Style Of The Week 11/10/06 - Saison

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PS. The 50/50 wheat/pils with 3711 is tasting delicious. Real tart, but still has the nice fruity saison esters coming through.

Ill give it a couple more days (til after I brew the above recipe if there arent any recommended changes) and rack it onto some frozen mixed berries. Decided on them as opposed to just raspberries to add to the colour and the combination of the combined fruits falvours, just for something a little different.

Time will tell if it was a good idea or not...

My B Saaz Saisons finnished.

3726 FHA fermented from 1.046 to 1.004..... tasted quite fruity and earthy.... delicious!
3711 went to 1.000, tasted quite clean and well.... a bit boring.

So i put them both in the one keg and blended them for a combo of lemon and earthy fruit...... should be great.

Just aiting for room in the kegorator to filter it.

The FHA was soooooooooooo clear it was scary!

I really thing we need to start a campein to have this yeast on full time. We did it with 1469...... we can do it with this!

Hell..... id use it all summer. Its a no power in sumer yeast...... win win!

My B Saaz Saisons finnished.

3726 FHA fermented from 1.046 to 1.004..... tasted quite fruity and earthy.... delicious!
3711 went to 1.000, tasted quite clean and well.... a bit boring.

So i put them both in the one keg and blended them for a combo of lemon and earthy fruit...... should be great.

Just aiting for room in the kegorator to filter it.

The FHA was soooooooooooo clear it was scary!

I really thing we need to start a campein to have this yeast on full time. We did it with 1469...... we can do it with this!

Hell..... id use it all summer. Its a no power in sumer yeast...... win win!


Hows the hibiscus version travelling tony?
Its red with a pink head and dry and tart :p
Iknow a pink/redhead tart but she's far from dry. She's a barrel of laughs actually and very kind to old people..

Viena Saison with B SAAZ is a winner!

I tried both beers and as i said before...... blended them.

3711 FS was a bit bland, as usual
3726 FHA was quite fruity and full on..... delicious though!

So i figured the lemon and the funky fruit would mix well, and it was one of the best damn things i ever did.

I just cracked the keg today, and slap me pink if its not the best Saison i have made to date. Id say it is on par recipe wise with the Bulls Head Saison, but the blending of yeast has really made this shine.

The spicy floral hit from the cube hopped B Saaz flowers has worked well too.

Im putting this in the recipe database...... it is truly worthy!

Pic below is 2nd glass from the keg, racked from primary unfiltered. Very happy.



recipe is in the database...... one of my best beers ever!

Thanks to AHB people challenging my ideals....... god i love this brewing community :)

No need to brag mate... :p

Looks amazing!!
HI tony,

I've not found my 3711 attempts to be bland, but can understand where you are coming from...are you essentially suggesting to brew two batches and blend them at the completion of fermentation (kegging/bottling)?

You prefer this to 3724 in general, or just this particular grist and hop combo? (I hope I've read all this right as I am on the happy side of tipsy).

Well...... i couldn't resist....... it looks so good and you may soon know what it tastes like too :)

Well, if you insist ;)

Any beers swapped will be replaced by what most would deem inferior beers, nonetheless free :p
HI tony,

I've not found my 3711 attempts to be bland, but can understand where you are coming from...are you essentially suggesting to brew two batches and blend them at the completion of fermentation (kegging/bottling)?

You prefer this to 3724 in general, or just this particular grist and hop combo? (I hope I've read all this right as I am on the happy side of tipsy).


Mmmm maybe bland was a bad term...... it was just..... lemon!

The FHA was full on funky fruit. Awsome but very full on.

Thats why i decided to blend them and it worked so well. The funky fruit and lemon blended perfect.

The combo of these 2 yeasts was far FAR superior to 3724. both fermented to 1.003 in under 2 weeks and i have sent a formal request to Yweast to replace the great but troublesome 3724 with 3726 FHA........ its an amazing yeast. They responded saying that lots like 3724 and would complain if it was taken off the list.

I said.... well release the 3724 for the hard core masochists once a year and give us 3726 all the time.

maybe they need more emails?
Thanks Tony.

edit: I wonder if full on 'lemon' was a function of the motueka and 3711 together? I've used 3711 with Nelson Sav and yet the 'champagne mixed with beer"-ish taste was no more severe than when I used styrians or saaz. Lemon didn't stand out for me, just anecdotal! I'm keen to try the 3726 based on your posts though!!! :beer:
yeah id say it was a combo of malt, hops and yeast. A previous beer i made with 3711 had lemon hints but this beer was like lemon merang.

The FHA beer had no such lemon tones.

I hope you got some 3726 while it was around because it seems to be a once every 3 year release :(

I got 2 packs while they were on sale :)...... and no..... the 2nd smask pack is not for sale :p
Drinking my first attempt at home brewed saison. Pretty simple grist, dingemans pils, 6% each if raw wheat flaked barley and sugar. Fermented with belle saison crazy hot. Today is 6 days since I pitched the yeast, and it's carbed up haha. What a lovely beer. Soooooo dry and tart but fruity also. The first sip I think it's got maybe too much black pepper/ lemon but it settles in wonderfully after that, and I love how once you swallow it it's just gone. I have a couple more packs and enough dingemans to do 2 more batches. I also have some reasonably fresh 3725 beire de garde yeast so I'm keen to do a batch with that, should be interesting. I don't think I could brew another blonde or pale ale again. This is perfect for summer. Read this thread the whole way. Awesome!
" I don't think I could brew another blonde or pale ale again"

Thats a big call mate.... :eek: It must be a winner!
Yep, dry fruity and spicy. Did I mention dry?. 1.045 og but went down to 1.002, so close to 6%, but ridiculously sessionable. Onto my 3rd pint, and I was only going to have one. I shouldn't have another but FFS I'm bound to hahaha

I have a blonde with 1007 on tap as well. Very nice but just so bland compared to this.
Nice choice Stuster. :)

I can only speak from the experience of one I've made myself. Turned out really nice. :beerbang:

First and foremost anbody who really wants to dabble with this style and it's well worth it should grab a copy of "Farmhouse Ales". Well worth the read.

Commercial examples can be had here if you look hard enough. Saison Dupont is available in Australia and is a the supposed benchmark for the style. Really great drop.

I've also tried one of Brent's (Borret's) interpretation of the style and it was an absolute gem. :) Lots of complexity and a good dry finish. It just heightened my belief that the KISS theory works well on the grainbill.

I'll post me recipe but confess that the Cara Amber just clashed too much with the bone dry attenuation of the yeast. Next time I make this I'd just stick with 100% Pilsner malt and maybe a bit of wheat.

As for fermentation? I'd suggest pitching at normal ale temps (around 18 degrees) and letting the fermentation creep up to around 30 degrees (or more). Trust me this yeast can handle it. In fact it goes to sleep if you don't keep it at a minimum of 25 degrees. Be patient and let it finish the job. My primary took around a month.

Think I might do another this summer. Great beer to make (and consume) in hot weather.

Saison du Auld Lang Sine

A ProMash Recipe Report

BJCP Style and Style Guidelines

16-C Belgian & French Ale, Saison

Min OG: 1.048 Max OG: 1.080
Min IBU: 25 Max IBU: 45
Min Clr: 12 Max Clr: 31 Color in EBC

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L): 40.00 Wort Size (L): 40.00
Total Grain (kg): 9.10
Anticipated OG: 1.056 Plato: 13.84
Anticipated EBC: 10.8
Anticipated IBU: 29.4
Brewhouse Efficiency: 79 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes


% Amount Name Origin Potential EBC
22.0 2.00 kg. Bourghul Australia 1.034 4
4.4 0.40 kg. Cane Sugar Generic 1.046 0
54.9 5.00 kg. JWM Export Pilsner Australia 1.037 3
16.5 1.50 kg. Weyermann Vienna Germany 1.038 8
2.2 0.20 kg. Weyermann Caraamber Germany 1.037 93

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
60.00 g. Styrian Goldings Pellet 4.50 21.5 60 min.
20.00 g. Saaz Pellet 3.30 5.3 60 min.
15.00 g. Styrian Goldings Pellet 4.50 1.4 15 min.
20.00 g. Saaz Pellet 3.30 0.9 5 min.
5.00 g. Styrian Goldings Pellet 4.50 0.3 5 min.


Amount Name Type Time
15.00 gm Corriander Seed Spice 5 Min.(boil)


WYeast 3724 Belgian Saison

Warren -

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
Got number 3 fermenting now. Number 2 was brewed for Xmas day, around 4.5% and using wyeast 3725 beire de garde yeast. I reckon this is pretty close to a saison yeast as it is tart n fruity ( though not as intensely so ) and finished under 1.005, it's also not going to make Xmas day, hence number 3.

Number 3 is fermenting with 3711 French saison at the moment. I used Simpsons Maris otter and malted wheat this time, mainly because i reckon it won't make too much difference, these beer seem to be all about yeast, and also it's for mega swill drinkers so dingemans etc would be wasted on them haha. Calypso hops seem to go really well together with saison. I'm expecting a package this week of some BB pale and 3724 Belgian saison, and I just found a vac sealed bag of 3.5 kg of dingemans from my last order. I guess I'm making a few more at least haha.

I also just finished a few bottles I added orval dregs to. I know you're supposed to age them a while but I cracked one and it was so damn good, I drank all bar one. I'll try to leave that one for my birthday in march.

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