G'day again.
I am the Les Wever mentioned in the
newspaper article above.
Congrats to all the winners, now that they've been announced. I heard that Trent was being hailed as the new Barry Cranston. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but he has done well nonetheless.
It was great to hear people talking about my beer with admiration. I thought that I was the only one who could do that. I really enjoyed bringing the joy of beer into people's day, and I think that I'm gonna take more time to do the beer evangelist thing. Testify!
You see, I have been interviewed by the Newcastle newspaper, my local Port Stephens newspaper (who are going to visit my workplace to photograph me tomorrow), and now Mark's invitation to do a spot on local ABC radio. Shame that I don't have any spare bottles of Berliner to share with the radio dude. Only 2 left for the Nats. Not sure if that's gonna be a good thing, as it looks like I'll have to put it in a light wheat category?
I did not expect to do so well with my Berliner. What a freaky beer, and who ever heard of a light beer winning a State Comp, let alone a sour one? Here's hoping that the doors have opened to allow other people's weird-beers to realised.
Some AHBers will be happy to know that they may have tasted or be currently in possession of one of my winning Berliner Weissbiers. Yep, it was my Xmas in July case swap beer.
Enoough chest-beating for now. The competition was only good because of all the competitors, quality of entries, and all the people who attended to judge, prepare, serve, collect, collate, observe, maintain, oversee, control and, most of all, enjoy!
Thanks again to the venue, and the strong NSW homebrew community.
After talking with Barry and Lindsay Dive, I'm seriously thinking of changing my Forum name to Les the Weizguy. Any thoughts from Admin?
A hearty big Beerz from me.
Les out