The Beer Belly A Myth?

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There were few heavy drinkers.

Surely this completely undermines anything they might have to say about the matter?
Oh great now we're going to have hoardes of gimps showing us their six packs (or lack thereof) in a follow up to the tattoo thread. :eek:

Warren -
men accumulate fat around the waist, women have it more evenly distributed across their bodies. the correlation here is with energy intake and being male. there's also a correlation between being male and drinking beer :p
"Dr Martin Bobak from University College London and colleagues at the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague questioned 891 Czech men and 1,098 women between the ages of 25 and 64 as part of their study. "

I wonder if they researched the number of people who have died in the past 5 years, that had eaten carrots within 1 week of them dying; would we conclude carrots are a high risk of killing us?

"All of those questioned as part of the study were selected at random and drank either no alcohol at all or only beer.

The association between beer and obesity if it exists is probably weak
The survey showed the men consumed on average 3.1 litres of beer each week with women drinking on average 0.3 litres per week.

There were few heavy drinkers. Just 3% of men drank more than 14 litres of beer in a week and just five women regularly consumed more than 7 litres in a week. "

Perhaps they should try again with another sample
I'm sure it was a good and proper scientific study, but the media read a small portion of it that was of interest to them and completely ignored the rest of the content.
I've developed a slight belly since I stopped smoking and started brewing...

Which one caused it I don't know, but as someone who is classed as "chronically underweight" by their BMI, I am hardly concerned.
I've developed a slight belly since I stopped smoking and started brewing...

Which one caused it I don't know, but as someone who is classed as "chronically underweight" by their BMI, I am hardly concerned.
Yep, have done that as well and its exactly the same with me. Until recently I have been a fairly scrawny runt so am actually happy to get some padding on my arse at last and a getting a small spare tyre is no biggie either.

Tell you what though, the farts that come with all this are something chronic. Spousie wants me to quit having a few beers for a few days or even a week to see if they'll go away. I'm none too impressed by the suggestion... I think both quitting the fags and drinking a few home brews when done seperately usually result in some gas, doing the two together I can confirm can result in the most dreadful flatus (love that word!), in volume, frequency and of the highest potency. Couldn't ask for more really! :D
Probably the complex carbohydrates in the beer. I didn't drink for about 5 years until 2000 when we went to the UK and I succumbed to the real ale. However I was also drinking supermarket lagers and Newcastle Brown Ale as well and so it wasn't the yeast, but I nearly got chucked out of the holiday cottage to sleep in the coal shed :p
It's certain carbs in baked beans that does the trick as well, so I'd be inclined to point the finger at the carbs.

Maybe mash cooler and make heavier use of adjuncts? :rolleyes:

Edit, drop the beer for a fortnight and get in a supply of cleanskins from Liquorland and drink those instead and see if that identifies the problem
I've developed a slight belly since I stopped smoking and started brewing...

Which one caused it I don't know, but as someone who is classed as "chronically underweight" by their BMI, I am hardly concerned.

Yep. Same.

I think we've just conclusively disproven their results. Let's write it up and get it published.

No wait. I think further research is required - let's get a grant!
Do we have a member named Grant??

Could he share his experiences?
Hey, Grant. Bring some beer money!
I saw this on an episode of 'body hits' on bbc knowledge. Apparently drinking increases your testosterone, but the morning after when your hangover is kicking in, your testosterone levels drop and your estrogen starts to increase. Higher estrogen levels can increase your level of body fat and make your boobs grow! amongst other issues..

Ofc this would probably take some time to happen :p