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wide eyed and legless

Well-Known Member
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Mulgrave Victoria
Anyone ever noticed that if your out fishing, in the bush or parks etc that 95% of discarded stubbies are, in my observations V.B or Carlton Draught, I think it shows that the people who purchase the latter have no taste when purchasing and no taste when discarding the empties. Dip shits
I actually acquired two full boxes of empty tallies from the side of bush track near my workshop, neatly stacked in their original boxes.
Pretty considerate I thought.
If I caught any fly tippers the only thing I'd like them to consider is how to extract a size 12 boot from their arse. (They must have known you were a home brewer)
Considering 95% of people drink the above said beer it's not really very surprising that it constitutes 95% of the litter is it?


edit changed the % to match the op within 10 secs but feel the need to explain the edit because it comes up as showing an edit.
edit within 10 secs noticed a spelling mistake but feel the need to explain the second edit too in case people think i made content changes.
Yup. Littering frustrates me to no end.

The usual suspects in the ACT? CUB beers and bags of Maccas.

Hence why I'm moving to Struggletown. They can't afford maccas and vb at the same time over the border.

Happy days.
punkin said:
Considering 95% of people drink the above said beer it's not really very surprising that it constitutes 95% of the litter is it?


edit changed the % to match the op within 10 secs but feel the need to explain the edit because it comes up as showing an edit.
edit within 10 secs noticed a spelling mistake but feel the need to explain the second edit too in case people think i made content changes.
I don't know what financial publication you have been reading but I am sure Ari Mervis would love to get his hands on it before his next shareholders meeting.
I don't know what you are tlaking about with financial publications. I was directly responding to your ridiculous post.
punkin said:
I don't know what you are tlaking about with financial publications. I was directly responding to your ridiculous post.
If you kept in touch with what Australians are drinking you wouldn't be making silly statements, as for a ridiculous post I was making an observation that some of the people with a mentality to drink V.B and Carlton Draught are the people who are the main suspects for littering.
AndrewQLD said:
It's all XXXX gold stubbies and cans up here.
It's garbage from the time it's packaged anyway.
At least you can re-cycle the empty containers.
wide eyed and legless said:
If you kept in touch with what Australians are drinking you wouldn't be making silly statements, as for a ridiculous post I was making an observation that some of the people with a mentality to drink V.B and Carlton Draught are the people who are the main suspects for littering.

And that's what i replied to. As far as i know (and i don't keep in touch as it's not important to me) 95% of the population drink mainstream beers. A quick google tells me 89% from two companies..

Beer production in Australia is traditionally dominated by a few major brewing companies, the Foster's Group, Lion Nathanand Coopers Brewery. Foster's Group, since December 2011, is a subsidiary of British multinational SABMiller (the second largest international brewing company). Lion Nathan, since October 2009, is a subsidiary of Japanese brewer,Kirin Holdings Company Limited (the ninth largest international brewing company in the world). These two companies account for 89% of beer volume sales in 2011, with Foster's market share at 48% (declining from a 55% market share in 2006)[1] and Lion Nathan at 41% (increasing from 37%).[2] Coopers is the largest Australian owned brewing company,[3]with a market share of about 4% of total beer volume sales in Australia.[4]

Figures here put craft beer at 10% of 1/5th of beer sales (or 2% in my maths)


Craft beer now represents about 10
per cent of the premium beer market
in this country. (Premium beer in itself
is about a fifth of total Australian
packaged beer sales.) Craft beer’s
divergence of flavours and styles is seen
as one big plus in its growing appeal
If you look at some of the rubbish like James Squire and the supermarket brands that may be representing as craft beer and included in that segment then the percentages are much lower.

Your original post said 95% of the rubbish is from those mainstream companies and you suggested that the people who drank the product were socially or environmentally inferior because they were the ones littering.

I did, and do, suggest to you that if you're careful assessment of 95% is accurate then it's actually an under representation.

I know exactly what you were saying, i'm just saying that of course that is how the rubbish is dumped. Not because snobs like you are socially superior, just the law of averages.
Looks like you cannot read and digest a post, As I said in my original post which was a mere observation on my part that 95% of the empties I have seen strewed around the countryside are V.B and Carlton Draught, to which you replied 95% of the population drink the latter so it is not surprising that it constitutes 95% of the litter. Something we both agree on is those 2 brands constitute 95% of the litter. Unfortunately there are no League tables determining what beers are the most popular if you were to look closer at the 2 name brands mentioned you will find that they are lucky to pull in 25% of the most popular beers sold in Australia, as Red on White IPA mentioned that xxxx Gold stubbies and cans were the most popular brands littering in Queensland is not surprising as that was selling V.B I think it was 2011 or 12.
Calling me a snob, socially superior, nothing could be further from the truth, I admit I have been fortunate in business but my background I can assure you is less than "socially superior"
You see kids.
This is why we cant have nice things..
Yes you have it going on. Noice social commentary.