Standing up for the Aussie Bottler
The classic twin theatre masks, with the words above each mask stating tradgey/comedy, a guy with a large old english back lettering that states I'm Awsome, another with Everyone Elese Does, and my personal fave being **** the Systsem.
These people would do well with follow up tattoo's of a Sinatra portrait and the words "Rergrets, Ive had Few"![]()
Definitely a light-hearted jibe only.
There's a great leunig cartoon in which a man sits at a tattooist's getting "Born Looser" tattooed on his chest.
Tattooist: "Sorry mate I spelled "loser" wrong"
Tattooed guy: "Don't worry about it"
Or something to that effect. Even funnier are those with asian characters (Chinese, Kanji etc) which don't say what they think they say (55: Lemon/honey chicken?)
Years ago I had some tattooed on my kidneys but I spent about a year searching for the right ones, checked out the meaning with some Chinese speakers, double checked weeks later with some completely different chinese speakers, cross checked again, then found a native Kanji writer and art student to draw them up for me. I've since had native chinese speakers read them now they are in place and I'm very confident they say what I want them to say.
Lucky I did check because the woman I first asked didn't understand what I was asking. I pointed to an image I had already tattooed which corresponded to the word so she wrote out the characters for 'tattoo' or 'tattooist'.
3 days back to back must have given you a lot of endorphin rushes.