The Protz/Wheeler Schneider recipe is superb and has a relatively large following in the AHB recipe section.
It's quickly becoming my house beer, and I'm making one for ANHC and another for Bitter and Twisted festival.
Recommend to use the W3638 (Bavarian Wheat) yeast around 20C, and you should not be disappointed. If you'll be at either the ANHC club night or the B&T festival, come for a visit and have a taste.
To get the right wheat beer character, use 60-70% malted wheat. My lhbs temp ran out of Vienna, so I subbed light Munich in my latest batches of the Schneider-esque clone. A little darker and maltier, but should still be close to the right balance. The balance of the grist should be Pils, if you want the right balance, but feel free to experiment. I would stick to standard the first time , if the ingredients are to hand, and then experiment on later batches.
For my final 2 cents worth of opinion, I like the beer from the standard Protz/Wheeler recipe and don't see any need to change it unless ingredients are not available. It has tantalised my palate a few times and there will be more opportunities in future.
(*Edit) Oops, nearly forgot the mash regime. I like a 43-45C mash in for 20 min, then optional 50C protein rest for 20, and a sacc rest at 63C, then mash out.
Les (Schneider-clone appreciator)