You really have to ask why the hell the soap has 62% alcohol in it
No sorry son, you aren't old enough to wash your hands. You have to wait until you are 18 :lol:
Swedes Get Sloshed on Alcoholic Soap Suds
from here
Associated Press Writer
July 21, 2004, 11:16 AM EDT
STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- Some people at a three-day music festival in southern Sweden got more than just clean hands from the liquid soap in the portable toilets. They got a nice clean buzz, too.
Since the detergent had 62 percent alcohol in it, some users were more keen on spiking their sodas than washing their hands.
A 14-year-old girl was briefly hospitalized with a minor a stomach ache after she put too much soap into a carbonated beverage during the Baltic Sea Music Festival in Karlshamn, a town that once was the center for Sweden's liquor production.
Most of the soap, locked in dispensers, disappeared over night, said Anders Persson, whose company Bajamaja was hired to provide 65 portable latrines.
"I suspected something was wrong because the soap went like hot cakes," he said Wednesday.
Many of the soap dispensers were smashed by the time the festival ended on Sunday, Persson said.
Access to alcohol is tightly regulated in the Scandinavian country of 9 million with the state-monopoly selling spirits through a national chain of retail outlets. Swedish law prohibits the sale of any alcoholic products to anyone younger than 18.
Some 200 years ago, Karlshamn was a hub for the production of "snaps," a Scandinavian variety of hard liquor, which was made at the town distillery and then shipped throughout Sweden.
Since then, the distillery has become a museum and the only liquid made in the town is vegetable oil.
No sorry son, you aren't old enough to wash your hands. You have to wait until you are 18 :lol:
Swedes Get Sloshed on Alcoholic Soap Suds
from here
Associated Press Writer
July 21, 2004, 11:16 AM EDT
STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- Some people at a three-day music festival in southern Sweden got more than just clean hands from the liquid soap in the portable toilets. They got a nice clean buzz, too.
Since the detergent had 62 percent alcohol in it, some users were more keen on spiking their sodas than washing their hands.
A 14-year-old girl was briefly hospitalized with a minor a stomach ache after she put too much soap into a carbonated beverage during the Baltic Sea Music Festival in Karlshamn, a town that once was the center for Sweden's liquor production.
Most of the soap, locked in dispensers, disappeared over night, said Anders Persson, whose company Bajamaja was hired to provide 65 portable latrines.
"I suspected something was wrong because the soap went like hot cakes," he said Wednesday.
Many of the soap dispensers were smashed by the time the festival ended on Sunday, Persson said.
Access to alcohol is tightly regulated in the Scandinavian country of 9 million with the state-monopoly selling spirits through a national chain of retail outlets. Swedish law prohibits the sale of any alcoholic products to anyone younger than 18.
Some 200 years ago, Karlshamn was a hub for the production of "snaps," a Scandinavian variety of hard liquor, which was made at the town distillery and then shipped throughout Sweden.
Since then, the distillery has become a museum and the only liquid made in the town is vegetable oil.