Taking Sg Readings

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well i'm new at this. you knew that of course. but yesterday i was taking a SG reading of my brew which i would have guessed to be done and ready for botteling.

but it was tricky getting a reading because of the CO2 bubbles. i had understood thats why i twirled the hydrometer but i wasn't expecting so many bubbles.

so my question is this...

is the amount of carbonation in my fermenter an indicator of the stage my brew is at?

well i'm new at this. you knew that of course. but yesterday i was taking a SG reading of my brew which i would have guessed to be done and ready for botteling.

but it was tricky getting a reading because of the CO2 bubbles. i had understood thats why i twirled the hydrometer but i wasn't expecting so many bubbles.

so my question is this...

is the amount of carbonation in my fermenter an indicator of the stage my brew is at?


NO. You will always get bubbles in your testing tube. Two solutions. Firstly, fill your test tube to near full. Your hydrometer will overflow the tube, meaning no bubbles. Accurate read

Second, fill hydrometer to top. Then sip bubbles on top of testing tube to see what brew tastes like. Take out all bubbles.

For what it is worth 99 out of 100 homebrewers will drink their test tubes (or at least taste) the brew in the tube to see what's going on. Do you ?
yes i taste it. :D

it didn't taste too good though. but since it's still brewing i reckon i should give it the benifit of the doubt.

i do overflow the tube but it is so bubbly the bubbles form on the hydrometer like crazy. it's pretty tricky to get reading of it quick before they form and raise the hydrometer. i thought it was odd that this wasn't mentioned much in the FAQs and stuff. i guess it was really, if i read between the lines.

thanks for the help.
i always taste out of the tube but it seems the flavours of the beer change completly once its bottled and carbed
thats like asking do u lick the bowl when u make a cake EVERYONE DOES haha
I take my hydro sample into the tube, and then pour it back and forth into a cup and the tube a few times.
This tends to dislodge most of the CO, and gives me an accurate reading.
Or you can just wait for the bubbles to dissapear!

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