are relatively cheap. They have been copied and smaller versions (nano) and larger versions (mega) made. The Uno in the Matho has hit one of the limitations in that the software now uses about 96% or the available memory space. This means things like auto hop robots and motorised valves etc can not be added.

The Photon / spark is a bit physically smaller but has more memory but the programming is different. There is a shield (circuit board ) that allows the spark to plug into that makes it compatible to plug in instead of the Uno into the Matho. The problem is someone with lots of time and programming skills will need to rewrite the software so it will run on the spark.

For the normal Matho it is not required. Probably as the hop robot etc would need more inputs and outputs it may be better making a circuit board specifically for the Spark /photon and call it Matho II.

Ok that makes it 4c now.


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