Tattoos - Who's Got 'em

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That`s a good call, jam all the" hanging " **** back in the closet, they can bring it out at Halloween. :lol:

Yes, moving on.....

Has anyone actually posted a pic of their own tat yet?
Yeah I got two..and want to balance one side up a bit...



Both from my years in a Rockabilly band as a double bassist(ala Living End) many different names for those shocking tatts just above a chicks arse are there..

'Tramp Stamp'

'Arse Antlers'..anymore??
slag tag
These tattoo's share much in common with the warning patterns found in nature as signs of danger, much like the monarch butterfly has black striations filled with bright red to warn predators that its flesh is toxic
Stagga, oh yes, before the thread went off track....

Linz: tramp stamp = target practice??
Stagga, oh yes, before the thread went off track....

Linz: tramp stamp = target practice??

Sorry mate, but I have to be honest, the thread was never about people hanging themselves, cop it sweet.

I simply responded to a comment, then other's decided that they need to have their opinion on the topic heard.....

If it is really of dire concern to you, I'll happily request for my posts to be deleted so the thread is more concise..
I simply responded to a comment, then other's decided that they need to have their opinion on the topic heard.....

sticking meat hooks in your body and hanging from them is good?
I don`t believe this ****!!!!!

I simply responded to a comment, then other's decided that they need to have their opinion on the topic heard.....

If it is really of dire concern to you, I'll happily request for my posts to be deleted so the thread is more concise..


You need to get some custom skin armour I reckon, the cotton wool isnt working for ya :rolleyes: .
Ahhh, sarcasm, the one thing the internet will never be able to transmit properly....
I dont have any - not really my thing.

My brother loves a tattoo though. Got his first when he was 18. He had XXX on the back of both his wrists and born again on the inside of one wrist and straight edge on the inside of the other. (He is straight edge which means he doesnt drink or touch any form of drugs or alcohol. He wont even take a pain killer unless the doctor has prescibed it.)

now he has some more - he got his chest done then he had his side done and he just had a job stoppa done on the back of his neck.
I dont have any good photos but heres about the only one I could find

He's 21 now and wants to eventually get completely covered in tattoos. His tattoo artist is a mate (they travel interstate to see bands play etc). All his freinds have tattoos and its just part of the "scene". When I was a raver most of my mates had tatts and big peircings.
He works for dad (along with me) and we wont let him see new clients with his tattoos. He's fine with that though.
Interestingly he doesnt have any percings any more. Actually he might still have small (12mm) tunnels in his ears. Long shot from what he used to have though.

My nana has a tattoo on her arm - she had it done when she was in the army (WW2) in belgium I believe. The tattoo read I [heart] alex. Alex was later crossed off as she married Glenn. She had it done initially as a dare. Now she always wears longer sleves to cover it (its on her right inner forearm). Its funny to see an 89 yr old woman with a tattoo.
Ahhh, sarcasm, the one thing the internet will never be able to transmit properly....

Is English your second language ? If I had have instead said "Mate, you really need to grow some" then I'd probably be in trouble with the moderators.

Anyway, onto less boring postings....

Komodo's comment illustrates a trend amongst some younger guys & girls, to get some serious tattoo work done whilst still young. This is a long way from the token image on the upper arm or the little tramp stamp. Sure, I was first tattooed when I was very young, and I dont regret the first one at all, despite the fact that it really is awful LOL - for it's a representation of a time in my life, and where my head was at back then. But to get many hours of work (it gets to a point where 'number if tats' is irrelevant, but hours in the chair) when you're in your teens or early '20's... well I just wonder if there's going to be any regrets at covering so much of ones body before their path is a little clearer as to what lays ahead. I'm fast approaching 40, and my decision to continue on the journey towards a body-suit of art is one that's a result of many years putting it off. AND they'll still look good when I'm 50 LOL

Despite that, good on your brother ! I still have a heap of respect for people of any age getting serious art on themselves and avoiding the dicky little token gesture. I just hope for him that his working life aspirations can make allowances for his personal life choices.
Shes got a twin sister Ducatiboy_stu ;) LOL

Whats the rules again - her minimum age is half your age plus 7.
No clean brewer, that is not acceptable to post pictures of people hanging by their genitals.
Shes got a twin sister Ducatiboy_stu ;) LOL

Whats the rules again - her minimum age is half your age plus 7.


She is legal....actually....she does look about the age you require.... :ph34r:
I have no tattoos or piercings. I own no jewellery, not even a ring. I have never worn a watch. I don't have a mobile phone although I work for 3 :eek: I am uncircu8#ised. I do not have a twitter account or a FaceBook account.

I am pure and natural. Although I'm getting on a bit now, I have always been a babe and have never had problems attracting booty.

The only reason I am posting this is that I have just drunk several pints of my high strength Edwardian Cream Mild Ale.

Thus, I have my priorities well sorted

I have 8 (some small, some large) and a booking for another in May.
I like to think about my designs for months, if not years (usually years because my tattooist is so busy) and they are custom designs based on drawings by me. I used to think that this was the best way to go and for me I still do.

However a tattoo is very personal and the reasons for getting it are personal. WhileI get fairly tired of seeing tribal armbands on blokes and meaningless tribal swirls on girl's kidneys/lower back, it's not for me to say. Maybe it was a time in their life that meant something and it's no-one's business but theirs that it will look like a rorscharch inkblot test in years to come. It might be a rite of passage that's at least as important as how it looks at 60. Getting a tattoo is a comittment but it's a comittment to no-one but yorself. Thus I have no right to judge (except aesthetically).

If people want to follow trends then let them follow trends. They do it in every other capacity of life so why not with their skin?

Tough stickers..

Nothing worse than seeing a young shirtless male with " ******" tattoo'd down his arm, or accross their chest

Have worked with many guys with very nice artistic work that generally dont like to show it off

Tattoo's do not make you tough, they dont make you a man, they make you nothing if you dont appreciate the true meaning of art, and the artist who did it

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