Swmbo Knocks Tap Ajar On Cube Of Boh Pils (unfermented) )

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Damn it!

When she moved something around today she hit the tap slightly open on a 17L bo pils. About 30 ml of wort was on the floor under the tap, say over 6 to 10 hours (so tiny flow rate out.). I am guessing a small amount of air would have got in. The cube was filled to the brim originally. I starsan'd everything round the tap in the clean up, the cube isn't swelling etc but i don't have fridge space in store cold or to control ferment temp with the preferred yeast to start fermentation.

My options are:

1. Leave it as is and wait and see if an infection occurs - fridge and preferred yeast about 10 days off.

2. Pitch with Wyeast 3787 (trappist high qravity) @ ambient in the morning

3. Pitch with Wyeast 3724 (beg saison) @ ambient in the morning

In Brisbane ambient is low 20s atm - 23 tomorrow is the forecast. Lol too warm for trappist and too low for belgian. The available yeasts were in the fridge and need time to warm up.

I'm not sure exactly what yeast I'd be using but I'd be putting something on it asap just in case anything wants to get involved in that wort.
1. A stern talking to for the minister

2. Ferment now the best you can with what you have

3. Wait until you are ready and take a punt on an infected cube

When she moved something around today she hit the tap slightly open on a 15L bo pils. About 30 ml of wort was on the floor under the tap. I starsan'd everything round the tap, the cube isn't swelling etc but i don't have fridge space to control ferment temp or the preferred yeast to start fermentation, so my options are:

1) divorce her

2) cuddle up to her and say 'its ok darling, accidents happen" and write off the cube

3) ferment the cube using a kolsch yeast at ambient, and just call it an imperial kolsch

4) reboil the wort for 10 mins, add some water to compensate and recube it

5) do nothing (except a prayer that its not gonna get infected)

i vote for 3)
lol responses before i could edit the full topic.

She went straight to bed, i think she realises a bit of a f&*k up. Oh well have to give me another brewday now.
get some... cough... favours for the cock up... brew again... win win :lol:

get it down to 0'c ?
got any us-o5, whack that in.
So saison or trappist? - have chilled starter for other intentions. were at 8C

No dry yeast on hand.

Draining 20L cube of pbs and getting the starsan out.
The trappist should work well. It will be a simple belgian pale really. Add a bit of belgian candy sugar at day 4ish (or just dextrose like many trappist breweries now do) if you want to up the alcohol a bit, though It will be fine without.
Apparently some commericials cold pitch so we will see, though they have the wort a little cooler than ferment temp. I was trying to build up a small sample of that yeast to split for later use but oh well.

The wort tastes good, the starter beer (same wort) discards tasted good.

It will probably end up a fantastic f&^* up.
Yep, sometimes the f#ck ups can make the best beers. I had a vinegar fly get into my fermenter and give me an infection recently. The beer (stone and wood clone) tasted good so i decided to keg it but didn't dry hop. Wish i'd dry hopped it now as its the close to the best version of that beer that i've made!

Good luck with it mate.

Apparently some commericials cold pitch so we will see, though they have the wort a little cooler than ferment temp. I was trying to build up a small sample of that yeast to split for later use but oh well.

The wort tastes good, the starter beer (same wort) discards tasted good.

It will probably end up a fantastic f&^* up.
always is! cant replicate a **** up and some turn out so well you wish you would risk it again but decide not to :p
My gut feeling is that if you have a cube with 17L of wort, and the top on tight, and the tap opens to spill such a small amount over the time you mention - taking into consideration the mass of the wort... I'd guess it's more a case of capillary action than syphoning given the mass bearing down on the tap - in which case just turn off the tap and it'll be fine. If the cap is on as tight as you can get it then air pressure has to displace the forces exerted by the wort on the tap's aperture in order for a bubble to enter the cube - something I very much doubt as gravity is pretty strong... 0.17% of your wort has leaked...

If you're unsure - toss in some yeast and brew the thing...
You must have read Dr K's recent essay on no-chill and botulism - and taken it to heart... I think you are worrying too much. As suggested give it a quick boil if you are really concerned, but my *guess* is that all will be well.

By the way, what did your missus knock it with - a 10lb hammer? :) My taps take more than a small knock to get moving. Are you certain it was fully closed when you cubed it?
Already pitched 3787, not the worst option. It will be a mid strength leffe blonde type o thing. Fermenter at 20 ambient, lucky its cool next few days here. But it is underpitched so if there is no sign of activity tonite i will top crop some 1272 from the apa in the fridge fernenting. First attempt at top cropping.

The desired yeast was a lager strain and a few weeks away so didnt want to push my luck waiting.

the cube had been sitting there for 2 week with tap wrapped in alfoil. The foil was ripped opened with an iron board leg resting against it. I know how to ensure taps are shut tight. the ironing board was shoved into the tap in her rush to get past. The tap had been slighty opened up.

Infection, botulism, either way its lawn food.
I'd throw the Trappist high gravity at it, let it get 3/4 of the way through fermentation and then hit it with a sugar syrup to make it more like a lower gravity trippel/golden strong.

Babbs Belgian Pale Ale mini comp is on July 26 maybe take it along you never know your luck :p

