Tattoos - Who's Got 'em

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The classic twin theatre masks, with the words above each mask stating tradgey/comedy, a guy with a large old english back lettering that states I'm Awsome, another with Everyone Elese Does, and my personal fave being **** the Systsem.

These people would do well with follow up tattoo's of a Sinatra portrait and the words "Rergrets, Ive had Few" :D

Definitely a light-hearted jibe only.

There's a great leunig cartoon in which a man sits at a tattooist's getting "Born Looser" tattooed on his chest.

Tattooist: "Sorry mate I spelled "loser" wrong"
Tattooed guy: "Don't worry about it"

Or something to that effect. Even funnier are those with asian characters (Chinese, Kanji etc) which don't say what they think they say (55: Lemon/honey chicken?)

Years ago I had some tattooed on my kidneys but I spent about a year searching for the right ones, checked out the meaning with some Chinese speakers, double checked weeks later with some completely different chinese speakers, cross checked again, then found a native Kanji writer and art student to draw them up for me. I've since had native chinese speakers read them now they are in place and I'm very confident they say what I want them to say.

Lucky I did check because the woman I first asked didn't understand what I was asking. I pointed to an image I had already tattooed which corresponded to the word so she wrote out the characters for 'tattoo' or 'tattooist'.

3 days back to back must have given you a lot of endorphin rushes.
Michael Leunig is a very funny man, a master at taking the piss.


Speaking of mistakes in Tatts, Chinese Kanji can get seiously fugged up, like this dudes

As for Tatts, I have 2 and wanting more. The first is a barcode with "MADE IN AUS 11.08.1975" underneath on the back of my neck, just below collar line, that was generated on an online barcode generator which I was hoping it would scan to say the same but unfortunately it didnt, oh well. If you knew me and my sence of humor you would understand what this one is about. Second piece is a tribal lions head on upper left arm, similar but not the same as the Holden Lion, as being a Leo and a Holden boy from birth. Both are needing a bit of a touch up though. Having very fair skin, my Tatooist says it makes the best canvas.

OFFTOPIC but seems to go hand in hand - I have a few piercings, left eyebrow, left ear - 2 lobe and 1 top, right ear - 1 lobe and industrial bar top. These were a change of life thing to beat out some of the narrowminded outlook from growing up in the previous ******** town I lived in. I am now at my limit of piercings but brimg on more Tatts.
I'd like to think I'm a pretty open minded dude...

View attachment 26123

but **** that ****...

yeah i'm with you Schooey.

Tatts, I've got a few, mostly permanent momentos of wandering the planet from 89 to 96, from Tunisia to Fiji, Cyprus to LA, Portugal to Thailand, Turkey to Wales etc etc...

they're a personal thing imo B)

Get Stuffed
Tats should be a personal thing. not doing it cause its cool or because everyone else is doing it.

I have 2.

1st one i got when i was 19. I spent 1 year looking at designs and thinking about it bfore I got it. thats was 10 years ago and i still love it.
2nd tat was when my 2nd daughter was born. i had both their names tattooed onto my forearm. i spent 2 years thinking about whether I wanted it done or done. It is a very personal thing for me. most of the time you cant see mine which is fine, cause they are there for me. no one else.

people should spend a long time thinking about it before they have ink done. they should speak with the tat artist about their design choices etc and not do it on the spur of the moment.
yeah i'm with you Schooey.

Tatts, I've got a few, mostly permanent momentos of wandering the planet from 89 to 96, from Tunisia to Fiji, Cyprus to LA, Portugal to Thailand, Turkey to Wales etc etc...

they're a personal thing imo B)

Get Stuffed
reminds me of when i was in the west indies,i was in the dunny when a huge local walked up to the urinal and hung it out i noticed it had "wendy" tattoed on it,
i said oh is "wendy" your wifes name?,
he said noo mon its does say "welcome to the west indies and i hope you have a nice day" :ph34r: ......cheers......spog....
Maybe it spells it out in full when he cracks a chubby.
people should spend a long time thinking about it before they have ink done. they should speak with the tat artist about their design choices etc and not do it on the spur of the moment.

While that's exactly how I approach it and it makes complete sense to me, someone getting something spur of the moment may have a great significance to them - both at the time and in years to come. I know what I think looks rubbish but there are no hard and fast rules.

I work with a couple of guys who are covered in ink - every time they get a bit of disposable income they'll spend it on a tattoo. Both of them insist on picking flash straight off the wall - bluebirds, cobwebs, mermaids, fish etc etc.

Not my approach but they're both intelligent and have their own perspective. Good luck to them.
Just wondering if people in China get stuff written in English on them, like you see girls with Chinese symbols tattoed on them?
I have no tattoos or piercings. I own no jewellery, not even a ring. I have never worn a watch. I don't have a mobile phone although I work for 3 :eek: I am uncircu8#ised. I do not have a twitter account or a FaceBook account.

I am pure and natural. Although I'm getting on a bit now, I have always been a babe and have never had problems attracting booty.

So you don`t find the old foreskin a bit of a drawback ?

my latest

its finished now, but don't have any pictures of it coloured in.
Heres a bit more of eamons work I just found :


Obviously it wasnt finished at this stage lol
or the tats for when your so drunk you cant remember your name

I must admit Ive used my tats of my girls to double check their birthdays when ive had a brain fart.
Heres a bit more of eamons work I just found :

View attachment 26526

Obviously it wasnt finished at this stage lol
that one looks very familar to me, was that done @ Dynamic Tattoo Richmond? I remember watching that get filled in for a while (or a very similar one) a few months ago when i first moved down here and was checking out studios
Yep thats where he got it done so probably the same one
Yep thats where he got it done so probably the same one

Dynamic is where I'm booked in this Saturday.

Never been there but Sara Melder (nee Bowyer) has done most of my tattoos when working in previous work places so I know I'm in good hands.
Cool cool. Dynamic did this on my brother in law too :


Its my sisters name (Elodie April). Not really my cup of tea - but the script is pretty cool to look at all the same. Plus its funny to see a church minister surfing with a tattoo down his side. :p
living canvas in eltham did mine. great guys out there (Chiller and Ross). the've won some awards and stuff. Ive sen some mad photo reproduction tatts that they have done. their animae stuff is also first rate. very life like.

Not much chance of making that above tatt into something else easily if they ever got divorced. thats dedication.
Who is Eamon, your partner ? That's some cool stuff, hope you can post pics once it's complete.

And ditto Gibbocore, I would love to see how yours came out, especially the octopus. My master plan is to have one over the knee, but so many of them are lacklustre... yours however looks like it would have come out great !

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